七级英语下册Unit3WelcometoSunshineTownReading1练习新牛津 1.doc

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1、Unit 3 Reading 1一、词组翻译。1.许多要做的事_ 2. 乘地铁 3.较少的空气污染_ 4. 紧靠着 5.西餐厅 6. 去散步_ 7.参观当地剧院_ 8. 期盼 _二、根据句意和首字母以及适当形式填空。1. Your hands are d_, and you should clean them at once.2. My home is c_ to our school, so I go to school on foot.3. It t_ us about two hours to do our homework every day.4. I didnt go to slee

2、p u_ ten oclock last night.5. We should help the children in poor a_.6.You can go to our _(当地的) theatre to enjoy Beijing opera.7. There are many tall_(build) in our town.8. I like Chinese food but my sister likes_(west)food.三、用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. There are many souvenirs _ (buy) in Sunshine Town. 2. He

3、often helps the old _ (carry) things. 3. Your idea _ (not sound) nice. Why not _ (listen) to others? 4. Im very tired and I _ (not go) to the cinema this evening.5. Amy with her parents usually _ (live) in the country.6. The students stopped _ (talk) when the teacher came in.7. Each of us _ (have)ou

4、r own bedroom.8. Youd better _ (not play) in the street. Its very dangerous.9. Mr Wang told us _ (not play) football in the street. 10. Dont come in. The room _ (be) full of people. 四、根据汉语提示完成句子。1. 我想待在一个安静的城镇里。I would like town.2. 阳光镇离北京中心不远。Sunshine Town is not of Beijing.3. 为什么不与我们一起参观当地的剧院呢? Visit our with us?4. 我们期待尽快见到你。We are you.1



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