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1、江苏省兴化市昭阳湖初级中学2014-2015学年七年级英语下学期第17周基础练习1 Class: Name: 一用所给词的正确形式填空1.We each (have) a football sticker.= Each of us (have) a football sticker.2.Would you like _(live) on the top floor of a building?3.Would you please_(show) your new bicycle to me?4.We have fun _ (play) football.= We _ _ _ _ _ (play)

2、 football.5.Our classroom is different from _ (they)6. - _James _(join) in the next basketball match? - Of course he is.7.Our teacher often makes all of us _(water) the flowers.8.September is the _ (nine ) month of the year.9.Its only 40 _ (minute) walk from here to the center of the city. We can tr

3、y the pizza in the _ (west) restaurant.10.You have to _ (finish) your homework before _(go) to bed. 11.Be careful when you go _ (cross) the road. 12.Please stop (talk). The teacher is coming. 13.Lets have lunch _ (quick). 二、单项选择。( )1. I usually go out for _ walk after _ supper. Aa; / B. /; a C. the;

4、 / D. a; a( )2. This is car A. his own B. himself C. his owns D. his owns ( )3. -Which is _ , the sun , the moon , or the earth? -Of course , the moon is.A. small B. smaller C. smallest D. the smallest( )4. His family _ a large one. The whole family _ watching TV. A is, is B are, are C is, are D are

5、, is( )5. -Xinghua is a beautiful city, isnt it?-Yes. There are about two visitors here every week.A. thousands of B. thousands C. thousand D. thousand of( )6. try some Shandong food for dinner today? Good idea.A. Why not B. Why dont C. Why not toD. Why not we( )7. -Do you need a new dictionary, Sus

6、an? -No, Mum. I have _ now. A one B it C the one D another( )8. -May I use your pen? -Sorry. I am using _ now. A it B one C this D that( )9. My mother often asks us _ late.A. not to stays up B. dont stay up C. doesnt stay up D. not to stay up( ) 10. He has two friends. One is from English, and is fr

7、om America. A. another B. other C. the other D. others 三、根据汉语完成下列句子,每空一词 1一直往前走,在第二个路口右转。Walk _ _, and turn right _ _ _ _./and_ _ _ _ on the right.2我很高兴邀请你参加生日聚会。 Im very happy _ _ you _ the birthday party.3路过木房子,你会看见一条小河。_ _ the wooden house, you_ _ a small river.4我们很期待参观长城。We are _ _ _ _ the Great

8、 Wall.5. 从北京到这个小镇大约3英里。 Its about _ _ _ Beijing _ the town.6. 熊猫成天躺着,而猴子总是上蹿下跳。Pandas like _ _ _ _ _ while monkeys always _ _ _ _.7.拥有这样的社区中心,我们很幸运。 Were _ _ _ a community centre _ _.8.一些家庭饲养奶牛,另一些家庭种植小麦。 families _ cows,and _ _ wheat. 9.我想买两公斤牛肉和三袋盐。I want to buy two of and three of . 10. 为什么不带我们参观当地的剧院呢?_ _ _ us _ the local theatre?3


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