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1、 非谓语动词 TheNon predicativeVerbs 高考英语语法复习 时态语态 基本用法 练习 非谓语动词 动名词 分词 不定式 现在分词 过去分词 TheGerund 动名词的特点 抽象 习惯性 Hishobbyispainting I mproudofbeingaChinese 习惯 抽象 Participle 被动 完成 感到 的 主动 进行 令人 的 done doing TheswimmingboyisTom 主动 进行 theroomfacingsouth 主动 Thefilmisdisappointing 令人 的 IhavearadiomadeinChina 被动 L

2、ookatthebrokenglass 被动 完成 Theexcitedpeopleshoutedandcheered 感到 的 infinitive 表将来 表目的 表某一次具体的动作 Ihavealotofworktodo 将来 TolearnEnglishwell youmustpractisemore 目的 Ilikedancing butIdon tliketodancetoday 某一次具体的动作 主语 1 若句子的主语和表语都为非谓语动词 其形式要求一致 2 Itis no good usedoingsth Teachingislearning Itisnousedoingtha

3、t 那样做是没用的 教也是学 表语 动名词 分词 不定式 HisjobisteachingChinese Thenewsisexciting Allofusaredisappointed Whatyoushoulddoistolookafterthebaby 定语 主动进行令人 的 被动完成感到 的 drinkingwaterreadingroom thewaterfordrinking theroomforreading 作定语 thesleepingbaby fallenleaves thebrokencup runningwater excitingnews thedisappointi

4、ngboy thedisappointedboy theworktodo theboystandingthere ThewindowbrokenbyTom theclothestowashtomorrow Hehasalotofworktodo Heistherightpersontodoit It sthebestwaytolearnEnglish 主谓 动宾 说明内容 不定式作定语的基本条件 不定式与它所修饰的名词在逻辑上必须具备以下条件之一 1 主谓关系2 动 介 宾关系3 说明所修饰词的内容 多为抽象名词或序数词 Ihavenochairtositon Ihavealotofcloth

5、estowash tobewashed Payattentiontothefollowing thefoodtolive thebustocomehere thepentowrite theroomtolive theknifetocut thepersontowrite on on with in with about 宾补 分词 不定式 done doing 主动进行 被动完成 取决于谓语动词 seewatchlookathearlistentofeelnotice sb dodoingdone makelethave sb be seenwatchedlookedatheardliste

6、nedtofeltnoticed todo madelet adviseallowaskbegcauseexpectencourageforcegethateinviteorderwishwantwarnremindpromisepermitpersuaderequest sb todo makeoneselfdone Ican tmakemyselfunder stoodbecauseofmybrokenEnglish Aliarcan tmakehimselfbelieved find O doing done Hefoundawalletlyingontheground Ifoundth

7、ecitychangedalot 宾语 作宾语 只能用动名词作宾语的动词和词组 advise admit avoid consider delay enjoy excuse finish deny allow escape forgive imagine mind keep miss practise prevent resist risk suggest understand appreciate can thelpputoff giveup 动名词常可用于下列词组后 feellike devote to bebusy Thereisno needuseharmhurry in doing

8、Thereis are I wehave difficultytroubleproblemfunpleasureagoodtimeahardtime in doing 只能接不定式作宾语的动词 hope wish promise refuse arrange decide fail manage offer prepare pretend hate prefer ask choose expect beginstartcontinue tododoing 注意下列动词 likelovehatepreferlearn tododoing rememberforgetregret tododoin

9、g trymeanstopgoon tododoing 注意下列结构 beusedtodobe getusedtodoingusedtodo 状语 doing与主语为主动关系 done与主语为被动关系 作目的状语 作其他状语 Hearingthebadnews theycouldn thelpcrying Whentheyheardthebadnews Givenmoreattention thetreescouldhavegrownbetter Iftheyhadbeengivenmoreattention Beingsoangry hecouldn tgotosleep Becausehe

10、wassoangry Theycameintotheclassroom singingandlaughing Toservethepeoplewell Istudyhard 判断下列句子正误 1 TolearnEnglishwell alotofpracticemustbedone 2 Seeingfromthehill thecityismorebeautiful 3 Heating waterwillboil 4 Gettingthere thedoorwasfoundopened 判断句子正误并改正 1 Beingill hisclassmatesenthimtohospital 2 T

11、ogetthereintime hetoldmetogetupearly 3 BrokenbyJim Ican tusethecup 将下列状语从句改为非谓语短语作状语 1 Becauseshewasmovedbythehero shedecidedtostudyharder 2 Whenhefoundthedoorlocked hewenthome Hestartedearlyinorderthathecouldgetthereontime 将下列非谓语短语改写为状语从句 1 Notknowingheraddress Ican twritetoher 2 Enteringtheroom Is

12、awastrangesight 3 Scoldedbytheteacher hewasverysad 4 Notknowingwheretogo heaskedapoliceman 5 Hearingherfriendwasbad lyhurt sheburstintotears 6 Knowinghisteamhadwon hebecamehappyatonce for ofsb todo my Tom sdoing ItisimportanttolearnEnglish ItisimportantforustolearnEnglish Itis was adj for ofsb todo

13、It skindyoutosayso It sstrangeyoutodothat of for StudyingEnglishisimportant OurstudyingEnglish LiLei sStudyingEnglish 用两个复合结构翻译句子 1 李明的迟到使得老师很生气 2 我现在离开你介意吗 3 他对我打电话会很吃惊的 4 你在这河里游泳是很危险的 Answer 1 LiMing sbeinglatemadehisteacherveryangry 2 Doyoumindmyleavingnow 3 Hewillbesurprisedatmycalling 4 It sdan

14、gerousforyoutoswimintheriver 非谓语动词的时态和语态 英语基本时态构成一览表 do be shall will have have 语态 时态 动名词的时态和语态 Thankyouforhavinghelpedmesomuch Heispraisedforhavingdevotedhislifeforhiscountry Beforebeingused themachinemustbechecked Heinsistedonbeingsenttohospital Heinsistedonsendinghertohospital 对比下列句子 注意下面句式 n S b

15、eworthdoing S beworthy of n tobedoneofbeingdone 语态 时态 不定式的时态和语态 Hepretendedtobeworkinghardwhenhisbosspassedhim Heseemstobeeatingsomething I msorrytohavekeptyouwaiting Payspecialattentionto hopedpromisedwantedwishedexpectedplanned tohavedone 表示过去没有实现的期待和愿望 Hewantedtohavemetyouattheairport buthedidn t

16、getthereintime Weplannedtohavedonegooddeedsforthepoorpeoplelastmonth shouldoughttoneedmaymightcouldwould not havedone 过去 本来 结果与事实相反 Youshouldhavefinishedyourhomework Weneedn thaveworriedabouthim Youshouldn thavebeenthere mustcan tcanmaymightcould ben adj bedoinghavedone Nobodyopenedthedoor Shemight may haveleft Theroadisallwet Itmusthaverainedlastnight Isawhimjustnow Hecan thavegonetoShanghai 语态 时态 现在分词的时态和语态 现在分词的时态和语态 HavingbeentotheGreatWallmanytimes Hedidn tgothereyesterday Nothavingreceived


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