2020届高三英语 考前冲刺矫正测试

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《2020届高三英语 考前冲刺矫正测试》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020届高三英语 考前冲刺矫正测试(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2020;2020届高三英语考前冲刺矫正测试(本试题共两部分,满分120分,用时90分钟)注意:1.考生必须在答题卷上按要求填/涂相关的个人信息,不可漏填。2.所有答案必须写到答题卷上,写在答题卷之外的地方一律无效。第一部分一、词类转换(每题1分,共20分)1permit_(名词) 2physics_(形容词)3society_(形容词) 4nine_(序数词)5 true_(副词) 6friend_(形容词)7regular_(反义词) 8.lazy_(名词)9apology_(动词) 10occupy_(名词)11. normal_(反义词) 12. simple_(副词)13. refe

2、r_(名词) 14. blood_(动词)15. wise_(名词)16. The biggest spider is about the size of a dinner plate. In_(compare), the smallest isless than half a millimeter long.17. The 26th Universiade has promoted the image of Shenzhen City._(addition), ithas brought great benefits to the citizens.18. He has no_(know)

3、of the boys background, but he has decided to employ him.19. Today speed-dating enjoys great_(popular) in big cities.20. I have the_(impress) that he enjoys modern art very much.二、动词填空(每题1分,共15分)用所给动词的正确形式填空。21. The company, which is funded by the U.S. army,_(hope) that in the long run it will beabl

4、e to make large quantities of very light, very strong fiber for military and medical use.22. But eventually, the desert sand once again covered the Sphinx, _(leave) only the headvisible.23. The use of mobile phones in this way made the headlines in Singapore when a high schoolstudent posted in the I

5、nternet a movie he_(take) of a teacher shouting at another student,and tearing the students homework.24. Todays full length movie began with short motion pictures_(develop) in France in thelate 1800s by the Lumiere brother.25. Compared to the Hollywood movies, the most expensive Bollywood film ever_

6、(make)cost only $10 million to make.26. Coming from the Bronx, Jennifer Lopez knew from an early age it_(be) tough toachieve her dream, but she just held on to it.27. After_(star) in The Cell (2000), Lopez released her second album, J.Lo, in 2001.28. Although diversity is important, what really_(cou

7、nt) is performance.29. The boy_(suspend) from school for smoking in dormitory since last Monday.30. After all the guests_(seat), the mothers of the bride and groom came into the halltogether.31. This is the latest way for single people to meet other people they might like to date without thepressure

8、_(associate) with the conventional.32. Although this is only a small portion of the total amount_(ship) around the world eachyear, this spilled oil can have terrible effects on ocean life.33. Paintings_(find) in ancient Korean tombs indicates that a martial art similar totaekwondo has been practiced

9、 in Korea since about 50 B.C.34. The_(set) sun makes a beautiful scene against the surface of the sea.35. To keep his empire_(run) smoothly, the king had fresh men and horses send messagesbetween special stations.三、连词填空(每题1分,共15分)根据句子意义及逻辑,用恰当的从属连接词填空。36._makes spiders different from other animals i

10、s that they spin web to catch the smallinsects they feed on.37. The government built a monument on the square,_it stands to this day.38. In the 1920s, all of the sand was finally cleared away and restoration work,_continued to this day, was begun.39. The restoration team didnt attempt to fix the nos

11、e and beard of the statue, and left the face_it was.40. Thutmose kept his word and did_he was told in the dream.41. City Hall Station remained in use until 1945,_the station had to be closed due tocertain changes in the citys subway system.42._the movie is based on the book, there are several import

12、ant differences between thetwo.43. Apart from the online diary of links, there are also personal diaries_the writer talksabout their life and feelings.44._film budgets increase, audiences expect more and more spectacular special effects,all of which cost increasing amount of money.45. Studies have f

13、ound that two right-handed parents have only a 9.5 percent chance of having aleft-handed child,_two left-handed parents have a 26 percent chance of having aleft-handed child.46. A spoken messages meaning comes from understanding_the speaker uses things liketone of voice and body language.47. The cap

14、tain gave control of the ship to another sailor,_was unfamiliar with the routethe ship was taking.48. Unfortunately,de Velayers system came to an end_jealous competitors put live micein his letter boxes, ruining his business.49. It wasnt until 1500s_a well-organized postal system appeared again in Europe.50. During the Tour de France, if a lead rider falls off his bike, it is common for the followingriders to slow down to allow the fallen rider to catch up,_German rider Jan Ullrich didin the 2002 rac


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