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1、Unit 3 A day outPeriod 8 Speak up and Study skills Teaching aims and demands:1.To recognize key expressions for making suggestions and arrangements2. To express opinions3. To develop understanding of the differences between facts and opinions4. To introduce students to the use of register5. To encou

2、rage students to state facts and express opinionsKey points and difficult points: making suggestions Teaching aids: A recorder and a small boardTeaching methods: DiscussionTeaching procedures:Step 1: 预习检测(按要求将下列句子分类)A: It took us half an hour to get to the World Park.B: My sister is pretty and sweet

3、.C: Our house looks nicer and tidier than theirs.D: Father is as old as Mother.E: Beijing is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.F: I didnt eat anything this morning.G: We have three meals every day.H: There are two big shopping malls near our school.I: That bike is very cheap;Fact: _ADFGH

4、_Opinion: _B C E I_Step 2 Speak upA: Listening to the tape and finding the answersTell the students the context of the dialogue: Daniel and Kitty are planning a big day out for Linda.Get the students to listen to the tape and find the answers to the following questions:1: Why wont they go to the Gre

5、at Wall? Linda went there yesterday. 2: Why wont they go to the Palace Museum? It is too expensive. 3: Where will they go? They will go to the Temple of the Heaven and Beijing Amusement Park. 4: What will they do in Beijing Amusement park? They will play hide-and-seek. B: Reading the dialogueGet the

6、 students to read the dialogue and then give the students 3-4 minutes for the students to practice in pairs. Encourage students to memorize the dialogue and then role-play it. Remind the students that they can use the questions to help them. C: Underlining the sentencesAsk the students to underline

7、the sentences that make suggestions. Then give a summary to the sentence patterns that make suggestions. 1. Shall we ? 2. Lets ( shall we ) ?3. What / How about doing . ? 4. Why not do sth. ? 5. Why dont you do sth. ? 6. Youd better do sth. 7. Its best to do sth. 8. You need to do sth .D: Responding

8、 with reservationsIt is also important for the students to learn to respond with reservations. Therefore, it is veryimportant for the teachers to get the students focus on the following sentences: Im afraid thats not a good idea.(reasons) Im afraid so.恐怕是的 Im afraid not. 恐怕不能Im afraid (that) 表示不同意,担

9、心,客气地拒绝别人的请求等,that 通常省略。Thats a good idea, but .Tell the students that it is very important for them to be polite and try to put himself across.E:Make up a new dialogue like thisStep3. Study skillsA: Presentation1. T: We often use facts and opinions when we write. Do you know what fact and opinionme

10、an?S: A fact means something true, and an opinion means what the writer thinks, it may or may not be true.( If the students cant explain the meaning, make students have a group discussion). T: For example. Here are some sentences. Can you tell them?1. James is tall. (Fact )He is the best basketball

11、player in the world. (Opinion)2. There are many books on the teachers desk. ( Fact)They are veryinteresting to read. ( Opinion)3. The sports meeting lasted sixteen days. ( Fact)It was so excited. ( Opinion)2. Look at the sentences on P52, try to analyse the differences between the fact and the opini

12、on. Ask the students to find out the words presenting the opinion.(1) the best (2) fun (3) boringB: PracticeLinda found a poster of the World Park. She wants to know if the sentences below are facts or opinions. Put a ( right) in the correct column for each sentences.T: Read the sentences in the pos

13、ter, then have a group discussion. Try to understand whethe they are facts or opinions and tell the the reasons.( underline the words) ( Have a competition in groups)1.Fact 2.Fact3.Fact (in area 在面积上,in size, in weight, in age, in color)4.Opinion -the most wonderful5.Opinion -beautiful6.Opinion -loo

14、ks better than7.Opinion -loves to see8.Fact9.Opinion -great10.Opinion - the most interestingC: Production(1)说出下面画线的句子是事实还是个人观点My friend is Xiao Yi. She has short hair. She has two big eyes and a small mouth. She is tall and thin. He looks like his father. He wears a pair of glasses. He is very smart

15、. I think he is the best student in our class.1. He has short hair. (Fact)2. He looks like his father. (opinion)3. He wears a pair of glasses. (Fact)4. He is very smart. (Opinion)5. I think he is the best student in our class. ( Opinion)(2)Use facts to make a short speech namedOur School and say out your o


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