云南省2018年中考英语总复习 第一部分 夯实基础过教材 七上 Units 1-4(含Starter)课件 人教新目标版

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《云南省2018年中考英语总复习 第一部分 夯实基础过教材 七上 Units 1-4(含Starter)课件 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《云南省2018年中考英语总复习 第一部分 夯实基础过教材 七上 Units 1-4(含Starter)课件 人教新目标版(45页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第一部分夯实基础过教材 七年级 上 Units1 4 含Starter That smyfamily Thosearemyparents 那是我的家人 那两位是我的父母 Unit2P7 考点1 考点精讲 辨析family house home与room 省卷 2013 74 教材例句讲考点 常见短语 familymember家庭成员 省卷 2013 74 familyparty家庭聚会familyname姓gohome回家warmhome温暖的家bighouse大房子beautifulhouse漂亮的房子cleanroom干净的房间brightroom明亮的房间 考点冲关 1 Theteach

2、eroftenmixedmeupwithanotherboyofthesame 姓氏 2 Whenyoucheckinahotelduringthetravel it snecessarytorememberyour 房间号 3 OnMid AutumnDay thefamilymembersalwaystryto togettogetherinChina 回家 roomnumber last familyname gohome 4 TheSmithshavelivedinthisbeautiful forfiveyears 大房子 5 DavidhasbeeninBeijingforeigh

3、tyears Beijinghasbecomehissecond A homeB familyC houseD room6 Doyouhaveanyplansforyourvacation Yes my aregoingtoLijiangwithme A homeB houseC familyD room A C bighouse 7 Tracywasn tfeelingwellandshewantedtogo atonce A houseB homeC roomD family8 John you dbettercleanyour It sverydirty OK mom Iwilldoit

4、rightnow A houseB familyC homeD room D B 9 LiJinisgoingtostudyabroadnextmonth Let shaveapartyforheratmy thisweekend A houseB familyC roomD home10 Itiswisetobookahotelearlyifyouwanttogeta inatouristseason A houseB homeC roomD family A C Whataboutthedictionary 这本字典怎么样 Unit3P14 考点精讲 What Howabout 句型 省卷

5、 2013 37 What Howabout 意为 怎么样 好吗 一般表示征求对方的看法或意见 此处about为介词 后跟名词 代词或动名词 如 Whataboutacupofcoffee 喝一杯咖啡怎么样 Howaboutplayingfootballafterschool 放学后踢足球怎么样 考点2 向对方提出建议或请求 语气很委婉 相当于句型Wouldyoulike 常用的肯定答语 OK Allright Goodidea 省卷 2013 37 Ithinkso 等 否定答语 Sorry I I mafraidnot 等 如 Whataboutgoingfishingtomorrow 明

6、天去钓鱼怎么样 Goodidea 好主意 拓展 考点冲关 11 Whatabout boatingthisweekend go 12 I mfreetoday Howabout withmethisafternoon shop going shopping 13 WhataboutwatchingagameshowonTVwithmetonight Let shelptheoldattheOldPeople sHome A SoundsboringB GoodjobC WhynotD Goodidea D 14 Ilikedrawingpicturesinmysparetime Whatabo

7、ut Ilikeplayingtheviolin whichmakesmerelaxed A yourselfB yoursC youD your15 HowaboutgoingtoGD sconcertnextmonth Ihavetoprepareformyfinaltest A OK IwillB Sorry Iwon tC IthinksoD I mafraidnot B A 16 Howabout tomyhomeandwatchingthefootballmatchtogether Goodidea I mlookingforwardtowatchingitthisevening

8、A togoB goingC wentD gone C Thankyouforyourhelp Anna 感谢你的帮助 安娜 Unit3P14 考点精讲 辨析thankyoufor thanksfor 与thanksto 曲靖 2014 76 thankyoufor 相当于thanksfor 意为 因为 而感谢 for为介词 强调感谢的原因 后接名词 代词或动名词 曲靖 2014 76 考点3 回答该句式可以用 Notatall Youarewelcome That sallright Mypleasure It smypleasure 如 Thankyoufor Thanksforhelpi

