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1、第一模块: (5课时) Module 1 Lost and found Unit 1 Whose bag is this?I. 课时 1课时II. Type of lesson: Listening and speakingIII. Teaching aims:i. Knowledge aim: 学习和掌握名词性物主代词ii. Ability aim: 能听懂有关失物招领的对话并表演在失物招领处发生的事情iii. Emotion aim: 学会与他人交流时言行举止大方得体,对他人提供的帮助表示感谢IV. Teaching important and difficult pointsi. Tea

2、ching important points: Make the students understand and use the dialogueii. Teaching difficult points: Make sure the students can use the dialogue V. Teaching Aids: Multi-Media Tape , recorderVI. Teaching ProcedureStep 1 Lead-inUse a pen that was lost last term and ask whose pen is this?Purpose: Ma

3、ke the students interested in the topicStep 2 Learning the dialoguei. Learn the new wordsActivity1 Match the words from the box with the pictures同步练习:Step 3 Pronunciation Step 4 Sum up and exerciseStep 5: HomeworkVII. Blackboard writingVIII. 反思Unit 2 Are they yours?I. 课时 2课时 (课文讲解&练习)II. Type of les

4、son: Reading and writingIII. Teaching aims:iv. Knowledge aim: 学习和掌握新单词 v. Ability aim: 能读懂有关失物招领的短文,能写出一则招领启事vi. Emotion aim: 学会与他人交流时言行举止大方得体,对他人提供的帮助表示感谢IV. Teaching important and difficult pointsi. Teaching important points: Make the students understand the passageii. Teaching difficult points: M

5、ake sure the students can find some useful information from the passage and write a lost and found note.V. Teaching Aids: Multi-Media Tape , recorderVI. Teaching ProcedureStep 1 Pre-readingLearn the new words and show the students a lost and found note, lead in the passage.Step 2 While-readingActivi

6、ty 1: Listen and read the passage.Activity 2: Read the passage and answer the questions.Activity3: Translate and explain the language pointsActivity 4: Complete the passage with the correct form of the words and expressions from the box. (Activity3 on P5)Step 3 Post-readingWriting (Activity 4 on P5)

7、Step 4 Sum up and exerciseStep 5: HomeworkVII. Blackboard writingVIII. 反思Unit 3 Language in useI. 课时 2课时 (课本练习&练习册)II. Type of lesson: GrammarIII. Teaching aims:vii. Knowledge aim: 名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词的用法viii. Ability aim: 能利用名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词解决一些问题ix. Emotion aim: 学会与他人交流时言行举止大方得体,对他人提供的帮助表示感谢IV. Teachi

8、ng important and difficult pointsi. Teaching important points: Make the students solve some questions ii. Teaching difficult points: Make sure the students do the exercisesV. Teaching Aids: Multi-Media Tape , recorderVI. Teaching ProcedureStep 1: Activity 1: Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions.T

9、he teacher prepare some school things, ask every pair to choose a school thing, show the students a model, like this:-Whose bag is this? Is it yours?-No, its not mine. Its his.Give the students two minutes to make the dialogue, then present in the class.Activity 2: Complete the sentences with the co

10、rrect form of the words from the box.Give the students three minutes to finish it themselves, then check the answers together.Step 3: Match the words from Box A with the words from Box B.This activity is very easy, so the students can do it together.Step 4: Around the world-The Internet lost and fou

11、ndAsk the students read by themselves, then translate one by one, the teacher explain the language points.Step 5: Activity 4: Work in pairs.The teacher prepares some things such as camera, crayons, football, gloves, mobile phone, wallet, watch and so on.Student A: Think of three or four things he/sh

12、e has lost or he/she can choose from the box. Describe them.Student B: Think of five or six things you have in your lost and found office or you can choose from the box. Describe them.Then ask and answer questions.Student A: Ask Student B if theyve got the things you have lost. Answer questions abou

13、t details.Student B: Answer questions about the things Student A has lost. Ask questions about details.Give the students five minutes to prepare, then act out in the class.Step 6: HomeworkVII. Blackboard writingUnit 3 Language in useVIII. 反思第二模块(5课时)Module 2 What can you do?Teaching aims:1. Knowledg

14、e aim: 学习和掌握情态动词“can”.2. Ability aim: 能正确使用情态动词“can”表示能力的肯定、否定与疑问形式。3. Emotion aim: 帮助学生认识并肯定自己的能力,增强自信心,培养竞争意识和为班级体服务的意识。Unit 1 I can play the piano.Type of lesson: Listening and speaking .Teaching aims: 1.To understand conversations about joining school clubs2.To talk about ones abilities .Teachin

15、g aids: Tape recorder,videos,OHP . 课时安排:1 课时. Teaching procedureStep 1. Lead-inIn pairs,students say what they like doing and their partners say what they can do. Step 2 Learning the dialogue1.Use pictures to show new vocabulary 2.Ask students to repeat new words and expressions chorally paying attention to pronunciation. 3.Tell students to look at the pictures and match them with the words and expressions from the box on their own,then check in pairs. Step3.Listen and check () the things in Activity I which Tonys dad can do.1.Tell st


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