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1、6月大学英语六级考试高频词汇大辩析(7)1. His career was not noticeably _ by the fact that he had never ben to college.A. prevented (不会考,简单)B. restrainedC. hindered 【be hindered】D. refrainedB. D.为两个障眼词answer:C2. When trapped in drifting sadns, do not struggle, or you will be _ in deeper.A. absorbed吸收吞并(高中词不考)B. pushed

2、 (初中词)C. heaved (heave举起重物)D. sucked (吸吮)trap受困于n.陷阱entrapment trip偷天陷阱suck some bodys brains剽窃reflesh心旷神怡耳目一新answer:D本文:考试大网3. To _ for his unpleasant experiences he drank a little more than was food for him.A. commence开始(commencement n.学位授予仪式)B. compromise妥协C. compensate补偿(compensition n.补偿)D. com

3、pliment恭维称赞(complement n.补足物, 文法补语, 数余角vt.补助,补足)negotiate谈判negotiation n.98.6第46题4个答案都重要Movie directors use music to _ the action on the screen.A. contaminate污染B. compliment恭维称赞C. contemplate沉思D. complement与相结合与互为补充answer:Danswer:C4. All visitors are requested to _ with the regulations.A. complyB. a

4、gree (agree with)C. assist辅助(assistant助理assistant to 【是某人的助理一定要用to】)D. consent (consent with = agree to do sth三个遵守:adhere to遵守comply with遵守conform to遵守(符合的需要遵从的标准)全体一致:with one consent全体一致的共同的uniform n.全体一致制服校服unanimous全体一致5. The captain _ the horizon for approaching ships.A. scanned (scan仔细的寻找和搜索)B

5、. scrutinized (六级书上位scrutiny n仔细审查监察) scrutiny committee监察委员会C. explored探测(有科学目的的) (例如郑和下西洋)D. swept打扫消除解除approaching (approach靠近偏近n生活态度价值去想)answer:A6. The vast majority of people in any given culture will _ to the established standards of that culture.(con前缀见44题)A. confine限制局限confine sth/sb toB. co

6、nform (conform to符合的标准)C. confront面对(简单)D. confirm确信确实cata前缀= down ; fully (完全)catalogue目录logue = say ;tellcatastrophe灾难n.(catastrophic adj)disaster灾难disastrons adjcatagory种类部门circum前缀circumstance环境stan = standcircum = aroundcercuit一圈一周周围circulate流通com前缀 together with wholly完全变化形式co-, col-, comb-, c

7、on-, cor-,coalition联合联盟cohere粘着连贯comcidecollaborate合作laborate = work col= together (在一起工作)collapse倒塌坍塌concentrate (cent核心)configuration构造外形counter - 前缀代表相反的counteract反作用相对作用counterbalance平衡力7. Although he was on a diet, the food _ him enormously.A. inspired启发灵感激发激情(aspire往上冲一根利剑)【inspiration灵感inspir

8、ational adj】B. tempted引诱(坏的不良的引诱)(tempting = interesting中性词It is tempting that)C. overcame逾越克服be overcome by被占据(take over超车(overtake 【倒装】超车) overnight一夜之间overhight richD. encouraged鼓励on a diet减肥(menu菜单【法语】)answer:B8. His argument does not suggest that mankind can _ to be wasteful in the utilization

9、of these trsources.A. resort (resort to诉诸于凭借于resort n归宿避难地度假胜地)B. grant v同意n政府地福利和资助(take it for granted grant = agree with 【bond国债lottery彩票(政府发行) infrastructure基础设施建设)C. afford (高中词汇)【can/could afford sth足够支付费用can/could aford to be冒风险做某事承担某事地责任)D. entitle给予地权利取名位(title核心)argument论点utilization利用farm

10、er比peasant有文化answer:afford9. If you want this pain killer, youll hace to ask the doctor for a _.A. receipt收据收条B. recipe (法语)食谱C. subscription 捐赠捐款杂志或报纸的订阅量【circulation n发行量(35页70题AD. prescription处方药pain killer止痛药v prescribemorpline麻醉药anesthesialoop圈answer:D:10. Some fish have a greater _ for acid water than oters.A. toleratance容忍忍耐力(耐药性)B. resistance抵抗力C. dependence依赖性赖药性(independent独立的)D. persistence坚持固执抗打击能力acid酸repel抗拒defy违抗使不可能answer:A



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