九级英语 unit7unit11复习题 人教新目标.doc

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1、人教新目标九年级Units 7-11复习1 短语 从容;轻松;不紧张 尽快地 乐意(做某事) 相当多;不少 继续;坚持;保持 分发;发放 推迟;拖延 与想像 张贴;搭建 要;要求;请求 产生结果;发展;成功 用来做 落入;陷入 与相撞 停止运转;出现故障 出席;露面 激起;引起 结婚 用来做 错误地 根据;按照;据所说;视而定 打电话 省钱、存钱 向前直走 打扮成. 根据、依靠、依赖、决定于 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事 另一方面 把借给某人 为了做 表目的 上交 习惯于做某事二完成句子1. For your next vacation, why visiting Paris?下一次假期为什么不考虑

2、去巴黎呢?2.What about making our teacher a card? (同义句) Why _ _ our teacher a card?3. you speak French yourself, travel with someone who can translate things for you. 如果你自己不讲法语,旅游时最好带上能给你翻译的人。 If _, _ travel with someone who can translate things for you.4. Not only about helping other people, but I get t

3、o spend time doing what I love to do.我不仅对帮助别人感到很满足,而且我还渐渐地花时间做自己喜爱做的事情。5.To work in a school is very interesting._ _ very interesting to work in a school.6.Jim looks like his elder brother. Jim _ _ his elder brother.7. By the time I woke up, my father the bathroom and I had to wait for him to come o

4、ut. 到我醒来的时候,我父亲已经进去洗澡了,我只好等他出来。 8.I dont like this shirt because it is too thin for me. I _ wearing this shirt because it isnt _ _ for me.9. To understand what he is saying is too difficult._ _ too difficult to understand what he is saying.10. Whats the population of China? _ _ is the number of peop

5、le in China?11. 我想每天给你们更多的时间学习和休息。I want to give you _ to study and rest.三选择1. We must keep children _ in that river. A. of swim B. from swim C. from swimming D. of swimming2. Can floods _ in this way?A. are prevented B. Prevent C. have prevented D. be prevented3. _ people were hurt in the train acc

6、ident. A. Thousands B. Two thousands C. Thousand of D. Thousands of4. She will be an English teacher _ a few _ time.A. after, months B. in, months C. in, months D. after, months5.Of all the seasons I like spring best because its _ too cold _ too hot.A. both, and B. either, or C. not only, but also D

7、. neither, nor7. The flood couldnt stop the soldiers _ towards the most dangerous places. A. from moving B. for moving C. on moving D. to move8.Have you ever _ that before?A. heard from B. heard about C. heard of D. hear of9. Neither I nor she _ the film yet. A. saw B. have seen C. has seen D. hasnt

8、 seen10. - Have you finished writing yet? - _. A. More than B. Less than C. More and less D. More or less11. - How many apples do you want? - _.A. More or less B. More and more C. The better, the more D. The more, the better12. - _ is the Great Wall?- Its over six thousand kilometres long.A. How far

9、 B. How much C. How many D. How long四完形填空 Im having a great time in Hong Kong, _1_ I have to be honest and say that I 2 Shanghai. Still, its a great place to 3 and Im lucky to be here for my 4 English course. Some other students are learning Japanese. I might like to learn some too. I like to be a p

10、erson who speaks different 5 . There is just so 6 to see and do in Hong Kong. Last night I went to a Chinese musical concert. Most of my friends like loud music that they can dance to. I prefer quiet, traditional music 7 the concert suited me just fine. I love great concerts and restaurants. Before

11、the concert we went for Italian 8 . Theres lots of different kinds of food here. I dont know what to try next. My host family is taking me over to an Indian film festival next weekend. Im not sure what to 9 because Ive never seen an Indian film. 10 people say theyre boring, others say theyre great.

12、1. A. although B. Because C. so D. but2. A. like B. prefer C. enjoy D. want3. A. visit B. eat C. drink D. look4. A. a six month B. a six-month C. six-month D. six-months5. A. Words B. songs C. languages D. sentences6. A. much B. little C. few D. many7. A. but B. or C. so D. yet8. A. food B. restaurant C. film D. concert


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