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1、2014-2015学年高中英语 Unit 2 Poems单元综合测试(II) 新人教版选修6第一部分听力:配听力检测题 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. A good plan must be _, so that it can adapt to some necessary changes. A. flexible B. convenient C. specific D. considerate22. Air is the medium by which sound

2、 waves are _. A. surveyed B. conveyed C. produced D. made23. He didnt return home until his money _, which made his parents disappointed. A. was run out B. has run out of C. ran out of D. ran out24. There are all kinds of English poems, _ nursery rhymes are the most popular. A. with which B. of whic

3、h C. which D. where25. No one doubts any more _ the Chinese can send a person to the moon. A. why B. if C. how D. that26. This card can be _ for goods at any of their stores.A. supplied B. transformed C. exchanged D. purchased 27. He likes to read all kinds of books, but he loves British novels _. A

4、. in particular B. in surprise C. in danger D. by accident28. Learning that his family were safe, he_ a sigh of relief. A. made out B. let out C. left out D. set out29. Nowadays more people send New Years greetings by _ e-mail instead of talking on _ telephone. A. the; the B. an; the C. /; the D. an

5、; /30. At the graduation ceremony, the students were told that they _ to stand firm and contribute to the country. A. were expected B. were expecting C. had expected D. expected31. Thank you very much. What you have done helped me a lot. Dont mention it. Anyone _ the same.A. will do B. has done C. w

6、ould have done D. had done32. You _ take me to the station, since my brother will take me there. A. neednt B. mustnt C. cant D. shouldnt33. Lu Li is an engineer, but he wishes he _ culture instead of engineering at university. A. had studied B. was studying C. should study D. studied34. Its necessar

7、y that someone who wants to get a higher education _ the college-entrance examination. A. attend B. will attend C. must attend D. attends35. Are you planning to go to Canada for further study? Yes, _. A. its hard to sayB. it depends C. its up to you D. Ive applied to a famous university there第二节完形填空

8、(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白出的最佳选项。I knew I could sing but now I had to prove it. I dont care what life gives me; Ill 36 it. It was my ninth time 37 in front of a music executive to try to get a record deal. The first eight interviews had 38 cold refusals (拒绝). When I

9、found out the 39 was at 6 a.m., I went a little crazy, for I had to get up very early in order to get to the audition (试唱) room on time. This 40 audition was at the office of Sony Musics president, John Grady. 41 to sing songs for a man behind a desk, I was 42 . Its very hard to let someone 43 wheth

10、er youre worthy of a commercial career in 10 minutes. But, in this business, it was something I had to do. I grew up in a rural area. 44 farming, there wasnt much of a local economy. If one wanted new horizons, he had to learn a(n) 45 that could take him out of there. Thats how I 46 my singing. I to

11、ok up singing at an early age. When I was 15, I made money from singing. That was a huge 47 for me. It was in the middle of my singing that John Grady didnt appear 48 at all. About halfway through, I saw him write something down. From where I stood, I could 49 see him write the letter n, 50 by the l

12、etter o. I guessed he wouldnt 51 me. As we said good-bye, Grady gave me the 52 . Though my hands were 53 , I found the 54 to read the note. It didnt say, No. It said, Now. Just then, I knew that my 55 of becoming a professional musician was starting to come true. 36. A. handleB. instructC. demandD.

13、afford 37. A. recognizingB. accessing C. appearing D. declaring 38. A. resulted from B. led to C. turned down D. made up 39. A. appointment B. information C. adjustment D. prediction40. A. particular B. simpleC. regretful D. familiar41. A. Permitted B. Failing C. Welcomed D. Waiting 42. A. Excited B

14、. Nervous C. Amazed D. Curious43. A. finish B. Judge C. possess D. persuade44. A. Apart from B. Because ofC. Instead of D. In case of 45. A. experience B. subject C. skill D. trick 46. A. viewed B. questioned C. required D. practiced47. A. benefit B. process C. defeat D. step 48. A. interested B. concerned C. astonished D. puzzled49. A. angrily B. clearly C. absolutely D. hardly 50. A. provided B. supported C. improved



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