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1、高二英语上学期Unit3-Unit4单元复习 教学内容复习高中英语第二册(上)Unit 3,Unit 4单元测试复习要点一、易拼错的单词:architecture preference convenient concrete balcony fantastic fantasy atmosphere embrace insane二、难掌握的单词与短语:prefer impress set aside sort come into being contribute三、语法: 过去分词非谓语用法小结难点补遗1、prefer,preference及would rather v.t. 宁愿,更喜欢He

2、preferred the town (to the country).I prefer pink to red.Do you prefer living abroad (to staying home)?We preferred to walk (rather than take the bus).比较Wed rather walk than take the bus.I should have preferred him to do it in a different vay.Jane preferred her mother not to come.有时也跟should型虚拟从句。She

3、 preferred that he (should) do it in the kitchen.Would you prefer that I (should) come on Monday instead of on Tuesday?比较:Would you rather I came on Monday instead of on Tuesday?would rather 之后用过去式型虚拟从句。a preference for 对偏爱I have a preference for green tea (rather than coffee). 我偏爱绿茶(不喜欢咖啡)。2、set a

4、side , put aside 及put away存储:Ill have to set something aside for my retirement. put=Ill have to put something away for my retirement.搁在一边,不予理会:At such a time of crisis, we must try to put aside all differences of party or class. set 在这样的危急关头,我们必须设法放下党派阶级的分歧。Professor Smith set aside the papers he wa

5、s marking and reached for his cigarettes. Put 史密斯教授放下正在批改的试卷伸手去拿香烟。收起来: If you have finished the work, please put these tools away.3、contributev.i./v.t. 捐献,捐赠He often contributed to the church and the Red Cross.The old teacher contributed 1000 yuan to the Hope Project.Einstein contributed his Theory

6、 of Relativity to modern physics.contribution n.make a contribution to 对作出贡献4、besides and exceptbesides包括在内的“除了”,而except排除在外的“除了”。比较:We study many subjects besides Chinese. 我们除了语文还学很多其他学科。(语文也学)He spent much time on all the subjects except politics. 他在所有的学科上都花了很多时间除了政治。(他不愿花时间在政治学科)但这两词在否定句及疑问句中同义:N

7、obody knows the truth except/besides him. Who can speak French besides/except you?*besides还可作adv:Its too late to go out now. Besides, its beginning to snow.*except与except forThe room has no furniture, except a chair.The room is empty, except for a chair.只用except时必须与句中所指的是同类,如第一句家具与椅子。但第二句房间与椅子不是同类,必

8、须用except for:You composition is well written except for some grammar mistakes. 你作文写得很好,除了有点语法错误。The skirt fits her well, except for its dark color. 这裙子她很合身,可惜颜色太暗。5、belong 解释属于时,一般只接to:The book belongs to the school library.Power should belong to the people.What club does he belong to?但表示应待位置时,用其他介词

9、:You dont belong in a science class.The cups belong on the shelf.The chair belongs in the corner of the bedroom.表示合得来,适合等,也可以不用to:She doesnt belong among those girls who are vain of their beauty.A person of great patience belongs in teaching.He didnt belong with the street gang.单元检测一、单项选择:1、I took _

10、 of them because I didnt know which was my preference.A. no one B. neither C. all D. nothing2、He said he preferred _ alone _ with his family.A. to live, to staying B. living, to stayC. living, rather than stay D. to live, rather than stay3、Id rather he _ well in English.A. did B. should do C. do D.

11、does4、When he got home, he found his apartment _.A. breaking in B. broken into C. broken in D. breaking into5、Green GDP means _ economy without _ nature.A. to develop, going against B. developing, againstC. to develop, against D. developing, going against6、The audience _ Liu Dehuas performance.A. we

12、re most impressed by B. were mostC. most impressed on with D. were most impressed on7、Shakespeare compared the world _ a stage.A. to B. with C. as D. for8、It is _ that you cant pass the exam.A. surely B. certain C. sure D. certainly9、Is that _ Lincoln was born?A. where B. which C. in which D. the on

13、e10、_ many times, the theory is still difficult for most people to understand.A. If explained B. To be explained C. When explaining D. Explained11、Dont touch anything in the lab unless _.A. asking to B. asked to C. asked D. being asked12、Unlimited power will _ corruption.A. surely lead to B. sure lead to C. lead to cause D. surely lead it to13、_ the large amount of money, the experiment _ in failure.A. Because of, ended up B. Though, endedC. With, ended up D. Despite, ended14、_, they kept on working in the building site. Choose



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