初三英语Unit9 What is it made of知识精讲 朗文.doc

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1、初三英语Unit9 What is it made of知识精讲一. 本周教学内容: Unit 9 What is it made of? I. 词汇 bamboo pan jacket metal stamp wool wood lock stone widely Britain set Germany Frenchman traveller cotton silk camera digital ordinaryII. 词组与惯用法: be made in 在生产或制造 be made of 由组成、由构成 be used for 用于 a TV set 一台电视机 all over the

2、 world 全世界III. 日常交际用语 1. Whats this call in English? 2. Whats it made of? Its made of 3. Whats it used for? Its used for IV. 语法 Active Voice 主动语态 Many people speak English. They grow tea in Southeast China. Statement forms. 被动语态,陈述句形式 Its used for cooking. They are made in China. English is spoken b

3、y many people. Tea is grown in Southeast China. 被动语态疑问形式Question forms Is it produced in China? Is it used for cooking? 二. 重点和难点 1. 分数的表达 分数的基本构成:分子为基数词 分母为序数词,分子大于1时,分母的序数词应用复数形式。 one-fourth (one quarter) three-fourths(three quarters) two - fifths 2. information 动词inforn后缀tion. operateoperation(手术

4、) inventinvention(发明) contributecontribution(贡献) decoratedecoration(装饰) discussdiscussion(讨论) educateeducation(教育) pollutepollution(污染) pronouncepronunciation(发音) competecompetition(比赛) describedescription(描写) graduategraduation(毕业) realizerealization(认识) 3. try的用法: (1)try试一试have a try Can I have a

5、try? (2)try审问、宣判 Which judge has tried the case. 哪位法官审理过这个案子? (3)try与一些词构成的短语 A. try ones best = do ones best I tried my best to find the answer. = I did my best to find the answer. B. try on 试穿 May I try it on? C. try out 试验、试用 Edison was always asking questions and try out new ideas. 4. be able to

6、 / can (1)can只有现在式和过去式,因此当表示将来或完成意义时,要用be able to 的将来时态或完成时态。 His uncle can (is able to )drive a bus. Li Lida could(was able to )cross the Qiongzhou channel when he was thirteen. (2)表示经过努力而成功的某一次动作,只能用be able to 而不用could Will he be able to escape from the prison? Can he dance? 注意: A. 当can表示许可的意思时,不能

7、与be able to 互换。 B. can和be able to 没有进行时态 C. be able to 后不能接不定式的被动语态。 5. 被动语态的构成 (1)被动语态的陈述句形式为 主语bep.p(动词的过去分词)其它 Kinves are used for cutting things. (2)被动语态的一般疑问句形式为: Be+主语p.p其它? Are these machines made by the workers? (3)被动语态的特殊疑问句形式为: How many books are sold out? 6. more and more“越来越” Our country

8、 is becoming more and more beautiful. He ran faster and faster. 7. the +比较级,the 比较级“越越” The more we learn, the happier we are. (答题时间:30分钟)I. 选择填空1. -Im sorry to have kept you _. -It doesnt matter. I just arrived five minutes ago.A. to waitB. waitC. waitedD. waiting2. Sandstorm _ in Beijing several t

9、imes this year. A. were happened B. were happeningC. have happened D. are happened3. Both sides of Green Road _ with grass and trees and many people go there after supper. A. are coveringB. are coveredC. coverD. have covered4. -How deep shall I dig the hole?-The hole should be _.A. two metres deepB.

10、 two-metre deepC. two metre deepD. two-metre-deep 5. -I failed in my English exam last term.-_!A. Take careB. Youre wrongC. Excuse meD. What a pity6. How is the weather in Canada?Oh. Its very_ in November, and its even _ in December.A. colder, coldestB. cold, coldC. cold, colderD. colder, cold 7. We

11、 should do _ to stop sandstorms from happening again and again. A. anythingB. somethingC. some thingD. any thing8. Excuse me, do you know _? A. where our teacher livesB. our teacher lives whereC. where lives our teacherD. where does our teacher live9. _ of my parents is in. They are having their hol

12、iday in France. A. NoneB. BothC. NeitherD. Either10. -Where is your father? I havent seen him for weeks.-He _ America.A. is going toB. goes toC. has been to D. has gone to11. The little boy is only six years old, _ he can make beautiful model plane. A. soB. butC. orD. if12. -Whats the date today?-_.

13、A. Its 26th May B. Its fine.C. Its Sunday.D. Its June13. Its _ difficult to speak a foreign language than read it. A. too muchB. much tooC. very moreD. much more14. I didnt want to do my homework when my parents _ TV. A. watchedB. had watchedC. were watchingD. would watching15. Most of the stars are _ light years away from the earth. A. thousandsB. thousands ofC. thousand ofD. thousandII. 阅读理解下面是有关两种产品的介绍,请你仔细阅读,然后判断下面句子的正误。参考答案http:/www.DearEDU.comI1 D2C3B4A5D6C7B8A9C10D 11B12A13D14C15B II. 略用心 爱心 专


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