(山东)《龙门亮剑》2020高三英语一轮 Unit1 Friendship课时作业详细解析 新人教版必修1

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《(山东)《龙门亮剑》2020高三英语一轮 Unit1 Friendship课时作业详细解析 新人教版必修1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(山东)《龙门亮剑》2020高三英语一轮 Unit1 Friendship课时作业详细解析 新人教版必修1(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课时作业(一)Friendship.单项填空1There have been several new events_to the program to be held next year.AaddBto addCadding Dadded2I saw Annie in the market yesterday.You_her;she is still studying abroad.Amustnt see Bcouldnt seeCmustnt have seen Dcouldnt have seen3. Tom hasnt come to work since last Friday._?A

2、Might he have an accidentBCould he have an accidentCMight he have had an accidentDCould he have had an accident4You shouldnt always refer to a dictionary.You can_quite well with your reading text without knowing the meaning of some words.Aget over Bget aroundCget through Dget along5I dont suppose th

3、at Daisy was able to pass the final exam last term._.Shes preparing to take a makeup exam.AGood luck BWell,Im not sure about itCThats correct DNo way6He was told that it would be at least three months_he could recover and return to work.Awhen BbeforeCsince Dthat7_crime in this area has increased so

4、much over the last 20 years?AWhy is it that BWhy it is thatCWhy was it that DWhy it was that8People cant afford to buy expensive things_the prices of daily goods going up.Aas BforCwith Dsince9Im Chinese and I do feel_Chinese language is_most beautiful language.Whats your opinion?Athe;a B/;theCthe;/

5、D/;a10I found this rare picture_when I was searching for another picture on the Internet.Aon purpose Bby mistakeCon average Dby chance11The CEO was extremely excited about_good things that happened in the company.Aa heap of Ba mixture ofCa series of Da set of12There was_time_Iraq was one of the stro

6、ngest countries in the world.Aa;when Ba;thatCthe;that Dthe;when13Tom said that Mr Johnson was unfair to him.I really wonder how he_that to the teacher.Adare to say Bdare syingCnot dare say Ddared say14The reporter has written_articles about air pollution hoping to call the attention of all people to

7、 the problem.Aa series of Ba great deal ofCa plenty of Da large amount of15The meeting was concerned_education reforms and many parents,concerned_the future of their children,were present.Awith;for Bwith;withCfor;about Dabout;with.翻译句子16这是我第一次给外国笔友写信。(It is the first time that.)_17我希望你工作中没有困难。(have

8、difficulty)_18我想让你把需要在超市买的东西列个清单。(make a list of.)_19战争爆发后,他们躲进了山里。(hide away)_20他的钱昨天在公共汽车上被人偷走了。(have/get sth.done)_.完形填空was_23_the first presidency of the new nation of Israel.He_24_it down with this statement:“I am_25_moved by the offer from our State of Israel (to serve as President),and at onc

9、e saddened and_26_that I cannot accept it.All my life I have dealt with objective matters,hence (因此) I lack both the_27_aptitude (天赋) and the experience to deal properly with people and to exercise_28_functions.For these_29_alone I should be unsuited to_30_the duties of that high office.”(The Einste

10、in Scrapbook,Johns Hopkins University Press,2002)Dr.Einstein knew plenty about the_31_of the universe,but this wise and insightful man also knew that he_32_the necessary political skill for such a(n)_33_position.Is there really any_34_in knowing our limitations?We should_35_on what we did well and t

11、he world will be better.We may or may not_36_it,but we have the capacity to do some things well.In fact,very well.Few of us will ever be_37_,but we can still_38_meaningfully to life.And when we know_39_we can do and decide to do that_40_thing,we just might discover we are happy.BofferedCpermittedDse

12、ttled 24. AshockedBputCturned Dbroke25. Asimilarly BespeciallyCdeeply Dwillingly26. Aashamed BstressedCaccustomed Ddelighted27. Aworthy BmentalCnatural Dperfect28. Anormal BofficialCdaily Dcommon29. AcontentsBreasonsCviewsDadvantages30. Aapply BarrangeCparticipate Dfulfill31A.nature BjudgmentCweakne

13、ss Dmovement32. AabsorbedBdesertedClackedDguaranteed33. AadmiringBdemandingCemployingDsupplying34. Atrust BluckCpossibility Dshame35. Arely BfocusClook Dtake36. Arecognize BbelieveCmaster Ddeclare37. Ahuman BmanagerChistory DEinstein38. Acontribute BconnectCadjust Dserve39. Ahow BwhatCwhy Dwhen40. AgeneralBcreativeCp


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