2020版 英语 高考冲刺总复习--教材知识梳理--第一部分 必修一 Unit 5(人教新)高考版

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《2020版 英语 高考冲刺总复习--教材知识梳理--第一部分 必修一 Unit 5(人教新)高考版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020版 英语 高考冲刺总复习--教材知识梳理--第一部分 必修一 Unit 5(人教新)高考版(33页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、阅读词汇请匹配下列单词与其词义1blanketAn.恐怖;可怕的人;恐怖活动2Terror Bn.法则;原则;原理3republic Cn.人类4Principle Dn.毛毯;毯子5mankind En.共和国;共和政体6.lawyer Fn.同盟;联盟;联合会7league Gn.生计;谋生8quote Hn.侵略者9livelihood In.律师10invader Jn.引用语;语录答案1.D2.A3.E4.B5.C6.I7.F8.J9.G10.H高频词汇请根据汉语提示完成下列词块1release a prisoner释放犯人2found a business创业3vote to ch

2、oose a president投票选举总统4escape into the forest逃进森林5beg for forgiveness乞求原谅6a reward for hard work努力工作的回报7an attack on a bus driver对公共汽车司机的袭击8a mean man自私的人9a generous contributor慷慨的捐助者10a legal holiday法定假日11agree with his opinion同意他的意见12improve the quality of life提高生活质量拓展词汇请填入括号内单词的正确形式1It was so pea

3、ceful(peace) and quiet and the colors of the brown rocks and the late afternoon sun mixed to create a magic scene.(2018浙江6月卷)2How willing(will) are you to make the connections happen? (2017浙江11月卷)3Hopefully(hopeful) you will be doing your part by reading PsyBlog in a cap and gown (学位服)(2017浙江11月卷)4S

4、he says these activities(active) at bedtime can get kids all excited and make it hard for them to calm down and sleep.(2017浙江6月卷)5No matter how boring it is now,education(educate) will help you be a productive member in society.6Under our teachers careful guidance (guide), we finished our homework i

5、n advance.7The former president had something to do with the illegal(legal) organization and was put to prison.8Bethune, a devoted friend of Chinese, devoted his life to helping Chinese.I really respect his devotion to medical work.(devote)9He criticized violently that the government did little to s

6、top the violence in the country.(violent)必会短语请根据汉语提示完成下列词块1as_a_matter_of_fact事实上2come_to_power 当权;上台3in_ones_opinion 在某人看来4blow_up the balloon给气球充气5turn_to him for help求助于他6set_up factories开办工厂7be_willing_to forgive me肯原谅我8be_sentenced_to life imprisonment被处以终身监禁9be out_of_work for a year失业一年10be i

7、n_prison for thirty years在监狱服刑三十年11help others in_trouble帮助有困难的人12be easy to lose_heart容易泄气必仿佳句1.原句 The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress.2原句 .only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.3原句 I felt bad the first time I talked to a g

8、roup.1仿写 杭州城自从2017年以来发生了巨大的变化。The city of Hangzhou has_seen_great_changes since 2017.2仿写 事实上,只有行动起来,并不断地调整计划,我们才能达到我们的最终目标。Actually,only_by_getting_moving_and_constantly_adjusting_the_plan_can_we achieve our final goal.3仿写 第一次比赛失败时,我们都感到很沮丧,因为我们都全身心地为此做了充分准备。The_first_time_we_lost_the_match,_we all

9、felt very depressed, because we had devoted all to making full preparations for it.1.devote vt.(与介词to连用) 献身;专心于(1)devote.to.把奉献于devote oneself to 献身于;致力于(2)devoted adj. 忠实的;深爱的be devoted to. 专心于;奉献于(3)devotion n. 关爱;关照;奉献;忠诚单句语法填空/句式升级Once married, Mary devoted her life to looking after children and

10、 being a fulltime homemaker.He devoted himself to community activities and was praised by the people around.Devoting_himself_to_community_activities/Devoted_to_community_activities,_he was praised by the people around.(用分词短语作状语)佳句背诵 Only when we realize the importance of helping each other can we be

11、 devoted to building a harmonious society.只有当我们意识到互相帮助的重要性时,我们才能致力于建设一个和谐社会。名师指津 devote.to.中的to为介词,后跟名词或动名词等。类似短语还包括:look forward to 期盼;get down to 开始着手做;be/get used/accustomed to 习惯于;pay attention to注意。2.equal adj.相等的;平等的;胜任的 vt.等于;比得上 n同等的人;相等物(1)be equal to (doing) sth等于/胜任(做) be equal in 在方面比得上(

12、2)equal sb/sth in (doing) sth 在(做)某事上比得过、 敌得过某人/物(3)equality n. 平等equally adv. 相等地;同等地;均等地单句语法填空/句型转换She did not feel equal to receiving(receive) visitors.Its said that nobody can equal him in intelligence.Any man will be qualified for the task, so long as he is careful.Any man will be_equal_to the

13、task, so long as he is careful.(equal)佳句背诵 Men and women should be treated equally.If a woman is equal to a job like a man, she should receive equal income.男士和女士应当平等对待。如果一位女士能像男士一样胜任某一工作,这位女士就应当得到相同的收入。名师指津 表示“胜任”的其他短语:be fit for, be up to, be qualified for, be adequate to等。3.escape vt.& vi.逃脱;逃走 n逃

14、脱(1)escape from/out of.从逃脱escape (doing) sth 逃避 (做)某事(2)a narrow escape 死里逃生(3)escaped adj. 逃脱的单句语法填空/句型转换It is said that he narrowly escaped being_killed(kill) in the traffic accident the other day.Seeing the poisonous gas escaping from the broken pipe, he sounded the alarm.You are lucky to escape

15、punishment.You are lucky to escape being_punished佳句背诵 The boy had a narrow escape when he ran across in front of the bus.这个男孩在公共汽车前穿过时差点被撞死。4.reward n报酬;奖金;酬劳 vt.奖赏;酬劳(1)as a reward (for) 作为(对的)报酬/奖赏in reward for 为酬谢;作为对的奖励(2)reward sb for sth 因某事而奖赏某人reward sb with sth 用某物/某事回报某人单句语法填空/句型转换She was rewarded for her


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