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1、TopicUnit2 This is my sister2a, 2b, 2c,2dPeriodThe second periodTimeLearning objectives 1.学会运用介绍人的句型:This is/That is. Those are/These are. 2.熟练掌握并运用疑问词Who引导的特殊疑问句:Who is he?Who is she? 3.认识一般疑问句:Are those your parents?及答语Yes, they are.Learning Key PointsThis is/That is. Those are/These areAre those

2、your parents?及答语Yes, they are.Learning Difficult PointsLearn to use this, that, these, thoseLearning MethodsListening and speaking,Talking ,pairwork, teamwork,Learning AidsPPT, Tape recorder, flashcardsLearning ProceduresIndividual advice一、定向导学1. Warming-up and revision(1)Warm greetings to the stude

3、ntsT: Hello! / Hi!S: Hello! / Hi!T:Nice to meet you!S: Nice to meet you,too!2:情景导入: Teacher:He llo,everyone! I will show you a photo.There are so many people in it,but you dont know them .I want to introduce them to you.Look,this is my father.The old woman is my grandmother.Can you introduce your fa

4、mily members in English? If you can,t,don,t worry,you will be able to do it after this class.环节说明:通过实物(家庭照片)展示引起学生的兴趣,由Can you introduce your family members in English? 激起学生的求知欲望。该导入简洁明了,揭示本节课的知识目标。二、深层独学从括号中选择正确的词或词组:1.These are my parents.(These are, This is)2. That is my friend.(That is ,Those ar

5、e )3.Are those (those,they) boys your cousins? Yes,they (those,they) are.三、对学群学1鼓励学生相互探究“独学”疑惑,核对练习答案。2.鼓励学生会说出图片内容,并在小组内进行组内展示。四、展示提升(1)Ask the Ss to practice the conversations in 2d with a partner.Then use their own names to practice instead of the names given.9(2)Get some pairs to come to the fro

6、nt of the class andact out the dialogue after they have practiced several times.(3) Role-play the conversation.Sally:Good morning,Jane.Jane:Good morning,Sally.Sally:Oh,Jane,this is my sister Kate. Kate,this is my friend ,Jane.Kate:Nice to meet you,Jane.Jane:Nice to meet you,too. Are those your paren

7、ts?Kate:Yes,they are.Jane:And whos he?Sally:Hes my brother,Paul.Jane:Oh,I see.Well,have a good day!Sally/Kate:Thanks!You,too.Bye!五、小结强化1.呈现本课时的重点句型:This is my friend Jane. Thats my grandfather.These are my brothers. Those are my parents.- Whos she? Shes my sister.- Whos he?- Hes my brother.-Whore th

8、ey?-Theyre my grandparents2.总结本节课指示代词的单复数形式六、达标测评Get Ss finish some exercises and check their answers.BlackboarddesignUnit2 This is my sisterparent,father,mother,brother,sister(1)Who is she? She is my sister. (2) This is/That is. Those are/These areAre those your parents?及答语Yes, they are.Learning reflection:3



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