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1、9A UNIT 1Welcome 1 bring bring sb. sth=bring sth. to sb. (与take比较)2 Worry about = be worried about3 Say, talk, tell, speakSay (vi.) 强调说话内容Talk (vi.) talk to sb. about sth.Tell 告诉。双宾语 tell sb. sth.Speak 说某种语言:正式的演讲,演说4. should(shall过去时)情态动词,“应该”,用于第一人称 Shouldnt 不应该5. sb. be familiar with sth.=sth is

2、familiar to sb 某人对某物熟悉6. recommend sb. sth.=recommend sth. to sb. 向某人推荐某物 Recommend sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事7. join +党派,团体 (加入并成为一员) Join in 参加某项正在进行的某项活动=take part in Join sb. in sth. 加入做某事的行列Reading 1. divideinto 把分成 dividefrom.把与分开2. at times = sometimes 有时 3. patient (adj.) impatient (n.) 病人4. giv

3、e up sth. give up doing sth. = stop doing sth.5. too much 太多 + 名词 much too太 + 形容词6. pay attention to sth. 注意,重视7. be good at = do well in 擅长 be weak/bad in 8. others some others 一些另一些 somethe others 一些其余的 (余下的全部)9. differently; different (be different from); difference10. try to do sth. 尽力做某事; try d

4、oing 试着做Vocabulary1. spend, pay, cost ,takespend (主语为人) spend(in) doing sth. 花费做某事 spend on sth 在某物上花费pay(主语人)pay money for sth. ;pay sb. some moneycost(主语物)sth. cost sb. some money take. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人时间2. explain sb. sth. = explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释某事3. show off 炫耀,卖弄(代词

5、放中间)Grammar1. It is + adj.(品质) + of sb. + (not) to sth. (careless, clever, foolish, good, kind, nice, silly, generous, confident)2. It is + adj. (不定式的特征)+ for sb. + (not) to to do sth.(easy, different, hard, important, necessary, interesting, impossible)3. sb. be (not) + adj. + enough + to do sth. 某

6、人(不)足够做某事与sothat; tooto4. at all times 随时,永远(常在句末)5. have sth. done 使某事被做; have sb. to do sth. 让某人去做Skills1. have success in (doing) sth. = succeed in (doing) sth.adj. successful2. have problems with sth.=have problems (difficulty/trouble) in doing sth.3. make predictions 做预测4. have fun (in) doing s

7、th. 做某事开心5. come up with 找到,提出(解答)6. be afraid of doing 害怕做 be afraid to do 因害怕而不敢做7. mind +doingUNIT 2Welcome1. theres nothing wrong with= there isnt anything wrong with(anything, something,everything,nothing, somebody, anybody, somewhere, anywhere) 形容词位于这些不定代词后2. sth. looks +adj. (good) on sb 某人穿很

8、(好看)Reading1. sleepy, asleep, sleep2. be good/ bad for 对有好处坏处be goo to 对亲切 be good at3. sad, sadness, sadly4. cheer sb. up=cheer sb. up 使振奋起来,高兴起来5. remind : remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事 remind sb. (not) to do sth.6. have difficulty (in) doing sth. = have difficulty with sth.7. make a decision to do st

9、h. = decide to do sth.Grammar1. would rather A than B 宁愿A而不愿Bwould rather do sth. than do sth. 宁愿做而不愿做2. prefer A to B 比起A更喜欢Bprefer to doing to doingprefer to do than to do3. someone/ somebody 多用于肯定句;用于疑问句中,表示建议,请求anyone/ anybody 多用于否定: 任何人no one /none 没有人4. wonder (vi) =want to know +if/ whether (

10、n.) 奇观 adj. wonderfulSkills1. promise (sb.) to do 答应(某人)做某事promise (sb.) that promisesb. sth. = promise sth. to sb.n. make a promise 许下诺言2. advise (doing) sth. 建议(做)某事 advise sb. (not) to sth. 建议某人(做)某事 n. advice (不可数) give advice to sb. on sth. 在某事上给某人建议3. how about = what about 怎么样4a pair of (动词用单

11、数) + 复数5. a little bit of + adj. 有点6. because, since, as , for Because, 表直接原因,从句时全句重心 since, 侧重主句,表示显然的或已知的原因 as, 主从句并重 for, 表附加或推断的理由,引导从句用”,”隔开,for 不可放句首UNIT 3Reading1. deal with sth. 处理某事 deal with sb. 对待某人 what to do with how to do with2. have no choice but to do sth. 别无选择,只能做vi. choose+ n. /to

12、do3. stay up 熬夜4. accept(主观上的领受,接受)refusereceive 客观上5. hand in sth. (如sth. 为代词则放中间)hand out 分发6. hardly, 几乎不,表否定意义hard. adj. 硬的,困难的 adv. 努力地,猛烈地7. worth be worth sth./ doing sth.8. be of great value = be very valuable 很有价值be of + 抽象名词 = be +形容词 (interest/ importance)9. hear from=get/receive a letter

13、 from 收到来信hear of (about) 听说,听说过10. allow sb. to do sth.allow doing sth.11. be strict with sb. 对某人严格be strict in sth 在方面严格12. from time to time =at times = sometimes有时13. either, 两者之一;both两者都;all三者及以上都14. also,(较正式);too, as well,(较口语)Grammartruth; to tell the truth 说实话 adj. true; trulyskills 1. be p

14、roud of 为自豪2. Its my pleasure/ My pleasure/ Its a pleasure 不用谢3. suffer from (doing) sth. 因(做)而受折磨4. though (引导让步状语); although(必须用于句首)5. cause of/ reason for 的原因UNIT 4Welcome1. far (adv.) 极,太,修饰adj. far too busyfar (adj.) 远的 far from2. send sth. out / send out sth. 发出 Send off 寄出 send for 派人去请 send up 发射 Grammar 1. a number of = numbers of 许多+可数名词复数 the number of 的数量 谓语用单数 2. live 现场直播的;活的 v. 生活 living 有生命的; alive 活着的; lively 活泼的 3. direct v. 导演 adj. 直接的; adv. Directly; director 4. find + sb./sth. + adj. 发现某人/某物处于某种状态6 5. dead 死的(状态); die s死(瞬间) n.


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