初三英语Unit14 Collecting 人教四制.doc

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1、初三英语Unit14 Collecting一. 本周教学内容 Unit 14 Collecting 二. 知识归纳与总结1. Hey, Zhao Feng, wait up! I just got this new stamp from Brussels. 喂,赵锋,等等,我刚刚得到一张布鲁塞尔的邮票。 wait up 等等2. Oh, this is cool. 呵,这太棒了。3. Many didnt have enough money for food, let alone buy tolls for their children. 许多人没有足够的钱去购买食物,更不用说为自己的孩子买玩

2、具了。let alone = not to mention 更不用说4. You name it 你就提名吧 name: mention, cite5. 复习动词不定式(to do)【典型例题】1. Hong Kong is _ the south of China, and Macao(澳门)is_ the west of Hong Kong.A. in; to B. to; to C. to; in D. in; in答案:A解析:表示方位的介词,in指在范围之内,to表示互不包括,on表示接壤。2. Few of us like him because he thinks _ of ot

3、hers than of himself.A. much more B. a little C. much D. much less答案:D解析:没有人喜欢他因为他考虑别人少于自己。3. He used to_ very late, but now he is used to_ early.A. get up; getting up B. get up; get upC. getting up; get up D. getting up; getting up答案:A解析:used to do 过去常常做某事,be used to doing 习惯做某事4. It was very late.

4、 She stopped the children from _TV.A. watches B. to watch C. watched D. watching 答案:D解析:stop sb. from doing 阻止某人做某事5. Could you tell me_?A. which room he lives B. which room he livedC. which room did he live inD. which room he lives in答案:D解析:宾语从句用陈述语序,主句一般现在时,从句一般现在时6. Which of the following does pa

5、per burn in? A. CO2 B.N2 C.O2 D.H2 答案:C解析:纸在氧气中燃烧。7. Tom ate nothing this morning._.A. Nor Kate did B. So did Kate C. So Kate did D. Neither did Kate 答案:D解析:今天早晨汤姆什么都没吃,凯特也是。8. Mr Green is ill today._.A. OK B. Im sorry to hear thatC. He is too poor D. Im sorry答案:B解析:格林先生今天病了。 听到这个我很遗憾。9. Would you l

6、ike to go out for a walk with us?_A. Thats right B. Yes, Id like C. Of course not D. Id love to答案:D解析:我愿意。10. Please give my best wishes to your grandfather. _. I will.A. Not at all B. Thank you C. I dont think D. Sorry答案:B解析:对别人给与的祝愿表示感谢。11. What do you say when you are in danger?_. A. Please B. He

7、lp C. Im afraid D. 110答案:B解析:help 救命12. Happy Childrens Day, torn._, Mum.A. Thats all right B. The same to you C. Oh. Really? D. Thank you答案:D解析:表示感谢。13. Im sorry I broke your glasses.Oh. Really? _.A. It doesnt matter B. Its OK with meC. I dont care D. Dont be sorry 答案:A解析:没关系。14. Can you use MSN to

8、 _ messages on the net?Sorry, I cant, Will you show me how_ it.A. send; to use B. take; to sendC. give; I use D. make; I do答案:A解析:发送信息send messages,特殊疑问词+to do 作宾语15. _?Im looking for a present for my daughter.A. Can you help meB. What can I do for youC. What do you wantD. How much is the present答案:

9、B解析:What can I do for you,售货员的特殊用语。(答题时间:60分钟)一. 阅读理解阅读下列短文,并做每篇后的题目。从A、B、C、D中选出能回答所提问题或完成句子的最佳答案。(A)It was half past seven in the morning. The telephone bell rang and Mary went to answer it. “Hello, whos that? ”she asked.“Its me”Peter.Peter was a friend of Marys brother, Johnny.“Oh, hello, Peter. W

10、hat do you want?”said Mary.“Can I speak to Johnny?”“No, ”said Mary, “you cant speak to him now. He is busy. He is getting ready for school. He is eating his breakfast. Grandmother is combing his hair, Sister is under the table, putting his shoes on. Mother is getting his books and putting them in hi

11、s schoolbag. Goodbye. Ive got to go now. I have to hold the door open, the school bus in coming.”What do you think of the story? Are you sometimes like Johnny? If so, you need to change your habits.1. When did the telephone bell ring in the morning? It rang at_.A. 7:00 B. 7:30 C. 8:00 D. 8:302. Mary

12、 was Johnnys_.A. teacher B. friend C. mother D. sister3. What was Johnny doing at that moment? He was .A. putting on his shoes B. holding the door open C. eating his breakfast D. answering the telephone 4. How many people can you find in the story?A. Three B. Four C. Six D. Seven (B)We know the time

13、 by watches and clock. Switzerland can give the best of them in the world. So it is called “Watch kingdom”. People in the country recently invented a new type of clockair clock.This kind of clock neednt to be wound up(上弦)or put a battery in. Under normal condition, it can keep on going for 600 years

14、. It is sealed(密封)in a box made of a transparent(透明的)plastic film, which expands or contracts according to changing temperatures, the clock goes on and on by itself. The one degree up or down in temperature of Centigrade(摄氏)can keep it running 48 hours.Now, the Swiss government takes the clock as a national gift to honored guests from other countries.5. Switzerland is called “Watch king



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