九级英语上册 Unit 10 By the time I got outside the bus had already left达标练习 人教新目标.doc

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1、Unit 10 By the time I got outside the bus had already left我夯基我达标.翻译下列词组1.到时候为止 2.去洗澡 3.(闹钟)响 4.迅速离开,跑掉 5.让某人搭车 6.损坏,坏掉 7.熬夜 8.一个化装舞会 9.结婚 10.穿好衣服 答案:1.by the time2.get into the shower3.go off4.run off5.give sb. a ride/pick up6.break down7.stay up8.a costume party9.get married10.get dressed.单项选择1.(20

2、10黄冈模拟)By the time I got to the station,the train.A.had already leftB.leftC.has leftD.would leave答案:Aby the time引导时间状语,句子要用完成时态。时间状语中的got是过去时,所以主句要用过去完成时。2.Maryall the exercises before her teacher collected the exercise books.A.have finishedB.finished C.had finished D.finish答案:CMary完成作业,发生在老师手作业之前,“

3、过去的过去”用过去完成时。3.The people heard the bad news that the heroseveral hours ago.A.had diedB.has diedC.diedD.dies答案:Adie这个动作发生在heard之前,发生在过去的过去。4.By the time he was fourteen,heup a small chemistry lab.A.had setB.has setC.setD.sets答案:Aby the time 加上一般过去时态,主句用过去完成时态。5.All the students stoppedwhen the teach

4、er came in.A.talkB.to talkC.talkingD.talked答案:C停止正在做的事情用stop doing。6.The bad news spreads aroundvillage quickly.A.the wholeB.whole theC.the allD.whole答案:Athe与whole连用是the 在whole 之前,“整个的=all the.”。.单词拼写1.I (睡过头) this morning so that I was late for school.2.Nick (熬夜)last night because of the math test.

5、3.John was going to meet me earlier but he didnt (露面).4.When my alarm clock (闹响),it had been 10 oclock.5.She got (结婚) last year.6.Shenzhou spaceship will (登陆) the moon in ten years.7.I was late for the party because my car (坏掉,抛锚) in halfway.8.He invited all his (亲戚)to his wedding.9.Chairman Mao(宣布)

6、 in a proud voice that PRC was formally founded on October 1,1949.10.Lets (揭露) Chen Shuibians guilty(罪行).答案: 1.overslept2.stayed up3.show up4.went off5.married6.land on7.broke down8.relatives9.announced10.reveal我综合我发展.听力A.根据所听到的内容在短文空白处填上正确的单词生词:cacao n.可可(树);可可豆ceremony n.典礼Do you know how chocolat

7、e is1 and what it is made of? When you walk into the2,a lot of trees will greet your3.But why are there so many trees,and not chocolate?4these are called cacao trees,and they can produce cacao beans.Chocolate is made of cacao beans,and the cacao beans have a 3000 year5.And what is more6,many people

8、in different7of the world have Chocolate Ceremonies! At the ceremonies,8often make a very huge9of chocolate.Everyone can eat as much as he wants! Do you want to 10them?B.根据所听短文内容选择最佳答案生词:secretaryn.秘书1.Sam telephoned his .A.sisterB.motherC.sisters son2.Sam called to .A.tell his sister somethingB.the

9、 teapot to another placeC.he wanted his sister to call back3.Sam told Tom to move the teapot because .A.the teapot was in the wrong placeB.the teapot should be on the bedC.he wanted his sister to call back4.When Sams sister came back home .A.Tom told her who had telephoned herB.Tom told her who want

10、ed him to move the teapotC.she called back to ask Sam why the teapot was on the bed5.The chair was put on the desk because.A.the secretary wanted to remember who telephoned SamB.the secretary wanted to clean the officeC.Sams sister called back to ask the secretary to do it答案:A.1.produced2.museum3.ey

11、es4.Because5.history6.interesting7.parts8.people9.piece10.joinB.1.A2.A3.C4.B5.C听力原文:A.Do you know how chocolate is produced and what it is made of? When you walk into the museum,a lot of trees will greet your eyes. But why are there so many trees,and not chocolate?Because these are called cacao tree

12、s,and they can produce cacao beans.Chocolate is made of cacao beans.find the cacao beans have a 3000 year history.And what is more interesting,many people in different parts of the world have Chocolate Ceremonies! At the ceremonies,people often make a very huge piece of chocolate.Everyone can eat as

13、 much as he wants! Do you want to join them?B.When Sam telephoned his sisters house from his office,her little son,Tom,told him that his mother was not at home.He knew that leaving a message for her to call back would not be useful.So he said,“Tom,move the teapot from the table to the bed.When your

14、mother asks why it is there,tell her I told you to do it and she should call me to find out why.”Later on Sam had to leave the office for lunch.When he returned,he found his chair on top of his desk.“Why is this here?” he asked his secretary.“Your sister returned your call”she replied.用所给词的适当形式填空1.By the time I got to the bus stop,the bus had already (leave).2.They (make)a lot of friends since they came to our school.3.She was so (embarrass)that he didnt know what to say at the moment.4.They have been (marry)since eight ye


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