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1、SectionA 1a 2d Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarla 情态动词表推测的用法 情态动词must might may could can t后接动词原形must表示非常肯定的猜测 100 的可能性 一定 may might could表示有可能的猜测 20 80 的可能性 可能 can t表示肯定不可能 可能性几乎为零 不可能 情态动词表示推测 1 肯定推测must一定may might could可能否定推测can t不可能2 mustbe一定是may might couldbe可能是can tbe不可能是 动原 Lookandguess Whoisshe Shecan

2、 tbeGuoJingjing Shemay might couldbeWangNan ShemustbeZhangYining Oh yes SheisZhangYining Itcan tbeacat可能性0 Itmay might couldbeatiger可能性20 80 Itmustbe 可能性100 Whatkindofanimalisit alion Hemay might couldbe Iknowhemustbe Whoishe YiJianlian Whosenotebookisthis Ithashernameonit ItmustbelongtoMary Itmustb

3、eMary s belongtosb 属于某人 Mary belongto属于Thecarbelongstomyuncle 这句话还可以说 Thecarismyuncle s 当表述某物属于某人时 注意这两句的不同 belongto后直接加人名或人称代词宾格 而第二句be动词后要用名词所有格形式或名词性物主代词 TheT shirtbelongstoTom TheT shirtisTom s Thebookbelongstome Thebookismine Lookatthepicture Writethethingsyouseeinthecorrectcolumnsinthechart T

4、shirt baseballcap jacket toytruck book magazine CD cup Listenagainandmatcheachpersonwithathingandareason J k 罗琳 英国作家 作家 popular 流行音乐 在野餐 atthepicnic在野餐haveapicnic进行野餐gotoapicnic去野餐goforapicnic去野餐 A Whosevolleyballisthis B It beCarla s Shelovesvolleyball A Howaboutthistoytruck C Hmm thattoytruck belo

5、ngtoJane slittlebrother Hewastheonlylittlekidatthepicnic Andthemagazinemust DengWen Helovesrabbits B Oh look someoneleftabook C Thatbookmust Mary s J K Rowlingisherfavoritewriter A OK andhowaboutthisCD C Hmmm TheCDmustbelongtoGrace Shealwayslistenstopopmusic must must belong to be 跟读黑体句子 模仿语音和语调 1c

6、Pairwork A Whosebookisthis B ItmustbeMary s J K Rowlingisherfavoritewriter Practicemakingconversations A Look Whosetoytruckisthis B ItmustbeJane slittlebrother s Hewastheonlylittlekidatthepicnic A Whose isthis B Itmustbelongtosb Because besb s Let spracticeandact Carla DengWen Grace 随堂练习 Fillinthebl

7、ankswithmust may might could can t belongto 1 Whoseearringsarethese They beMary s sheneverwearsearrings 2 Thetelephoneisringing butnobodyanswersit He beout 3 Whoseisthisbook Oh it beMary s Hernameisontheback No it me shegaveittomeyesterday can t must belongto may might could Exercise 小结与作业 Fillinthe

8、blankswithmust may might could can t 1 Whoseearringsarethese They beMary s shewearsearringssometimes 2 Gina cometothepartytonight butI mnotsure 3 IsthisLanQiang sbook Yes it behis Thereishisnameontheback 4 You dbettertakeanumbrella It rainthisafternoon 5 Thehomework beCarol s Shewasn tatschooltoday

9、may might could can t may might could may might could must 2a BobandAnnafoundaschoolbagatthepark Listenandwritedownthethingsintheschoolbag Thingsintheschoolbag1 T shirt2 3 hairband tennisballs 2b 再听录音 这些物品的主人可能是谁呢 根据录音内容 把2b的句子补充完整 Theperson gotoourschool Theperson beaboy It beMei shairband Thehairb

10、and belongtoLinda It beLinda sschoolbag must can t could might must Makeconversationsusingtheinformationin2aand2b A Look There saschoolbaghere B What sinside A There saT shirt SheisLinda Shelostherschoolbag Sheisreallyworried Canyouhelpher Linda Mom I mreallyworried Mom Why What swrong Linda Ican tf

11、indmyschoolbag Mom Well wheredidyoulastputit Linda Ican tremember Iattendedaconcertyesterdaysoitmightstillbeinthemusichall Mom Doyouhaveanythingvaluableinyourschoolbag Linda No justmybooks mypinkhairbandandsometennisballs Mom Soitcan tbestolen Linda Oh wait Iwenttoapicnicaftertheconcert IrememberIha

12、dmyschoolbagwithmeatthepicnic Mom Socoulditstillbeatthepark Linda Yes Ileftearly beforetherestofmyfriends Ithinksomebodymusthavepickeditup I llcallthemnowtocheckifanybodyhasit 2dReadconversationandanswerthequestions 1 Whoseschoolbagislost 2 What sintheschoolbag 3 Wheredidshegoyesterday Linda s Herbo

13、oks herpinkhairbandandsometennisballs Shewenttothemusichallandthepark Readtheconversationandanswerthequestions 2dReadtheconversationandunderlinethephrases Thentranslatethem Linda Mom I mreallyworried Mom Why What swrong Linda Ican tfindmyschoolbag Mom Well wheredidyoulastputit Linda Ican tremember I

14、attendedaconcertyesterdaysoitmightstillbeinthemusichall Mom Doyouhaveanythingvaluableinyourschoolbag Linda No justmybooks mypinkhairbandandsometennisballs Mom Soitcan tbestolen Linda Oh wait Iwenttoapicnicaftertheconcert IrememberIhadmyschoolbagwithmeatthepicnic Mom Socoulditstillbeatthepark Linda Y

15、es Ileftearly beforetherestofmyfriends Ithinksomebodymusthavepickeditup I llcallthemnowtocheckifanybodyhasit What sthematter 有价值的一些东西 不定代词后加形容词 被动语态 参加音乐会 可能是 表推测 发带 我其余的朋友 核实 捡起 一定做过 表推测 musthavedoneYoumusthavefinishedyourhomework 是否 GrammarFocus 一定100 可能20 80 可能20 80 可能20 80 不可能0 GrammarFocus 1 这是

16、谁的排球 isthis 这一定是卡拉的 她热爱排球运动 It be Shelovesvolleyball Whosevolleyball mustCarla s Fillintheblanks 2 这是谁的发带 isthis 它可能是梅的发带 或者可能属于琳达 她们两人都是长头发 It beMei shairband Orit belongtoLinda They havelonghair could might both Whosehairband 3 那晚你看见了什么 didyouseethatnight 我不确定 但肯定不可能是狗 它更大 我想也许是一头熊或一匹狼 I m butit adog Itwasbigger Ithinkit abearorawolf What notsure can tbe mightbe 4a Choosethebestwaytocompleteeachsentenceusingthewordsinbrackets 1 A Where sJean B I mnotsure She is mightbe mustbe inthelaboratory m



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