山东东营第二中学七级英语下册 Unit 5 Section A学案 人教新目标.doc

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1、Unit 5 Im Watching TV Section A 导学稿学习目标1. Read, write and use words from “clean” to “wait” correctly .2. Learn to talk about what people are doing .3. Understand the Present Progressive Tense(现在进行时) simply.1 学习重点:现在正在进行时态的用法,构成及其动词的现在分词的写法。三学习过程Step1 自主学习( Self-study)read these words and phrases: cl

2、ean , read , happy , apartment , TV show , sure , wait .doing homework , watching TV , eating dinner , talking on the phone , writing a letter , waiting forStep2 学说1 读一读,练一练 a: Read the words in 1a in groups . b: Match the words with the activities .2 先听录音1b,录音里的人正在干什么?然后结合图画标注出来。A:根据所听内容,你试试会说吗?和同桌

3、尝试完成1c的对话。 B:继续和同桌合作,尝试说说1a的六幅图。Step3交流释疑1.读例词,例句,找规律,做练习。doing homework .watching TV. cleaning eating dinner reading, talking 我的发现:注意六个词组中动词与词汇表中的单词有啥区别,注意其词形变化。 练一练:go .write .speak sit .pay study .eat_ .come_. run _.listen _2.我观察:What are you doing ? Im watching TV . Whats he doing ? He is writin

4、g a letter . Whats she doing ? She is doing her homework.我发现:“现在进行时”的构成_+_3. -Is Nancy doing homework?-No,she isnt. Shes writing a letter.-What are you doing? -Im watching TV.-Im doing sports on the playground now.我的发现:注意这3个句子分别代表现在正在进行时态的一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,陈述句,总结其变化规律。现在正在进行时态句子的基本构成肯定式结构:否定式结构: 一般疑问句结构:

5、特殊疑问句结构:练一练: He is reading a book now.一般疑问句及其简单回答:对划线部分提问:总结其变化规律,做题方法: 什么时候用现在正在进行时态即表示: Step4训练巩固:1.听力训练:(1)听2a录音,完成2a的两个问题。 (2)听2b录音,重新调整2b的顺序。2.对话训练:二人合作,按照如下模式口头练习 2c的8幅图。A: Is Nancy doing her homework?B: No, she isnt. She is writing a letter.(或:Yes, she is .)Step5 学习成果展示(现在进行时的灵活运用)1 Talk abou

6、t the pictures in 3a . eg: In picture1 , the girl is reading a book on the sofa .2 Talk about the pictures in 4 . eg: In picture 1,the boy is taking a bottle of milk .3 当记者,作现场报道,观察你周围的同学,看看他们在干什么,用英语描述出来。eg: Hello,everyone . Today is .Its a fine day today . Look! is . is . and are.四达标检验:1. 写出下列动词的现

7、在分词watch_clean_read_bring_write_ take_sit_ swim_2 .用动词的适当形式填空1. Listen! Someone _(sing).2. Look! What _ they _(do)? They _(talk) about the movie.3. Where is your sister? She _(play) soccer.五作业一将下列动词变为其现在分词形式。1swim 2listen 3stop 4read 5shop 6.wait 7make 8come 9do 10.write 11.put 12.run 二.用所给动词的适当形式填空

8、:1 I _(not watch) TV now.2. Look! The duck_(swim) in the river.3. What time_your brother_(do) his homework every evening?4. Dont talk! Your father is sleep.5.He with his family eatdinner now.6. Look! The students playon the playground.7. Its 3:45 in the afternoon now. We havea meeting.8.He usually g

9、oto school in his Dads car.9.The boy not dohis homework on weekends.10.My father often watchTV in the evening.三.句型转换。1. He is studying English in his room.A.变其一般疑问句及其简略回答:B.对划线部分提问:2He sits before his computer every day.A.用now替换every day的句子:B. 变其一般疑问句及其简略回答:C. 对划线部分提问:3.They are running on the playg

10、round (就画线部分提问) _ _ they _ on the playground?4. He is watching TV. (用read books 改为选择疑问句) _ he _ TV _ _books ?四.Fill in the blanks: Its a fine Sunday morning. Therere many people in the park. They are playing. Look: Two boys _ (play) with yo-yos. A girl_ (fly) a kite. Two Children_(mend) a toy boat.

11、There_ (be) a lake in the park. Near the lake ,a young man_ (run). There _ (be) two men near the house. They_ (work) hard now. A woman _ (water) the flowers . A girl_ (draw). Look at the big tree. Two cats _ (run) up the tree. What do they want to do? They want _ (catch) the bird. All of them are very happy 4


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