江苏海安大公初级中学八级英语上册8A Unit 5 BirdwatchersPeriod 5 Grammar C学案 牛津.doc

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1、8A Unit 5 BirdwatchersPeriod 5 Grammar C【学习目标】语言知识:学会方式副词的构成和用法语言技能:能灵活运用所学知识更好地理解句子和篇章。能运用所学知识自由表达自己的想法。情感态度:激发学生保护环境的意识,提高社会责任感。【学习重难点】1. 副词的构成及用法。2. 形容词与副词的区别。课前延伸预习生词(补全单词并释义):1. q_ i_ t _ , quietly _; 2. cl_ _r _, clearly_;3. s_ f_ _, softly _; 4. n_ c_ _, nicely _;5. g_ n_ le _, gently _; 6. t

2、r_ e _, truly _;7. _ ngr _ _, angrily _; 8. n_ _ sy _, noisily _;课前思考: 1. 每组中前一个单词为什么词性?2. 每组中后一个单词为什么词性?1-4组中ly是怎么加的?5-6组中ly是怎么加的?7-8组中ly是怎么加的自主学习记录卡1.自学本课内容后,你有哪些疑难之处?2.你有哪些问题要提交小组讨论?课内探究一. Ask students to form adverbs.(P84,GrammaC1)1. (Keys:1. angrily 2. badly 3. brightly 4. carefully 5.clearly 6

3、. closely 7. correctly 8. excitedly 9.freely 10. happily 11. heavily12. loudly 13. neatly14. nicely15. noisily16. pleasantly 17. politely18. possibly19. slowly20. softly)二. Help Sandy complete her article on the trip to Beijing Wildlife Park.(P85, GrammarC2)三. Change the underlined adjectives to adv

4、erbs and rearrange the words to make sentences.(P85,GrammaC3 )1.you can, at Beijing Wildlife Park, close, watch the birds2. to your bird watching place first, walk, quiet3. clear, make sure, from your birdwatching place, you can see4. drop litter, careless, do not5. soft, during the watch, you must

5、talk, very6. in the park., birds fly, happy7. the birds, sing, nice8. clear, for you to write your reports, it is important(Keys:1. At Beijing Wildlife Park, you can watch the birds closely.2. First, walk quietly to your birdwatching place.3. Make sure you can see clearly from your birdwatching plac

6、e.4. Do not drop litter carelessly.5. You must talk very softly during the watch.6. Birds fly happily in the park.7. The birds sing nicely.8. It is important for you to write your reports clearly. )课后提升一、写出下列形容词的副词形式。(必做)1. gentle _ 2.possible _ 3.true_ 4. terrible _5. simple _1. easy _ 2.happy _ 3.

7、heavy _ 4.noisy _ 5.angry_1. good _2.late _3.hard _4.fast _5 long _(Keys:1.gently 2.possiblyb 3.truly 4. terribly 5. simply1.easily 2.happily 3.heavily 4.noisily 5.angrily1.well 2.late 3.hard 4.fast 5. long)二根据句意,重新排列下列各句。(必做)1. As the roads are wet, _. (very/drives/he/careful)2. Traffic is busy and

8、 _. (are/the/slow/cars/moving)3. We are staying home _. (it/heavy/is/because/raining)4. Bees _(always/busy/fly around) looking for flowers.5. The students _. (in/studied/the/library/quite)6. She _. (speak/can/fluent/languages/three)7. Mr. Wang is _ (busy/the office/at/working) and will be late for d

9、inner.8. My parents _ (looked at/angry/me) because I lied. (Keys: 1. he drives very carefully2. the cars are moving slowly3. because it is raining heavily4. always fly around busily5. studied quietly in the library6. can speak three languages fluently7. working busily at the office 8. looked at me angrily )三翻译下列句子。 (选做)1. 我在做一项简单的工作。 我很容易地做这项工作。2. 请告诉我一个正确的答案. 请正确地回答我的问题。3. 他喜欢在这种安静的地方静静地看书。4. 下次要细心.你不能再粗心的做作业了。5. 如果我很开心, 我会很开心地向别人问候。6. 这是一个真实的故事,我确实是从一位老人那里听来的。7. 这是地道的英国食品。孩子们真的很喜欢。 4



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