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1、2012届高三英语第二轮复习考点精讲精炼第11讲 单项选择副词性从句时间状语从句的运用 条件状语从句和结果状语从句的正确运用让步状语从句和方式状语从句的运用 目的状语从句的运用 till和until的用法区别 though和although的用法 as和though引导让步状语从句的语序 方式状语从句中的虚拟语气接触生活话题(延边F)经典易错题会诊(延边F)命题角度l(延边F)时间状语从句的运用1. (延边F) (典型例题精选)Did Jack come back early last night? Yes. It was not yet eight o clock he arrived ho

2、me. A. before B. when C. that D. until (延边F) 考场错解 C (延边F) 专家把脉 本题很多考生都以为是强调句,选that,事实上本题是一个when引导的时间状语从句,句意为“他回家的时候不是八点钟”。 (延边F) 对症下药 B2. (延边F) (典型例题精选That was really a splendid evening, it s years I enjoyed myself so much. A. when B. that C. before D. since (延边F) 考场错解 A (延边F) 专家把脉 很多考生都选A,认为是由when引

3、导的一个时间状态语从句。本句是状语从句,但并不能用 when引导,而应该用since引导,此时since译为“从起”,整句应该理解为“我多年未这么快乐过了”。 (延边F) 对症下药 D3. (延边F) (典型例题精选 ) Scientists think that the continents always where they today. A. aren t ; are B. arent; were C. weren t; are D. weren t; were (延边F) 考场错解 A (延边F) 专家把脉 理解句意是关键:科学家们认为陆地不总是在现在所在的位置。由于知识先入为主,这会

4、造成考生看到always就会选arent的可能性。 (延边F) 对症下药 C4. (延边F) (典型例题精选How can you expect to learn anything you never listen? A. in case B. even if C. unless D. when (延边F) 考场错解 C (延边F) 专家把脉 本题考查when引导的时间状语从句。意思是:“在你什么都不听时,又能期望学到什么呢?” (延边F) 对症下药 D5. (延边F) ( 典型例题精选Why didn t you tell him about the meeting? He rushed o

5、ut of the room I could say a word. Abefore Buntil Cwhen Dafter (延边F) 考场错解 C (延边F) 专家把脉 本题考查1)efore引导时间状语从句的用法。本句意为“我还没来得及说话,他就冲了出去”。 (延边F) 对症下药 A6. (延边F) (典型例题精选How long do you think it will be China sends a manmade spaceship to the moon? Perhaps two or three years. A. when B. until C. that D. befor

6、e (延边F) 考场错解A或c (延边F) 专家把脉 本题考查before的特殊用法,此处可译为“还要过多久才”。 (延边F) 对症下药 D(延边F)专家会诊1 (延边F)时间状语从句的引导词有:when,whie,as,every time,the moment,hardlywhen,no sooner than等. 2(延边F)使用时问状语从句时要注意下列几个词: as,while,when as强调两个动作同时进行,动作通常是延续性的,且表示“一边一边”;还可表示“随着时间的推移”。如: He always sings aw he walks As time went on,his th

7、eory proved to be correct when引导的时间状语从句中,其谓语动词可以是延续性的,也可以是非延续性的,有时还表示“就在那时”。如: When the teacher came in, the students were reading aloud. When he stayed in America, he learned a lot of English. We were about to set out when it began to rain. while在期间,引导的从句的动作是延续性的,并侧重主从句的动作同时发生:有时while还表示转折关系“而”。如:

8、While his mother was cooking in the kitchen,the little boy fell asleep in the chair. He is a worker,while his sister is a doctor.(延边F)考场思维训练1 (延边F) the teacher came in,the students were fighting with each other. A. While B. When C. As D. Since1B解析:when在本句中意为“当时候”。2 (延边F) many boys were playing baske

9、tball on the playground, the girls were singing and dancing in the room. A. When B. While C. Before D. As2B解析:while在本句中指主从句的动作几乎同时发生。3 (延边F) he walked along the street, he sang happily. A. When B. While C. As D. That3c解析:when,while和as都表示“当时候”讲,但when引导的从句的动作可同时发生,也可先后发生。用as和while时则表示动作同时发生。(延边F)命题角度2

10、(延边F)条件状语从句和结果状语/,A句的正确运用1. (延边F) (典型例题精选 ) It is known to all that you exercise regularly ,you wont keep good health. A. unless B. whenever C. although D. if (延边F) 考场错解 B (延边F) 专家把脉 很多考生认为本题应该用whenever来引导时间状语从句,事实上分析本句结构和句意可知,it实际上是替代后面从句的,句子的真正结构为: you exercise regularlyyou wont keep good health。因

11、此,应该用unless,句意为“除非你经常有规则地锻炼,否则不会有好身体的”。 (延边F) 对症下药 A2. (延边F) ( 典型例题精选) I always take something to read when I go to the doctor s I have to wait. A. in case B. so that C. in order D. as if (延边F) 考场错解 B (延边F) 专家把脉 四个选项中in case表示“以防万一”;而 so that表示“以致”;in order表示“为了”,后加不定式或 that从句;as if表示“似乎”。据题意可知。 (延边

12、F) 对症下药 A3. (延边F) (典型例题精选 you have tried it, you can timagine how pleasant it is. A. Unless B. Because C. Although D. When (延边F) 考场错解 C (延边F) 专家把脉 本题句意为“如果你没有尝试过,你就不能想像它是多么令人愉快。” (延边F) 对症下药 A4. (延边F) (典型例题精选 We don t keep winning games we keep playing well. A. because B. unless C. when D. while (延边F

13、) 考场错解 C (延边F) 专家把脉 本题考查奈件状语从句,把A、C、D带进句子中,不符合逻辑。 (延边F) 对症下药 B5. (延边F) ( 典型例题精选 His plan was such a good one we all agreed to accept it. A. so B. and C. that D. as(延边F) 考场错解 D(延边F) 专家把脉 本题考查suehthat引导的结果状语从句。 (延边F) 对症下药 C(延边F)专家会诊1 (延边F)条件状语从句的引导词有:if,unless,as longas,so long a8,on condition that等. 2(延边F)结果状语从句的引导词有:sothat, SUChthat应该正确使用so和sueho (1)so十adj/adv/分词+that (2)so+adj+a+可数名词单数+tbat (3)so+many/few/lime/mueh+名词+that 此处many/few/little/much是表示数量的形容词。 (4)sheh+a+adj+单数可数名词+that (5)SUCh+


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