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1、PEP小学英语六年级上册Unit6Howdoyoufeel整个单元5课时精品课件 U6Howdoyoufeel ATalkP58 Let ssing点此歌曲超链接 Howdoestherabbitfeel Sheis happy sad angry worried afraid Iam Howdoyoufeel Iam Sheis Howdoesyourmotherfeel Howdoyoufeel Iam Ifyourmotherisill Howdoyoufeel Iam Whenyougotoseeadentist 牙医 Howdoyoufeel Iam 新闻 Howdoyoufeel

2、Iam Howdotheyfeel Theyare happy eatsall 全部 the HowdoesDaXiongfeel Heisvery angry doesDaXiongfeel Heisverysad How How DaXiong smother Sheisveryangry does feel WhenDaXiongisill Howdoesfeel Heisveryworried Howdoesfeel Heis afraid isafraidofthemouse Whatdoesthecatdo Heisa policeofficer Arethemiceafraido

3、fthiscat Listenandanswer听音 回答 Yes theyare mouse mice Let stalk点此超链接 Themiceare ofthecat afraid Themiceare bad good bad Thecatis angry happy withthem angry Themiceare thecat Becausetheyarebad Thecatis them afraidof angrywith Whataretheytalkingabout A ThestorybookB ThecartoonC Thegame2 Whatdoesthecatd

4、o AworkerB AdoctorC Apoliceofficer3 Whoareafraidofthecat ThemiceB ThechildrenC Thebadpeople4 Thecatis withthemice A happyB angryC sad Readandchoose读对话 回答问题 Let stalkP58 Readafterit跟读 Let stalk点此超链接 关于 伤害 也许 为什么 课文重点 U6Howdoyoufeel ALearnP59 Enjoythestory点此故事flash超链接 Thelionandthemouse Thelionissleep

5、ing Themousewakens 弄醒了 thelion Thelionisvery Hewantstoswallow 一口吞掉 themouse angry Themouseis afraid Themousebegs Pleaseforgive 原谅 methistime Imay 可能 helpyousomeday 有一天 YOUhelpME Hahaha Thelionistickled 逗乐了 attheidea andletthemousego Oneday thelioniscaughtinatrap 陷阱 Help Help Soheisvery and worried s

6、ad Thehunter 猎人 willkill 杀了 me Thelittlemousecomestohelpthelion Theyarevery happy Thelionissaved 得救了 Themouseis Bothofthemare Thelionis and Thelionis angry afraid worried sad happy Whenthemousewakes 吵醒 thelion Howdoesthelionfeel Heisvery angry Whenthelioniscaughtinatrap Howdoesthelionfeel Heisvery w

7、orriedandsad Whenthelionissaved Howdotheyfeel Theyare happy HowdoesSarahfeel Sheis sad worried angry happy WhenSarah scatisill Sarahis worried sad HowdoesSarahfeel HowdoesSarahfeel Whenthecatbreakstheglass Sarahis angry Thecatis afraid HowdoesSarahfeel Whenthecatiscaught 被困在 inthetree Sarahis worrie

8、d Thecatis afraid worried HowdoesSarahfeel Whenthecatissaved 被救了 Sarahis happy Thecatis happy Theyarehappy Howdotheyfeel worried happy angry sad afraid 附 狮子和老鼠寓言故事原文 U6Howdoyoufeel BTalkP60 Let ssing点此歌曲超链接 Let sread Givethemsomesuggestions 给他们一些建议 Youshould seeadoctor Givethemsomesuggestions 给他们一些建

9、议 Youshould takeadeepbreathandcountto10 Givethemsomesuggestions 给他们一些建议 Youshould wearwarmclothes Givethemsomesuggestions 给他们一些建议 Youshould domoreexercise Pairwork WhatshouldIdo Sheis Heis Listenandfind听音 找答案 Sarah sfather hasafeverhurthislegisverybusy hasafever Listenandfind听音 回答 Wherearetheygoingt

10、oday Zoo School Hospital Let stalk点此超链接 Readandtickorcross读对话 判断对错 1 SamisSarah sbrother 2 Sarah smotherisill 3 Theyaregoingtothezootoday father hospital Let stalkP60 Let stalkP60点此超链接 Readafterit跟读 怎么啦 should 表示应该 后跟动词原型 下一次 不怎么好 课文重点 U6Howdoyoufeel BLearnP61 Let ssing点此歌曲超链接 Howdoeshefeel Heis ver

11、y happy Heis very Howdoeshefeel sad How thegirl Sheisafraid does feel thewoman Sheisveryangry How does feel Sheisworried How does feel Thegirlisill Ifyouareill youshould seeadoctor HowdoesOliverfeel Heis veryangry Ifyouareangry youshould takeadeepbreath andcounttoten Ifyouarenotstrong youshould domo

12、reexercise It scoldoutside youshould wearwarmclothes Let sread一起读一读 Sheshould takeadeepbreathandcountto10 should 应该 Sheshould seeadoctor Heshould domoreexercise andloseweight 减肥 Heshould wearwarmclothes Sheshould takeadeepbreathandcountto10 Heshould workhard Fillintheblanks 填空 Youshould andyou llbes

13、trongandhealthy 2 Ifyou reill youshould 3 Ifyoufeelcold youshould 4 Ifyouareangry youshould domoreexercise seeadoctor wearwarmclothes takeadeepbreathandcountto10 Listenandmatch听音 连线 P64 听音 画圈 U6Howdoyoufeel ReadandwriteP62 Let ssing点此歌曲超链接 画出表情P62 Youshould wearwarmclothes Youshould WhatshouldIdo ta

14、keadeepbreath counttoten Youshould WhatshouldIdo domoreexercise notstrong Youshould WhatshouldIdo seeadoctor takesomemedicine ill Robin theAnt and HowdoesRobinfeel Readandnumber读P62短文 给P63图片标序号 1 2 3 4 1 标出短文一共几段 2 给短文分成两层 完成P63练习 afraid worried pullRobinoutofthemud ishappy ReadPart1in1minute 一分钟时间阅

15、读第一部分 What stheweatherlike It ssunny Whatdoes wait mean 意思 A 穿着B 水C 等一下 Howdoestheantfeel Heisafraid DoesRobinsitontheantatlast 最后 No hedoesn t Readafterit第一部分短文跟读点此音频超链接 ListentoPart2听第二部分短文 Whathappenedthenextday What stheweatherlikethenextday It srainy What sthematterwithRobin Robin遇到什么麻烦了 Heisstuckinthemud stuck mud HowdoesRobinfeel Heisworried WhocomestohelpRobin Theantandallofhisfriends Aretheantsstrong Yes theyare Whatdoes pull mean 意思 IsRobinhappy Yes heis Aretheantshappy Yes theyare 每一个人 Readafterit跟读第二部分点此音频超链接



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