湘少版(三起)六年级下册英语教案Unit 5 Our Earth looks like this in space Period 1

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1、Unit 5 Our Earth looks like this in space【第一课时】【教学目标】(一)应用目标:1能理解并掌握“look like .”的含义及用法.2能通过图示了解有关太空的知识以及地球在太空中的形状和基本特征.3能听懂、会说A部分的对话.【教学重难点】重点:能用“Our Earth looks like this in space.”和“The Earth is like a ball.”描述某物看起来像什么.难点:(1)动词过去式变化的规则,尤其是部分单词的不规则变化,如go-went.(2)用已有的科学知识讨论和描述太空和地球的特征.【教学准备】用于复习单词的

2、卡片,用于新授单词的图片,教学音频等.【教学过程】I. 热身(Warm-up)Greetings.T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you, too.T: Lets sing a song together, OK?Ss: OK.Sing a song Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.II. 新课呈现(Presentation)1情境创设:参观湖南省科技馆.教师出示郊游的图片,一起回忆以前郊游去过的地方,如世界之窗、生态动物园、酷贝拉等,激发学生的好奇心,去猜测这次郊游的地方.T:

3、 What season is it?Ss: Its spring.T: Whats the weather like?Ss: Its warm and nice.T: Yes. A nice day! Our school outing is coming. Do you remember these places? Lets have a look!(课件依次展示世界之窗、生态动物园、酷贝拉、海底世界等,在回忆中激发学生这次郊游的兴趣.)T: Where are we going this time? Can you guess?(预测:学生会开始猜测,为后面的学习做铺垫.)2New wo

4、rds(1)教师出示太阳、月亮和星星的图片,复习单词,并引导学生猜测这次郊游要去哪儿.T: What is this?Ss: The sun. The moon.T: What are those?Ss: Theyre stars.T: Look at the stars! They are beautiful! What do they look like? (课件展示星空图片,凸显几幅星座图片,如狮子座让学生展开想象力.)The stars look like a lion! (教师板书look like,带读.)Ss: The stars look like 然后教师出示一幅太空馆的图片

5、.T: Can you guess where we are going? Were going to go to the Space Museum.(教师板书Space Museum,带读词组.学生操练词组,教师纠音.)T: There are two museums in the Space Museum, the Space Cinema and Science and Technology Museum.(课件展示太空馆中两个不同的馆:太空影城和科技馆.)(2)通过课件演示,教师带领学生先参观第一馆:太空影城.T: Welcome to our Space Cinema. Lets w

6、atch a film. There are three films. Which one do you want?教师出示三幅图片选项(太阳、月亮和地球),教读watch a film about the sun/ watch a film about the moon,然后出示一张地球的图片,板书并带读the Earth.引出短语watch a film about the Earth“看一部关于地球的电影”.(板书并带读)T: Lets watch a film about the Earth today.教师带领学生观看一段了解我们的地球的科普视频.通过观看视频,学生初步了解地球从太空

7、上看像一个球.地球的表面是由海水和土地构成.我们的地球不但美丽,而且有水和空气,还有各种各样丰富的资源,温度和日照特别适宜人和动物生存以及植物的生长.3操练词句看完了解我们的地球这段科普视频后,学生对地球有了基本了解.出了太空影城,刚好看到一张大的招聘海报,内容为:科技馆招聘一名地球知识解说员,招聘形式是一场关于地球的知识抢答赛.T: Look! There is a poster. Lets readWANTEDDo you like the science? Are you interested in the Earth?We need a reporter for our museum.

8、 You can answer the questions about the Earth.You will work on weekends.You can get 10 per hour.Science and Technology MuseumT: Im interested in the film about the Earth.Are you interested in the film about the Earth?Do you want to be a reporter? Lets have a try!课件展示一张从太空拍摄的地球的图片,其中蓝色部分为海洋,开始一场关于地球的

9、知识抢答赛.(1)Our Earth looks like _ in space.(2)You can see _ and _.(3)_ and _ can live on the Earth.animals a ball the land plants the sea先请部分同学竞赛,要求完整地说句子,然后教师核对答案,并示范做科技馆的解说员.最后,全班、小组到个人操练做解说员.Teaching Tips:教师借用学校郊游的安排,创设了一个去太空馆参观的情境.通过此环节,学生能很快进入要完成的语言任务情境中,为下面的多个语言任务做好铺垫.关于地球的科普知识与其生硬地塞给学生,不如通过生动的视

10、频让学生对太空知识有一个直观的了解.通过科技馆招聘一名地球知识解说员的活动,学生用已有的科学知识主动讨论和描述太空和地球的特征.4The dialogue课文学习:教师可分步骤先进行初步感知,再进一步理解、熟读、掌握课文,循序渐进地引导学生熟悉课文.第一步:Read and underline the sentences请学生打开书,看到文本中有三幅插图.快速阅读A部分课文,在描述插图的语句下画横线.描述第一幅插图的语句:They watched a film about the Earth.这里描述电影的内容是关于地球的.描述第二幅插图的语句:Our Earth looks like thi

11、s in space. You can see the sea and the land这里描述从太空上看地球的形状.(学习词组look like.)描述第二幅插图的语句:The next day, he went to the library to look for books on space.第二步:Listen and fill in the blank听录音,仔细阅读课文,完成填空.Peter两天的活动情况(过去时态)Last Sundaywent to the Space Museum with his motherwatched a film about the Earth ta

12、lked about the film was interested in the filmwanted to find out more about the Earth and the starsThe next daywent to the library to look for books on space第三步:Listen and repeat听音、跟读,引导学生正确模仿,提醒学生注意语音、语调.III. 复述故事(Retell the story)1教师提供Peter两天的活动情况表格,带领学生一起回忆课文内容.然后让学生根据表格中的关键词和三幅插图,四人一组复述课文.2教师对学生的复述做出评价,给予肯定与鼓励,培养学生对语篇的概括与复述能力.【作业布置】1听录音,跟读课文,背诵课文.2查找并搜集有关太空的知识或者图片,准备下节课当小小解说员.


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