高中英语 Unit 20《Humour》说课稿3 新人教版(通用)

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1、高 一 英 语Unit 20 Humour说 课 教 案The Second PeriodTopic : Reading (Laughing Matter)Step 1. RevisionAsk two pairs to act out the dialogue.Step 2. Teaching Aims1.Developthestudentsreadingability,especiallytheirreadingcomprehension.2.ReadthereadingpassageandknowaboutLaughingMatter.Step 3. Teaching AidsA CD

2、player.Step 4. Teaching ProceduresLead-in1.Whocansaysomethingaboutcomedians?Comediansarepeople,especiallyprofessionalentertainers,whotelljokesordoamusingthingstomakepeoplelaughandthink.Lookatthepictures.Doyouknowwhothesecomediansare?Whatmakethemfunnytoyou?2. Perhaps you know some famous we usually c

3、all comedians , for example ,Charlie Chaplin , Zhao Benshan , Huang Hong , Chen Peisi , Jiang Kun . In their performance , they make us laugh and bring us happiness. What can make people laugh? (Collect the answers : clothes/ make-up/ gestures/ words / There are a variety of ways that can make peopl

4、e laugh.In this class, well read a passage Laughing Matter).Pre-reading1.Doyouknowanycomediansbothathomeandabroad?Pleasenamesome.CharlieChaplinThecomicduoofthe1930s“LaurelandHardy”.ThethinoneiscalledStanLaurel,thestoutoneOliverHardy.Theyarefunnybecausetheyareeachothersopposites:onefatandonethin;onei

5、scleverandoneissillyetc. 2.SampleanswersforQuestion1Photo1:Thecomicduoofthe1930sLaurelandHardy.(ThethinoneiscalledStanLaurel,whilethestoutoneiscalledOliverHardy.)Theyarefunnybecausetheyareeachothersopposites:onefatandonethin;oneiscleverandoneissillyetc. Othercomicduosareforexample,AbbottandCostello,



8、ple,DameEdna(Australia), MiltonBerle(USA)andEddyIzzard(UK).Photo4:MaJiisawell-knownartistofcrosstalkshowsinChina.Hisnumerouscrosstalkshowsalwaysmakehisaudienceroarwithlaughter.AskthestudentstotalkaboutMaJithemselvesinpairsorgroups.OtherfamouscrosstalkartistsareJiangKun,HouYuewen,FengGong,MaSanli,Tan

9、gJiezhong,etc. 3.SampleanswersforQuestion3: (1)IhaveseensomefilmsofLaurelandHardyandIthinkthattheyareveryfunny.(2)IfindMrBeanalwaysveryfunny.Iknowsomepeoplethinkitisfunny,butIthinkMrBeanisverysilly. (3)IdontthinkIeversawthiscomedian.IamnotsureifIwouldlikeit.(4)IonceheardHouYuewenontheradioandIhadtol

10、aughsomuchthatmystomachhurtandIhadtearsinmyeyes.SkimmingSkim the text and answer the question:How many different laughing matters are talked about in the text?Suggested answer: Four (comedy, clown ,comedian ,Chinese crosstalk show)ScanningScan the text and answer the following questions:1).What are

11、the techniques that writers of comedies often use to make people laugh?2).Why are some of Shakespeares comedies not so funny for us ?3).Can you describe a clown in your own word?4).What is the show of a comedian like?5).How long does the tradition of crosstalk exist in China?Fast-reading1).Readthete

12、xtagain,trytodividethetextintoseveralpartsandfindoutthemainideaofeachpart: Part1:Comedies, Part2:Clowns, Part3:Comedians, Part4:Crosstalk.2). Read the passage quickly to choose the main idea of each paragraph.a. Description of a clown (2) b. Whats a cross talk show (4)c. The traditional cross talk s

13、how (5) d. Description of comedians (3)e. The writers of comedies both at home and abroad (1)Careful-readingRead the passage carefully to choose the best answer for each question.1) Why is Dustin Hoffman so famous?A. He is famous for his works. B. He is famous for his foreign accent.C. He is famous

14、for his role acting as a woman. D. He is good at playing on words.2) What does a sketch mean in the text? It means .A. a rough, quickly made drawing B. general outlineC. short, humorous play D. a piece of writing3) Comedians and players in a comedy are similar in _.A. their way of playing with words B. clothesC. cross-dressing way D. foreign accent



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