9、ngmewhenIwasintrouble 感谢你在我有困难时帮助我 Notatall 不用谢 thanksto意为 幸亏 多亏 和becauseof意思相近 表示由于某个人或物的存在才有了某种好的结果 to是介词 表示感谢的对象 其后接名词 代词或动名词等 考点冲关 17 youradvice I llthinkaboutitcarefully A ThankstoB ThanksforC InsteadofD Becauseof18 Thankyouforhelpingmecleantheroom A You rewelcomeB Don tsayitC TakeiteasyD Takey

10、ourtime A B 19 Thanks invitingmetoyourbirthdayparty Mypleasure Iamgladyoucancome A toB withC atD for20 Thanks youradviceandencouragement Ihavefoundarightlearningmethodandmadegreatprogress A atB byC toD with D C Thankyouforyourhelp Anna 感谢你的帮助 安娜 Unit3P14 考点精讲 help的用法 考点4 考点冲关 21 Icouldn thelp whenmy

11、littlepetdogdied cry 22 herteacher Lindaisn tafraidofspeakingEnglishinpublicanymore 在 的帮助下 23 thesedishes Theywerespeciallycookedforyou 请自便 24 Mylittlebrotherlosthisfavoritetoy Ineedtohelphim it A findB findsC foundD finding A crying Withthehelpof Helpyourself yourselves Isityours Askyourteacherfori

12、t 它是你的吗 向你的老师要它 Unit3P17 考点精讲 ask的用法 考点5 考点冲关 25 Theteacheraskedallthestudents theirhomeworkcarefullyontime finish 26 Mr Wilson canI yousomequestions yourspeech 询问 27 Amyaskedherfather adviceonhowtoworkoutthemathproblem A forB toC atD in A tofinish ask about 基础写作训练 连词成句1 lies never to parents tell y

13、our 2 hospital in mother my works a 3 first it my cook parents is time to for my Nevertellliestoyourparents Mymotherworksinahospital Itismyfirsttimetocookformyparents 高频话题作文指南 话题1介绍家庭 4 have tired and pressure parents toomuch are my 5 should to their love becauseof we parents be our thankful 汉译英1 我有

14、一个幸福温馨的家 我家有三口人 Myparentsaretiredandhavetoomuchpressure Weshouldbethankfultoourparentsbecauseoftheirlove Ihaveahappyandwarmfamily andtherearethreepeopleinmyfamily 2 我的妈妈在我的生活中扮演很重要的角色 3 毫无疑问 父母是孩子最好的老师 4 我爸爸对我的学习很严格 5 和父母顶嘴是不礼貌的 Mymotherplaysanimportantpart roleinmylife Thereisnodoubtthatparentsaret

15、hebestteachersoftheirchildren Mydadisstrictwithmeinmystudy Itisimpolitetotalkbacktoparents 句子改错1 Parentsalwaysgiveschildreneverythingtheycan 2 Parentsspendtheirwholelifetolovechildren 3 Iusedtothinkingmyfatherdidn tcareaboutme 4 Iamfondofplaytheguitarafterschool 5 Myfathergivesupsmokinginhisforty gi

16、ves改为give tolove改为loving thinking改为think play改为playing forty改为forties 能力提升 命题探索 云南三套卷近5年中考书面表达跟 家庭 相关话题共考查过5次 写作角度多为自己与家人之间发生的事情 如 2017曲靖 TheBeautyof 2016昆明B Ilove 2015省卷 Growingupwith 2015曲靖 Let s 2014昆明B Letmetellyou 这些题目都可以补充为与家人有关的话题 如表达谢意 描述成长经历等 开头句 1 Ourparentsloveusmorethananybodyelseintheworld 2 Mygrandpaisspecialtomebecausewe relikefriends 3 ThepersonIlovemostismymother 4 Thepersonwhooftenencouragesmeismyfather 好句积累 中间句 1 Myfatherleadsahealthylifeandheneversmokesordrinks 2 Mysisterisou



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