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1、-外籍教师合作协议Agreement of cooperation甲方:深圳乐学三人行教育咨询有限公司Party A:Shenzhen Lexuesanrenxing Educational and consulting company以下称乙方:Party B:名字:性别:生日Name:Gender:Birth date国籍: 护照号码:Nationality: Passport No.:双方本着友好合作精神,自愿签订本合同并保证认真履行合同中约定的各项义务。The two parties, in a spirit of friendly cooperation, agree to sign

2、 this contract and pledge to fulfil conscientiously all the obligations stipulated in it.一 合同期自 起至 止。Length of Contract: from to .二 甲乙双方合作内容Cooperation content:甲方与乙方进行教学合作,乙方为甲方提供教学服务,并接受甲方的监督管理Both parties cooperate together to fulfill the teaching tasks. Party B offers teaching and organizing serv

3、ice. Party A has the right to supervise the service and result from party B during the cooperation.三 乙方在合作期间享受的福利Benefits of party B1. 在合作期间,甲方有责任保证乙方工作环境的安全,并且对此提供相应的援助。During cooperation, party A can offer assistance and advice regarding any issues with local officials enquiring about cooperation.

4、2. 甲乙双方合作满半年后,乙方可以享受5天的带薪休假。After six-month cooperation, party B is eligible for 5 days paid leave. 3. 甲方为乙方提供不定期的团队出行和团队用餐的补贴。On regular occasion, the school will pay for days out or lunch subsidies. 4. 甲乙双方合作满一年并续签一年新合约,甲方将为乙方提供9000元人民币年终奖励,此奖励将作为办理工作签证的补贴。如果乙方不需要办理工作签证,则可以选择5000元人民币现金奖励。Upon comp

5、letion of one year cooperation and signing a new contract, party A will offer upto 9000 RMB subsidy towards the working visa of party B or receive a 5000 RMB bonus if no assistance is required for the working visa.四 乙方工作时间和工作内容The working hours of party B1. 根据学校的作息时间表, 每周工作日为6天(节假日除外),如遇节假日学校调换课程时间则

6、按学校要求安排授课。每周授课时间为23小时(不包含活动),培训时间为4小时。如遇特殊情况,超出的小时数将以 50/小时 支付给乙方。l 工作时间安排如下:星期一,休息星期二至星期五,15:00-21:00星期六,9:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00, 17:30-18:30星期日,9:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00, 17:30-18:30l 寒假和暑假学期期间的课时安排如下:星期一至星期六,9:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00星期日,休息According to the schools teaching schedule, teachers usually w

7、ork 6 days a week (except holidays). If the school changes the schedule during the holiday, teachers have the obligation to take up the classes according to the schools arrangement. There are 21 teaching hours (activities are not included) and 4 training hours per week. Every month, there are less t

8、han 84 teaching hours.During the normal semester, if necessary and required, Party A will pay extra 50/hour to party B for every additional teaching hour monthly.l The schedule is as follows:(the schedule may be switched by special occasion)Monday, offTuesday to Friday, 15:00-21:00Saturday, 9:00-12:

9、00, 14:00-17:00, 19:00-20:00Sunday, 9:00-12:00, 14:00-18:00During the summer and winter vacation semesters, the working schedule will be switched to as follows Monday to Saturday 9:00-12:00, 14:00-18:00Sunday, Off2. 乙方有责任准时到校备课,如果违反一次,将予以警告。违反两次以上,将从乙方每月工资中扣除50元/次,乙方接受甲方各店店长的监督。 Party B has the obli

10、gation to be present in the school on time and do not be late. If party B doesnt obey this regulation for the first time, party B will receive a verbal warning. If party B receives a second warning, party A has the right to cut the salary by 50 RMB each time party B is late. 3. 遇甲方在合作学校有特殊活动时,乙方应该参加

11、,如庆祝日、教研活动及一些重要的英语活动等,甲方对此给予乙方一定的交通补助,但不再支付其他费用。If party A hosts some special activities, party B should attend it. For example, celebration day, teaching research activities and some important English activities. Party A will provide financial help towards transport fees for party B, but no extra p

12、ayment (salary).4. 乙方服从甲方分配的教学任务和课程安排;在甲乙双方约定的教学时长和工作时长内,对于甲方的课程安排,乙方不得拒绝接受。乙方应按期完成工作任务,保证教学工作的质与量。Party B has the obligation to accept the reasonable arrangement of the classes and schedule. Party B is not allowed to be absent from the classes within the teaching hours as agreed. If there is a spec

13、ial reason for absence, party B has to inform party A at least 3 days ahead. In case of an emergency or illness or accident, party B has to submit proper certification duly signed by an authorized person.5. 乙方有义务遵守甲方的外教管理工作守则,包括主要工作时间安排,日常工作职责奖惩制度等。乙方有义务认真完成上级领导所下达的工作任务和按时按质完成。Its the obligation for

14、 Party B to follow the Rules and Regulations set out for all foreign teachers, including the working schedule, daily work and responsibility, Party B also has the obligation to keep classrooms clean and tidy after each class has finished and any additional tasks that may be asked by the supervisor.6

15、. 甲方为乙方提供教学内容和教学材料,乙方有责任提前完成备课任务,并与助教和教学主管核对每周备课内容。Party B will be given material for each class, they must fully prepare before commencement of each class and is obliged and required to fulfill this task to the level required by the school or supervisor.7. 乙方有责任参加甲方举行的户外推广活动。如因推广活动而导致超时工作,超过30分钟将按加班工资核算。Occasionally party B is required to participate and attend promotional activities and outdoor activities to promote the cause of the sc



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