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1、热点4 间问题听力理解1. What time is it now? A. 7:55. B. 7:45. C. 7:50. 2. At what time did the dialogue happen? A. At 6:00. B. At 6:30. C. At 7:00. 3. When did John enter the Peoples University? A. One year ago. B. Two years ago. C. Three years ago. 4. On what day doesnt the woman like to go to the zoo? A. O

2、n Fridays. B. On Sundays. C. On Saturdays. 5. When does the film end? A. At 9:50. B. At 7:50. C. At 8:50. 6. When did the man sell the stamp? A. Last week. B. Last year. C. When the woman last saw him. 7. What time does the film start? A. At 7:30. B. At 7:15. C. At 7:45. 8. What time is it? A. 7:50.

3、 B. 8:00. C. 8:10. 9. When will they go to Bruce Park? A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday. 10. What time was it when the talk took place? A. 1:45. B. 2:13. C. 2:15. 11. When does the movie at the cinema start? A. At 7:30. B. At 6:30. C. At 5:20. 12. What time do you think they are having the

4、 dialogue? A. At breakfast time. B. At tea time. C. At noon. 13. When was the Great Wall first built? A. In the 3rd century BC. B. More than 2000 years ago. C. More than 2500 years ago. 14. When will they go to Xian? A. About June 16th. B. About July 16th. C. About June 6th. 15. When is the longest

5、school holiday in Australia? A. Winter. B. Summer. C. Autumn. 听力原文及答案听力原文Text 1W: What time does the ballet start? M: At 8:30. We have 35 minutes to get there. Text 2W: Has Jones got up? M: Yes, he has been up since six. W: Oh, I see. He has been up for half an hour. M: Thats right. Text 3W: Where a

6、re you studying, John? M: In the Peoples University. W: Oh, thats just the university I graduated from last year. M: Well, that happened to be the time when I entered the Peoples University. Text 4M: Do you like to go to the zoo on Sundays? W: Yes, I like to go to the zoo, but not on Sundays, becaus

7、e its always so crowded. How about going on Friday or Saturday? Text 5W: When does the film start, Tom? M: At 7:50 pm and it lasts exactly two hours. Text 6W: Do you still have the stamp of the cock year? You had it when I last saw you. M: Im afraid I dont have it any more, I sold it last week. Text

8、 7W: What time is it, please? M: Its half past seven. W: Oh, we must hurry, or well be late for the film. M: Weve got fifteen minutes to get there. Text 8W: The concert starts at 8:00. M: We still have ten minutes. Text 9M: Tomorrow is Saturday. Lets go and have a walk in Bruce Park, shall we? W: Im

9、 afraid I shant have time tomorrow. How about the day after tomorrow? M: Its OK. Text 10W: Youd better hurry, Tom. There isnt much time left. The meeting begins at 2:30. M: Im hurrying, we still have a quarter to go anyway. Text 11 W: What do you want to do tonight? M: How about going to the movies?

10、 I shall be home from work at 5:20. Then we can go out and eat and then to the movies. W: What do you want to see? M: Theres a good one at the cinema. Lets see that. W: It starts at 6:30. I dont think we can get there in time to see the beginning. How about the one at the New State? It starts at 7:0

11、0. M: No, I dont like Robert Redford. You know that. Maybe we should just stay at home and watch TV. We can go out on Friday night. W: Did you forget that Ed and Jean are coming to dinner that night? M: OK. I hope Saturday is all right. Do we have anything planned for then? W: No, Saturday is fine.

12、And theres a good movie starting on Saturday too. M: Good. Im going to play tennis on Saturday morning but Ill be home by 2:00. Then we can go out for a big dinner and to the movies, if nothing else comes up. W: Im sure well be able to go. Text 12 W: Hello, Peter! M: You are down at last. Ive been w

13、aiting for you. See the two cups? Theyve set the table for two. W: Isnt Jack coming? M: No. He has tea in his office on weekdays. Would you like to have milk and sugar in your tea? W: No, thank you. M: Sandwich? These are tomato sandwiches. W: Thanks. But how about yourself? M: I like to have bread

14、and butter. W: I had a letter from my parents this morning. They have just got home from a trip to Asia. They have been to Tokyo, Hongkong, Guangzhou and Beijing. I wish I could afford a trip to China to see the Great Wall. M: Well, where there is a will, there is a way. Im sure Ill be listening to

15、your lectures on America in Beijing one of these days. W: Its sweet of you to say so. Text 13M: Well, this is it! What do you think of it? W: I can hardly believe its real. Ive dreamed of seeing it ever since I saw it in books when I was a child. Just think of all this built by hand more than 2000 years ago! No wonder its one of the wonders of the world. M: Actually it was started more than 2500 years ago, when China was divided into various states. Three of the northern states built de



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