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1、高考英语语法复习之冠词 1 2005 湖南 Ican trememberwhenexactlytheRobinsonsleft city Ionlyrememberitwas Monday A the theB a theC a aD the a2 2004 全国 Ifyoubuymorethanten theyknock20percentoff A apriceB priceC thepriceD prices 说听双方均知晓的事物或定指的事物用定冠词 泛指用不定冠词 考点1考查不定冠词和定冠词的基本用法 不定冠词的特殊考查要点1 1 2006 I Hello couldIspeaktoMr

2、 Smith Sorry wrongnumber Thereisn t Mr Smithhere 2 2004 John thereis Mr Wilsononthephoneforyou I minthebath A B aC theD one 1 不定冠词放在姓名前 acertain 意为 某一 个 不定冠词的特殊考查要点2 Johnhadmadeuphismindtogiveitup buton secondthoughthedeterminedtotry thirdtime A aB C a aD the a 2 不定冠词放在序数词前表 再一 又一 1Onewaytounderstan

3、dthousandsofnewwordsistogain goodknowledgeofbasicwordformation A B theC aD one2Chinafirst everF1racehasproved greatsuccess Itprovides platformforChinesecompaniestoconnectwiththeinternationalmarket A a aB aC theD the the 不定冠词的特殊考查要点3 3 抽象名词具体化和不可数名词具体话常加定冠词asuccessfailure shame surprise honor pleasur

4、e 1 2005安徽 AfterdinnerhegaveMr Richardson ridetotheCapitalAirport 2 Thedriverwasat losswhenwordcamethathewasforbiddentodriveforspeeding A a B C theD one 不定冠词的特殊考查要点4 4 常用于一些固定搭配中 常考不定冠词使用搭配 amostimportanttip a17thcenturycottage haveagiftfor acollectionof aworldof givesb aride 载某人一程 keepupagoodstateo

5、fmind 处于良好的状态或情形 beataloss inamess ameansof makealiving haveabetterunderstandingof therewasatimewhen makeadiscovery withoutsayingaword 常考不定冠词搭配 onasecondthought haveabreak makeastudyof makeastir 产生轰动 take haveawalk allofasudden keepitasecret developaninterestin inahurry payavisitto anaverageof manya

6、 n 不止一个 定冠词的特殊考查要点1 1 2005安徽 AfterdinnerhegaveMr Richardson rideto CapitalAirport A the aB a theC a D the 2 2004重庆 Themostimportantthingaboutcottoninhistoryis partitplayedin IndustrialRevolution A B the C the theD a the 1 由普通名词构成的专有名词前加定冠词 thegreatwall theWHO等 山东模拟 InChina carisbecoming popularmeans

7、oftransportation A the aB a C the theD a the 2004广东 Whilehewasinvestigatingwaystoimprovethetelescope Newtonmade discoverywhichcompletelychanged man sunderstandingofcolor A a B a theC theD the a 定冠词的特殊考查要点2 2 the 可数名词单数特指某一类别 注意 man表示 人类 时只能用单数 不能加冠词 Whoinvented computer Idon tknow A aB theC D one 定冠

8、词的特殊考查要点3 3 发明创造物前加定冠词the 2000北京春 Summerin southofFrancearefor mostpartdry A aB the C D the the 定冠词的特殊考查要点4 4 表示方位的名词前加定冠词the 但在atowneastofChongqing等结构中方位名词前不用冠词 Thecleaningwomengetpaidby hour A B theC anD one 定冠词的特殊考查要点5 5 按 方式的表达中 getpaidbythehour theday 注意 besoldbyweight time bythe 度量衡单位名词 in 名词复

9、数by 度量衡名词 Thisisoutof questionanexampleofanimportantrulethatappliestoallmachines Thankyouforyourexplanation butitleftmenone wiser A the aB a theC theD a 定冠词的特殊考查要点6 6 在固定短语和搭配中 knock10 offtheprice onthephone thesame theformer thelatter breakthesilence intheSouthofChina forthemostpart 整体上 多半 theChine

10、se Japanese Frenchlanguage thefirstone thelargestone theSmiths nonethe 比较级 一点也不比 thecityofLondon Shanghai makethemostof forthemoment 暂时 intheeventof incaseof playthepianothesun moon universe 常考定冠词的固定搭配 Fiveyearsagoherbrotherwas universitystudentof physics A a theB an theC an D a 零冠词的特殊考查要点1 1 在学科名词前

11、不用冠词 北京模拟 Infaceof failure itisthemostimportanttokeepup goodstateofmind A aB a C the D the 零冠词的特殊考查要点2 2 在专有名词 物质名词 抽象名词前不用冠词 如 Australia wool air life love education society failure等等 但注意抽象名词具体化前加冠词 Hewaselected presidentoftheUSA JorgeBush presidenttotheUSA isvisitingChina 零冠词的特殊考查要点3 3 独一无二的头衔 职位名

12、词作表语 补语或同位语 1 wordcomesthatChinahaswontheFIFAWorldcup A B OneC AD The2 广东 Whilehewasinvestigatingwaystoimprovethetelescope Newtonmade discoverywhichcompletelychanged man sunderstandingofcolor A a B a theC D the a 零冠词的特殊考查要点4 4 word表 消息 man表 人类 前不用冠词 1 Hisdreamwastoturn doctor 2 childasheis heknowsal

13、ot A B theC aD one 零冠词的特殊考查要点5 5 turndoctor teacherturn表当 名词前不用冠词 在as引导的让步状语从句中 提前的名词前无冠词 Childasheis 2004年天津 Whenheleft college hegotajobas reportinanewspaperoffice A aB theC a theD the the 零冠词的特殊考查要点6 4 零冠词的常见考查短语 零冠词的常考短语 leaveschool college incaseoffire withoutdoubt bytrain bus inabus onfoot tak

14、eoffice 就职 inquantity 批量地 indanger introuble underpressure gotobed turndoctor putsbinprison outofdate takesbprisoner listentomusic liveinpeacewith beinuse atsea underconstruction indebt cometopower ingoodcondition intimeof inhonorof infavorof 1 boxcannotbeliftedbyaboyoffive A SoaheavyB SoheavyaC Asu

15、chheavyD Suchheavya2 Itisgenerallybelievedthatteachingis itisascience A anartmuchasB muchanartasC asanartmuchasD asmuchanartas 冠词的位置 冠词的位置 1 how that 那么 so as adj a an n 2 quite rather what such many a an adj n 3 all both half twicethe n 例如 soheavyabox suchaheavybox thatexpensiveacar suchanexpensive

16、car allthestudents twicethesizeof Heisasgoodastudentasyou Shesangquiteabeautifulsong 冠词与比较级 2006全国 Yourstoryisperfect I veneverheard before A thebetteroneB thebestoneC abetteroneD agoodoneMr Smithowns collectionofcoinsthananyoneelseIhaveevermet A largerB alargerC thelargerD alarge Didyouenjoyyourselfattheparty Yes I veneverbeento onebefore A amoreexcitedB themostexcitedC amoreexcitingD themostexciting 总结 目前高考试题单纯考冠词的定指 泛指等较少 多数结合具体语境进行考查 在做题是不可一味套用冠词用法的固定规则 而需要根据具体语境判断定指还是特指 判断抽象名词具体化的各种情况 有些名词被



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