高中英语暑假作业 Module 1 外研版必修1

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1、高一英语暑假作业(外研版)必修一 Module1I. Words1.令人吃惊的adj. 22.fluency n.2. 极好的adj. 23.enjoyment n.3.指示;说明n. 24.encouragement n.4.方法n. 25.correction n.5.厌烦的;厌倦的adj. 26.academic adj.6.尴尬的;难堪的adj. 27.province n.7.态度n. 28.enthusiastic adj.8.感到吃惊的,惊讶的adj. 29.information n.9.技术n. 30.website n.10.使影响深刻vt. prehension n.11

2、.感到失望的adj. 32.behaviour n.12.少年n. 33.previous adj.13.消失vi. 34.description n.14.搬家v. 35.embarrassing adj.15.包含vt.II. Phrases16.diploma n. 1.be similar _与.类似17.assistant n. 2.ones attitude _对的态度18.system n. 3.nothing _ 一点都不像19.disappointing adj. 4._oneself 独立地,独自地5.have _ 玩得开心6.in a _ way 用有趣的方法7.in o

3、ther _ 换句话说8.look forward _ 期待;盼望9.be impressed _ 对印象深刻10.be different _ 与.不同11.be _ in 说得流利12.be _with 对失望13._ the start of 在.开始的时候14.be _ into 被(划)分成15._ part in 参加III. Key sentences1.In other words,there are three times _ _ girls as boys.换句话说,女生人数是男生2.Ms Shens method of teaching is nothing like _ of the teachers at my Junior High school.沈老师的教学方法不同于我初中老师的教学方法。3.He said _ didnt matter if we _ _.他说如果我们犯了错不要紧。4.Group work activities wont _because you can keep quiet if you want to.小组活动不会使你感到尴尬,因为如果你想的话,你可以保持沉默。


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