河北兴隆半壁山中学八级英语下册Unit 56导学案 人教新目标.doc

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1、河北省兴隆县半壁山中学八年级英语下册Unit 5-6导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版基本信息学生信息姓名:班级:组别:教师信息备课人:授课时间:总节数:内容信息课题:八年级下Unit5-6课型:复习学习目标:1.熟记单词,短语,重点句型并能准确运用。 2.阅读训练。重难点:准确运用单词,短语,重点句型。教具使用:多媒体单词检测1.花_2.反对_3.机会_4.今晚_5.肥胖的_比较级_最高级_6.窗户_7.解释_8.收集_9.一双,一对_10.自从_11.举起,饲养,筹集_12.几个的_12.邮票_13.风筝_14.任何人_15.储存,商店_16.蛋糕_17.硬币_18.首都_19.欧洲_欧洲的,

2、欧洲人_20.俄国_俄国的,俄国人_21.澳大利亚_澳大利亚人(的)_22.一千_23.外国的_外国人_24.相当,十分_25.确实的,无疑的_26.错过,想念_27.emperor_28.character_29.topic_30.extra_mon_32.particularly/especially_33.following_34.lawyer_law_35.使受伤_受伤的_36.charity_37.agent_38.organize_跟踪训练1. Italy and Germany are_(Europe)countries.2. Many people were _(受伤) in

3、the earthquake.3. I _(收集) stamps since I was ten years old.4. Beijing is the c_ of China.5. There are about two _(千) people in the meeting room.6. Ill show my collection of _(邮票) to the class.7. Some _ study other _ languages.(forgeign)8. Our school will organize a picture show _(筹集) money for chari

4、ty.9. In spring, the green trees and beautiful f_ make me happy.短语检测1 .玩地开心_/_/_2.拿走_3.世界各地_4.谋生_5.反对做某事_6.一直_7.踢足球_8.弹钢琴_9.一双鞋_10.两副眼镜_11.用完_/_12.顺便一提_13.对感兴趣_14.五千_15.数千的_跟踪训练1.I was doing the same job _(一直), and I really felt tired.2. I have to stop using my mobile phone because I have _(用完) the

5、money in my card.3. They _(.玩地开心) in the park last Sunday.( )4.Dont listen to your MP4 in class, or your teacher will _. A take away it B take it away C take away them D take them away( )5.Peter likes playing _ football very much, but he doesnt like _ football I bought for him on his birthday. A the

6、, the B /, / C the, / D /, the达标检测:基础题( )1.-James, your socks are on the chair. Please _. OK. Mum. A put it away B put away it C put them away D put away them( )2. My brother left school in 2005. Since then he _ in Beijing. A lives B lived C will live D has lived( )3. Have you read this book? - Yes.

7、 I _ it two weeks ago. A am reading B have read C read D will read( )4.He has _China since last year. A been in B been to C gone to D been( )5.Sam has learnt Chinese since he _ to China. A comes B came C has come D will come( )6.My father _ on business for two weeks. He will return in ten days.A lef

8、t B has left C has been away D has gone( )7.We will have no water to drink _ we protect the earth. A until B unless C though D if( )8.Well go shopping as soon as it _. A will stop raining B will stop to rain C stops raining D stops to rain提高题( )7.-Have you ever been anywhere for a trip?-A trip? I _

9、away from my hometown even once.A went B have gone C have been D have never been( )8.-Sam, do you know if Alice _ to my party next week? -I think she will come if she _ free. A comes, is B comes, will be C will come, is D will come, will be( )9. Lucy,what about going camping if it _ tomorrow? -Sound

10、s great. A didnt rain B isnt rain C wont rain D doesnt rain( )10. _ nice flowess! Where did you buy them?A How B What C What a D What an( )11.Sally, _ up quickly. Its time to have breakfast.A get B gets C getting D to get12.selling,makes,he,a,by,living,books_.13.collect,did,when,you,start,shells,to_?14.the, dont, party, bring, food, to _.课后反思个性化复备3


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