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1、Unit 6 Do you like bananas一、单项选择。1. What does your sister like doing in her spare time(业余时间)?She _ watching TV.A. likes B. liked C. has liked D. had liked2. Its sunny today.What about _ to the park?That sounds good.A. go B. to go C. going D. to going3. Many kids(孩子) are very happy(快乐的) and they eat

2、very _.A. good B. well C. nice D. OK4. What do you usually have for _ breakfast?A piece of bread and _egg.A. a;an B. 不填;the C. a;the D. 不填;an5. We usually eat _ at 6:30 in the evening.A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner D. milk6. _ does your father have _ lunch?Rice and chicken.A. What;for B. How;for C.

3、 What;/ D. How;/7. _ have some icecream.Great! I like it so much.A. Lets B. Let them C. Let D. Let him8. They like _.A. French fry B. strawberrys C. tomatos D. salad9. Lindas parents _ hamburgers or icecream.A. dont like B. doesnt like C. dont likes D. doesnt likes10. There are some _ and _ in the f

4、ridge(冰箱). A. tomatos; milk B. tomatos; milks C. tomatoes; milk D. tomatoes; milks11. There _ some milk and two eggs on the table.A. is B. are C. has12. The songs sound _ and I like them very much.A. well B. good C. bad D. badly13. I like _. Fruit, you know, is good for our health.A. potatoes B. ban

5、anas C. eggs D. pies(馅饼)14. I slept late yesterday, _ I am late for school this morning.A. so B. but C. because D. or15. What do we need for the salad?We need two apples and three _.A. orange B. tomatoes C. strawberry D. bread二、完形填空。Do you like eating fruit? Fruit is 1 food. Eating fruit is usually

6、2 for peoples health. Many people 3 some fruit every day. My family also(也) like 4 very much, 5 we like different(不同的) fruits. My 6 likes strawberries. She thinks they are very delicious(美味的). My father 7 bananas. And he eats 8 every day. I like apples, and I have one 9 breakfast every day. But my s

7、ister doesnt like them. She likes oranges because she thinks their 10 is beautiful. And she has a great collection of orange things.1. A. fun B. boring C. healthy D. well2. A. good B. bad C. OK D. well3. A. has B. have C. eats D. do4. A. fruit B. food C. vegetables D. dessert5. A. because B. so C. o

8、r D. but6. A. mother B. father C. brother D. uncle7. A. doesnt need B. likes C. doesnt like D. needs8. A. her B. it C. him D. them9. A. to B. on C. for D. in10. A. color B. picture C. smell D. size三、阅读理解。AJim:Good evening, Mom.Mom:Good evening, Jim.Jim:Do we eat chicken for dinner, Mom?Mom:No, we ea

9、t fish(鱼肉) and carrots, dear.Jim:Mom, I dont like carrots.I like chicken.Mom:But we need more vegetables, not only meat. Its not good to eat chicken every day.Jim:OK. But my dad likes chicken, too.Mom:Well, lets eat chicken and broccoli tomorrow(明天). Jim:That sounds great!1. What do they eat for din

10、ner?A. Chicken. B. Fish.C. Carrots. D. Carrots and fish.2. What does Jim want(想要) to eat for dinner?A. Fish. B. Chicken. C. Broccoli. D. Carrots.3. They need to eat more _, not only meat.A. chicken B. broccoli C. vegetables D. fish4. Does Jims father like chicken?A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isnt.C. No,

11、 he doesnt. D. Yes, he does.5. What will they eat tomorrow?A. Fish and carrots. B. Chicken and fish.C. Broccoli and chicken. D. More vegetables.BIn my class, I have some good friends, and their names are Kate, Mike and Jim. I know them well and know what they like. Mike likes oranges very much. He l

12、ikes the color of oranges. He doesnt like apples. Jim thinks that eggs are very delicious. He has two eggs for breakfast every morning. He doesnt like tomatoes. What about Kate? She likes strawberries, but she doesnt eat them every day. In her bedroom, she has many pictures of strawberries on the wa

13、ll. She doesnt like bananas. She thinks they taste horrible(糟透的). 6. Mike and Kate are the writers(作者的) _.A. brothers B. brother and sister C. friends D. teachers7. Mike doesnt like _.A. oranges B. apples C. eggs D. tomatoes8. _likes eggs very much.A. MikeB. Jim C. Kate D. The writer9. What does Kate like?A. Strawberries. B. Bananas. C. Tomatoes. D. Oranges.10. Which of the following is NOT true?A. The writer knows what Jim likes. B. Mike likes oranges.C. Jim doesnt like tomatoes


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