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1、导学案4 Vocabulary and Reading 64-66目标To learn something about Cloning and DNATo summarize the main idea of the passage.To use the language points correctly.Task1: phrases: 从课文中找到相应的单词或短语Its certainly true that2. the structure of the acid DNA酸性DNA结构3. A transparent twisting ladder透明的双螺旋结构4. The fundame

2、ntal components of life生命的基本元素5. The results of growing pea plants种植豌豆的结果6. The genetic make-up of the new plant子代(下一代)的基因结构7. a procedure to use enzymes用酶的程序8. Unzip the DNA 解开DNA9. cut out a sequence of genes截取一系列的基因片段10. insert them into the host cell把它们植入主细胞11. combinewith be combined with12. be

3、 identical to 和一样,与一致13. Its certain that 14. valid reasons15. offer cloning as an optional treatment for couples 为夫妇提供作为选择性治疗的(克隆)16. find it difficult to do sth.17. under unknown psychological pressure在未知的心理压力下18. reproduce the talents of exceptional human beings 复制非凡的天才19. obtain a supply of stem

4、 cells获取大量的干细胞20. recover from a disease从疾病中恢复21. repair human tissue修复人体组织22. what is clear is that 23. some voluntary code 一些不成文的法规24. compulsory government regulations强制性的政府条例25. be handy to clone 克隆很方便26. resist bacteria or disease抵御细菌和疾病27. rely on 依靠,依赖28. restrict the biodiversity of the bree

5、d 限制了生物品种的多样性。29. research into / about / on 对的研究二 . 重难点optional adj. 可选择的,随意的 option n. 选择,选择权compulsory adj. 强制的学校里既有必修课,又有选修课。_ 2. resist v. 1). 抵抗;抵制;使不受的伤害 resist sth. 抵制 反抗使不受的伤害 resist doing sth. 抵制做某事叛军与警察对抗。The rebel army resisted the police. The laborers prepared to resist and to overthrow

6、 this Government. 2). 意为“抵御;阻止;抗;耐”。如: For months the company has resisted changing its accounts system. 这种金属是防锈的_3). 意为“经得住;不屈从”, 常用于否定句。如: Jill couldnt resist making jokes about his boldness. . 她看到甜食就想吃。_4). resist sth. 抵制 的诱惑 resist doing sth. 抵制做某事的诱惑cant resist (doing) sth. 无法抗拒做某事的诱惑;忍不住做某事 re

7、sist the temptation 抵制诱惑 resist arrest 拒捕词汇拓展 resistance n. (不可数)抵抗,对抗;反对, 抵抗力, 阻力 (与to连用) The firm has to overcome its resistance to new technology. 这家公司必须克服对采用新技术的阻力。resistant adj. 抵抗的,有抵抗力的 The seedlings are resistant to cold weather. 这些秧苗有抗寒力。 3. rely on / upon 依靠;依赖;指望,信任;信赖 rely on/ upon sb. t

8、o do sth. =rely on sb.s doing sth. 依靠某人做某事 rely on/ upon sb./ sth. (for sth.) 依靠某人/ 某物(做某事) rely on sb. = trust sb.信赖某人 rely on sth. = depend on sth. 依靠某事 rely on it that 相信, 指望 你放心好了, 他会开车来接你。_ The success of the project _ on everyone making an effort. A. works B. gets C. relies D. takes4. identica

9、l 1) 同一的;同样的. 我们双方对应当怎么办的看法是一致的。 _2) (常与with连用) 完全相同的 我的意见和他的意见相同。 _ be identical to 与完全相同 be identical in 在方面是相同的 the identical = the same This picture is identical to the one my mother has. This is the identical room we stayed in last year.(这是我们去年住过的同一间房间)联想: 在方面与相似 be similar toin resemble sb. in identically adv. identical twin 长相酷似的双胞胎之一identify v. identify sb / sth as sb / sthidentify sth with sth 认为某事物与某事物等同She identified the man as her brother. 她把那个男人认成了他的兄弟。幸福和财富不能混为一谈。_3


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