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1、课时训练(七)(限时:30分钟).单项填空1.The students made up mind to tell the truth to Miss Wang.A.they B.themC.their D.theirs2.Toms father is a worker.He works a big factory.A.with B.onC.of D.in3.Its raining outside.Put on your raincoat, you will get wet.A.and B.butC.or D.so4. you play puzzle games?Yes, I can.And I

2、m very good at it.A.Must B.NeedC.Can D.Should5. have you worked on this project?For a month.A.How far B.How longC.How often D.How many6.Although Mike is 15 years old, he is than his brother.A.strong B.strongerC.strongest D.the strongest7.The old man a game with his grandson in the park at this time

3、yesterday.A.plays B.playedC.is playing D.was playing8.The little girl trees in the West Hill with her parents yesterday.A.plants B.plantedC.will plant D.has planted9.Where is Nancy?She a speech on Chinese culture in the hall.A.is making B.makesC.has made D.made10.Is your brother in Beijing?No.He to

4、London to visit his friend.A.went B.has goneC.has been D.will go11.Lots of books to the school in the poor village last year.A.send B.sentC.are sent D.were sent12.Do you know on the school trip next Monday?Yes. The Summer Palace.A.where did we go B.where we wentC.where will we go D.where we will go.

5、2018燕山一模 完形填空阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。Mr.Clinton and his 13-year-old son Tony are basketball fans.Last October 10th was Tonys birthday, so Mr.Clinton decided to drive 13 to New York for the first game of the World Series.They had no ticket but hoped to buy a 14 from scalpers.It w

6、as two hours ride.After they arrived, they walked in the street for two hours, 15 a sign that read, “We need two tickets.” There were many scalpers around, but the cheapest ticket was $200.They were about to leave when suddenly a man stopped them.He took out two tickets and 16 them to Mr.Clinton.“Ho

7、w much do you want?”“Just a present,” said the man.“Enjoy the game.”Mr.Clinton wouldnt 17, so the man explained, “Im Jackson.Hans is my boss.He and his wife havent missed a World Series in 18 years.But he is ill and cant watch the game this time.So he told me to give the two tickets to people 18 I t

8、hought would actually enjoy the game.A lot of people looked as if they might just take the tickets and sell them.Then I saw you and I followed you for a while.You seemed very disappointed.You 19 me think of my dad and me when I was a child.I dreamed of going to a World Series game with my father.But

9、 my dream never came true.”How do you suppose this made Mr.Clinton and his son feel? Here is what Mr.Clinton said,“This is the most 20 thing that ever happened to us.My boy and I must have turned to each other over 30 times and said, I cant believe this. We still never forget Jackson and Hans.”13.A.

10、me B.herC.him D.us14.A.ticket B.pairC.basketball D.game15.A.carrying B.puttingC.writing D.giving16.A.passed B.soldC.threw D.handed17.A.accept B.pickC.buy D.refuse18.A.when B.whoC.what D.why19.A.let B.taughtC.brought D.made20.A.important B.successfulC.wonderful D.useful .2018通州一模 阅读短文,根据短文回答问题What ho

11、mework did you do in the winter holiday? Now homework is not simply about exercises.It can be researches, experiments and even work experiences.Take a look at three students special homework.Studying snacksOne day, Wang Yang, from Shanghai Yuying School, was doing his biology homework.His teacher as

12、ked them to research the nutrients(营养物质) of different snacks.He bought 10 kinds of snacks.Then he checked their ingredient(成分) lists one by one and wrote down the amount of sugar, fat and so on, in each.“We are told it is not good to eat too many snacks.They have high calories(卡路里). But we always pa

13、y no attention to it,”he said.After analyzing(分析) each snacks ingredients, he realized it was true.Wang Yang spent three days on the homework.But he said it was interesting.“I learned a lot.I collected the data(数据),created forms and wrote the report by myself.”Physics in real lifeWith some plasticin

14、e(橡皮泥), steel(钢铁) balls, a ping-pong ball and a piece of paper, could you make a tumbler(不倒翁)?This is the physics homework of Huang Jiameng, 14, of Shanghai 54 Middle School.Huang first cut the ping-pong ball in half.Then she put the plasticine and steel balls into one of them.The bottom of the tumb

15、ler was made.Finally, she used the paper to make the “hat”.“Next term, we will learn about the center of gravity(重心).This homework made me more curious about it,” she said.Learning on the jobWhile Wang and Huang did their homework at home, Ding Zhenzhen, 15, of No.5 Middle School, had to go outside.She worked as a guide in the local museum.“Everyone at our school has to take part in volunteering or other activities,” she said.Ding was a


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