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1、小学英语精品试卷设计小学六年级英语第二学期期末试卷(附答案)听力部分(满分40分)一、Listen and choose你将听到一个句子,根据你所听到的内容,选择符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前得括号内,每小题读两遍。听前抓紧时间把各选项浏览一遍,会让你选择更有把握。(每小题1分,共10分)( ) 1. A. B. C.( ) 2. A. B. C.( ) 3. A. cold B. cool C. coat( ) 4. A. kitchen B. children C. chicken( ) 5. A. black B. blue C. brown( ) 6. A. fail B. fee

2、l C. feet( ) 7. A. read B. readed C. reads( ) 8. A. 14 B. 13 C. 30( ) 9. A. train B. plane C. subway( ) 10. A. swimming B. swinging C. singing二、Listen and judge你将听到一个句子或一组对话,根据所听到的内容,在每小题的大图中圈出相符的图片。别忘了先浏览选项哦!每小题读两遍。(每小题1分,共8分)1. 2.3. 4.5. 6.7. 8.三、Listen and choose你将听到一个问题,根据问题选择最合适的答句,并将其前面的字母编号填在

3、题前的括号内。记住在听每道小题之前要尽快把三个选项浏览一遍哦!每个问题读两遍。(每小题1.5分,共9分)( )1. A. Its colourful. B. Its 120 yuan. C. Dont ask me.( ) 2. A. We have eggs and pork. B. We have English, Chinese and P.E.C. We usually eat chicken and eggplant for lunch.( ) 3. A. He is going to the Ocean Park. B. Hes going to visit the Ocean P

4、ark next week. C. Hes going to visit the Ocean Park by plane.( ) 4. A. Sure, Im Mike. B. Sure, please hold on.C. Yes, you can.( ) 5. A. Im going to the cinema on foot. B. I went to the cinema at 7:00. C. I walked to the cinema.( ) 6. A. I like spring. B. Jack likes playing basketball. C. He likes fa

5、ll.四、Listen and fill你将听到五组句子,根据所听到的内容填入所缺单词,使对话意思合理、完整,每空只填一词。听之前先看题目,做好预测。要注意大小写的规范要求哦!每组句子读两遍。(每空1分,共5分)1Amy:Why do you like apples? John: theyre healthy.2. Wu:John is helpful at home. He can the floor.3. Sarah:Who has a birthday in January? Chen:Me. Its on January .4. Tom:What did you do this mor

6、ning? Lucy:I kites with my friends.5. Zhang:Look, the tigers are .五、Listen and judge暑假快要到了,Tom计划在这个暑假去香港玩。请听下面七个句子,从中选择你认为正确的内容,在相应的题号内打“”。每个句子连续读两遍,每个句子之间将停留两秒供你做出判断,请边听边做出判断。最后七个句子连起来读一遍,这时要进行检查哦!(选对一个得2分,共8分)1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) 6.( ) 7.( )笔试部分(满分60分)六、Read and choose阅读下面的对话,根据上下文,从所给的句子

7、中选择六个句子,将对话补充完整,并将该选项前面的字母编号写在相应的横线上。(每句2分,共12分)A. Whats the date today? B. Did you visit your grandparents last weekend?C. Where did you go last weekend? D. What day is it today?E. May I have a look? F. What are you going to do this weekend?G. How can we go there? H. Can we go to the Beijing Zoo ne

8、xt weekend?Amy: Hi, Chen Jie.Chen Jie: Its Friday.Amy: Im going to the Beijing Zoo this weekend. Lets go to the Beijing Zoo together.Chen Jie: Im sorry. Im going to visit my grandparents this weekend.Amy:Chen Jie: No, I went to the theme park last weekend. I took many pictures there.Amy: Oh, really?

9、Chen Jie: Yes, of course. Here you are.Amy: Wow, theyre beautiful.Chen Jie: Good idea.Amy: We can take the No.28 bus and get off at the supermarket, its next to it.七、Read and choose (阅读理解,每小题1.5分,共15分)A刚刚了解了Amy 和 Chen Jie 的周末计划,下面让我们来读一侧非常有趣的动物故事吧。请根据故事内容判断对错,对的在题前的括号内打“”,错的打“”。(每小题1.5分,共7.5分)A lion

10、 is in the pit. He is very hot and hungry. He yells:“Help!” An elephant sees him and says: “Lets help the lion!” The snake says:“He is going to eat you.” A mouse comes and asks:“Whats the matter?” The elephant and the snake tell him about it, and the mouse makes a rope(绳), they help the lion come ou

11、t.The lion says:“Thank you, friends. Im hungry now. I will eat you!” The lion laughs and laughs. He laughs so much that he drops into the pit again. This time, the elephant, the snake and the mouse will not help him again.( ) 1. The lion is kind to the other animals.( ) 2. The elephant is hungry.( )

12、 3. There is a lion in the pit( ) 4. The snake can make a rope.( ) 5. The lion ate the animals at last.B读了以上的故事你有什么想法?故事中的lion告诉我们要学会感恩哦!下面我们再来读一侧有关Jack的故事,看看Jack是否值得你学习呢?请根据故事内容,选择正确的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号内。(每小题1.5分,共7.5分)Today Jack is playing near a river. Suddenly his knife falls into the water. He is

13、 very sad, because he knife is the birthday present, his father gives him, but it is lost. At once a kind old woman comes out and asks Jack what is wrong. “ I lose my knife.” He says. “ It falls into the water when I am playing here.”The old woman gives him a gold(金的) knife and asks, “ Is this your

14、knife?” “No.” says the boy. The old woman gives him a silver(银的) knife and asks again,“ And this one?” “No.” again says the boy. Then she gives him an iron(铁的) knife.“Yes, thats my knife.” calls out the happy boy. “ I know it well enough.”The old woman says,“ Now I will give you the gold knife and t

15、he silver knife , because you are an honest boy!”( ) 1. Jacks knife is . A. gold B. iron( ) 2. Jack is near the river.A. fishing B. playing( ) 3. gives Jack the knife.A. Jacks father B. Jacks mother( ) 4. The old woman will give Jack knives.A. 1 B. 3( ) 5. The meaning of “honest” is .A. 诚实的 B. 聪明的八、Read and fill你想与Zhang Peng 交朋友吗?请看下面Zhang Peng 的自我介绍,并帮他把文中的十一个空补充完整。每空只填一词,每词只用一次。注意大小写的规范哦!(每空1分,共11分)Hi, Im Zhang Peng. Im 12. I in Dongguan. Im a . My father is an . My mother is a math teacher. Dongguan is a beautiful city. You can see flowers and trees everywhere.There so many tall



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