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1、四川省遂宁市射洪县潼射镇初级中学校2016-2017学年七年级英语上学期期中试题(考试时间:120分钟 总分:150分)(注意:请同学们将1-70题的答案填在答题卡上)听力部分(30分)一、听句子,选择你所听到的单词。(共5分,听两遍)1. A. table B. name C. class D game2. A. pen B. desk C. please D. bed3. A. sit B. fine C. twelve D. five 4. A. hello B. OK C. how D. zero5. A. computer B. excuse C. ruler D. you二、根据所

2、听内容选择恰当的图片。(共5分,听两遍)三、根据听到的问题,选出正确的答语。(共5分,听两遍)11. A. Its a ring. B. This is a case. C. Thats a ruler.12. A. Its yellow. B. Its my baseball. C. Its on the chair.13. A. Yes, I have. B. No, I dont. C. I have one.14. A. My mother. B. My uncle. C. My cousin.15. A. That sounds fun. B. Its a soccer ball.

3、C. Theyre boys.四、听短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共5分,听两遍)16. Whats the English girls name?A. Meimei. B. Linda. C.Jenny.17. Are the two girls students?A. Yes, theyre. B. No, they arent. C. Yes, they are.18. Who is twelve?A. Meimei. B. Linda. C. Jenny.19. What class are they in?A. They are in Class Nine. B. They are

4、in Class Seven. C. Theyre in Class Six.20. Whats Lindas telephone number?A. Its 648-9657. B. Its 256-3698. C. Its 926-3657.笔试部分(120分)五、单项选择(20分)( )21.This is _ English book and that is _Chinese bookAa;an Ban; a Cthe;an D. an; the( )22Please call us _2388977 Aat Bon Cin Dwith( )23You can find your ID

5、 card _the lost and found case(失物招领箱) Aat B、in C、on D、for( )24. Is that Mary Green ? No , its Gina Millers . Her _name is Gina .A、 one B、 first C、 last D、 family( )25. The teachers name is John Brown . His students call (叫)him _ .A、 Mr Brown B、 Mr John C、 Mr Herry D. John Brown( )26Hi! This is _new

6、teacher_name is Linda Ayour;My Bhis;Your Cyour;Her Dher;His( )27.Whats this _ English? A、in B、at C、to D、for( )28._ ? Its my ID cardAWhats that BWho is that CHow do you spell that DIs it an ID card( )29.This _my sister and those _ my parents Ais;is Bis;are Care;is Dare;are( )30. Are these your cousin

7、s? _ .AYes,they arent B、No, these arentCNo, they arent D、Yes,these are( )31.Thanks _ your help(帮助) . A. you B. at C. for D. of ( )32._ is my aunt, and _ is my uncle. A. It, it B. She, he C. He, she D. she, it( )33. Is this a photo _ your family? A. in B. of C. at D. for( )34. _ is my skirt ? Its beh

8、ind(在后面) the door .A、 Where B、 What C、 Whose D、 Which( )35. There are many pictures _ the wall (墙).A、 from B、 on C、 about D、 in( )36. Where are the books ? _ on the desk .A、It is B、They are C、There are D、 There is( )37.Is he Dale? -No, . A.he is B.he isnt C.I am D.Im not( )38. .Are you Linda?A.Thank

9、 you B.Excuse me C.Goodbye D.OK( )39.- under the table? -No, they arent. A.Where are B.What is C.Are they D.Is it( )40.Sorry, I know. A.isnt B. arent C.dont D.is 六、完形填空(10分)Hello! Im Zhang HepingZhang is my 41 nameHeping is my 42 name1m a 43 boyIm 44 My English 45 is PaulIm 46 Class One, Grade Seven

10、OhI find 47 eraser in my classroomIts 48 Now it is in the lost 49 found caseYou can 50 658-6535( )41Afirst Bfamily Cone Dmiddle( )42A1ast Btwo Cfirst Dtoo( )43AChinese BEnglish CAmerica DChina( )44A3 B25 C60 D1l( )45Aname Bcolor Cphone Dbook( )46Aon Bat Cfor Din( )47Athe Ban Ca Dit( )48Awhite Bfine

11、Cyour Dmy ( )49Abut Bwith Cand Dof( )50Ameet Bcall Cspell Dlook七、阅读理解。(30分)(A)Look at this. Whats this in English, do you know? Ah, its a photo. Whos that in the photo? Its Li Yan. Li Yan is my good friend. She is a beautiful girl. Whos that? The boy in black? Its Jim. He is an English boy. He is ve

12、ry cool. He is my friend, too. We are all(所有的) in the same(相同的) school. I like Jim and Li Yan. ( )51What is this? Its _. Aa school Ba friend Ca photo D.an English friend( )52Li Yan is _. Aa good boy Ba cool boy Ca beautiful girl Dan English girl( )53What color is Jim in? _. ARed BYellow COrange DBlack( )54Whos English? _. AI BJim CLi Yan DJim and Li Yan ( )55Who are in the same school? _. AJim and Li Yan BJim and I CLi Yan and I DJim, Li Yan and I( B )阅读下面的几则寻物及招领启示,从每题的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题。Found:Is this your English book? Please call Jim at 5307534. Lost:My pe



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