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1、4月北京地区成人英语三级考试全真试题及答案4月北京地区成人本科学士学位英语统一考试A卷试题Part I Reading ComprehensionPassage 1Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:A youngsters social development has a profound effect on his academic progress Kids who have trouble getting along with their classmates can end up behind academicall

2、y as well and have a higher chance of dropping out(退学). In the early grades especially, experts say, youngsters should be encouraged to work in groups rather than individually so that teachers can spot children who may be having problems making friends When children work on a project, says Lillian K

3、ate, an educational professor at the University &Illinois, they learn to work together, to disagree, to think, to take turns and lighten tensions These skills cant be learned through lecture We all know people who have wonderful technical skills but dont have any social skills Relationships should b

4、e the first R.At a certain age, children are also learning to judge themselves in relation to others. For most children, school marks the first time that their goals are not set by an internal clock but by the outside world Just as the 1-year-old struggling to walk the 6-year-old is struggling to me

5、et adult expectations Young kids dont know how to distinguish early-childhood education for the state of New Jersey, (76) if they try hard to do something and fail. they may conclude that they will never be able to accomplish a particular task. The effects of serious, says Hills, a child who has had

6、 his confidence really damaged needs a rescue operation.文章大意及重要词汇儿童的社交能力对他们学习上的进步(progress)有深远的(profound)影响。和同学相处(getting along with)不好的儿童很可能导致他在学习(academically)上的落后和更高的退学率。特别是低年级的学生,专家指出,应该鼓励(encouraged)孩子们参加集体生活动而不是生活自己的小圈子里,这样有助于老师发现那些不擅长交朋友的孩子。丽莲凯特,伊利诺大学的教授说道,“在孩子们共同完成一个任务的时候,他们学着去合作、不同意对方、不争不抢以


8、特定(particular)的任务。明显的比较有劣的方法,比如张榜公布学生的成绩,会产生严重后果。希尔教授说到,自信心(confidence)受到严重打击的孩子需要一个抢救手术。1. The author seems to think that a kids poor relationship with his classmates would .A. have negative effects on his studyB. develop his individualism but limit his intelligenceC. eventually lead to his leaving

9、 schoolD. have nothing to do with his achievements in a course答案:A细节题,根据第一段第二句话。2. In the first paragraph, the word spot means .A. teach B. help C. find D. treat答案:C词汇题,spot发现,找出。3. For most children, school makes them understand .A. that it is society rather than individual that decides ones future

10、B. that they can meet the social needsC. that ones effort and ones ability can be two quite different mattersD. that social needs and individual needs have nothing in common答案:A细节题,根据第二段第二句话。4. Which of the following is most unlikely for the author to do?A. To talk to the students who have mental pr

11、oblems.B. To help students develop a feeling of self-respect.C. To keep a student from playing alone.D. To announce a students scores in public.答案:D细节题,根据第二段最后一句话。5. Which of the following is the major concern of the passage about a students needs?A. Individualism and cooperation.B. Academic success

12、 and independent thinking.C. Socialization and feeling of competence.D. Intelligence and respect.答案:C主旨考查题。Passage 2Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:If the Europeans thought a drought-a long period of dry weather-was something that happened only in Africa, they know better now. A

13、fter four years of below ? normal rainfall (in some cases only 10 percent of annual average), vast areas of France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Britain and Ireland are dry and barren(贫瘠).(77)Water is so low in the canals of northern France that waterway traffic is forbidden except on weekends. Oyster(

14、牡蛎)grows in Brittany report a 30 percent drop in production because of the loss of fresh water in local rivers necessary for oyster breeding. In southeastern England, the rolling green hills of Kent have turned so brown that officials have been weighing plans to pipe in water from Wales. In Portugal

15、, farmers in the southern Alentejo region have held prayer meeting for rain-so far, in vain.(78) Governments in drought-spread countries are taking severe measures. Authorities in hard-hit areas of France have banned washing cars and watering lawns. In Britain, water will soon be metered, like gas a

16、nd electricity, “The English have always taken water for granted,” says Graham Warren, a spokesman of Britains National Rivers Authority. “Now theyre putting a price on it.” Even a sudden end to the drought would not end the misery in some areas. It will take several years of unusually heavy winter rain, the experts say, just to bring existing water reserves up to their normal levels.


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