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1、用心 爱心 专心 高三英语高三英语 Module 3 The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors II 外研社外研社 本讲教育信息本讲教育信息 一 教学内容 Module 3 The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors II 教学目标 本模块介绍秦始皇和兵马俑 对秦始皇在历史上的功过进行剖析 对劳动 人民为中国古代文明作出的贡献进行热情地讴歌 要求学生熟知以上历史知识的同时 运 用模块提供的词汇和短语进行听 说 读 写的训练 从而提高语言形式和语言意义结合 的表达能力 重点句型归纳 1 Hundreds of peop

2、le set out in boats searching for the body but in vain In memory of the poet the Dragon Boat Festival is still held every year on the anniversary of his death 数以百计的人乘船去搜寻他的尸体 但一无所获 为纪念这位诗人 每年在他的祭日 人们都要过龙舟节 端午节 1 hundreds hundreds of 数以百计的 还有 数十的 tens of 数以千计的 thousands of 数以万计的 tens of thousands of

3、数十万的 hundreds of thousands of 数以 百万的 millions of 数十亿的 billions of 2 search some place for sth sb 在某处 搜寻某物 某人 He searched the whole room for his blue bag 他搜遍整个房间找他的蓝色书包 He searched his blue bag for the Hero pen 他翻遍书包找那支英雄牌钢笔 3 in vain 徒劳 白费地 4 in memory of in honor of 为纪念 She wrote a poem in memory h

4、onor of her father 她写了首诗来纪念父亲 2 As the whole world knows when they started digging they found 6 000 clay warriors buried in an underground pit eventually they also found Emperor Qin Shihuang s Tomb located about 1 5 kilometers away from the pit 正如世人所知 考古开始发掘后 发现地下一个深坑里埋藏着 6 000 兵马俑 最后他 们还找到了秦始皇的陵墓 离

5、该坑大约 1 5 公里 1 As the whole world knows It is known to the whole world that 2 located 是过去分词作非限制性定语 相当于 which was located 3 It seems the Emperor Qin Shihuang had the terracotta warriors be made in order to protect himself in the next life I wonder if they were of help 秦始皇下令塑造好这些士兵是为了保佑自己的灵魂 我怀疑他们是否真起作

6、用 be of help be helpful 有用 有益 be of great use be very useful be of great importance be very important 4 I am only here for six weeks before I return home but I feel so proud to be connected in some small way with Qin Shihuang s great army 我这次来只呆了六个星期就要回去了 但我也因为以这微不足道的方式跟秦始皇的大 用心 爱心 专心 军有了某种联系而深感自豪 5

7、 Work continued through the different dynasties and it was during the Ming Dynasty that the Wall was built in its present form 修造工作进行了好几个朝代 直到明朝 长城才被修建成现在这个样子 句中 and 后是一个强调句型 强调的是时间状语 during the Ming Dynasty 6 Every 40 minutes we will take a 20 minute break during which time your guide will give a s

8、hort talk on different aspects of the Wall such as its history construction legends etc 每隔 40 分钟我们就休息 20 分钟 休息期间导游会简要介绍长城的各方面信息 如它 的历史 构造 传奇故事等等 7 Wrongly believing that the poet was against him the King of Chu banished Qu Yuan from the capital 误以为诗人是反对他的 楚王把屈原逐出国都 基础语法知识 1 go 的用法 1 走 离去 When does t

9、he train go 火车几时开 2 行走 移动 旅行 His hand went to his gun 他的手移向手枪 3 到达 通 延伸 伸展 The roots of the plant go deep 树根扎得很深 4 开始 开动 get going 开始工作 5 去做 go swimming 6 安放 放置 The boxes go on the shelf 那些盒子可以放在书架上 7 运转 This clock doesn t go 钟表不走了 8 自然的或故意的 变成 使变成 She s going grey Her hair s going grey 她的头发变灰白色了 9

10、处于 某种状态 Her complaints went unnoticed 她的怨言不被人理睬 10 卖 出售 The house went to the one who made the highest offers 那栋房子出售给了出价最高的那个人 11 花费 用在 Half our money goes on food and cloths for the children 我们半数的钱用在食物和小孩的衣服上 12 消失 停止 Where s my pen It s gone off my desk 我的钢笔呢 从我书桌上消失了 13 被除去 被废弃 This car must go w

11、e can t afford it any more 这部车必须卖掉 我们用不起了 14 死 失去知觉 After George went she moved into a smaller house 用心 爱心 专心 乔治死后 她搬进了一所小房子 受损 减弱 磨损 My voice has gone of my cold 因为感冒我的声音变哑了 15 被接受 可接受允许 It goes without saying that his brother should help him 他的哥哥帮他是理所当然的 16 进行 It will go hard with him 那对他会是很困难的 17

12、 据说 流传 The story goes that he was murdered 据说他被谋杀了 有某种调子 适合某种调子 The tune goes something like this 那个曲子就是这样唱的 18 除 3 into 2 won t go 以 3 除 2 除不尽 19 发出 的声音 The mirror went crack and fell off the wall 镜子发出破裂声 然后从墙上掉下来 20 相配 适合 The belt won t go round my waist 这条皮带不合我 腰 用 21 移动 摇动 When he shook hands he

13、 went like this 他握手时是这样握的 22 送交考虑 列入考虑 Your suggestion will go before the committee 你的建议将送交委员会考虑 23 只接 ing 语形 表示将来 即将 将往 We are going to France but we changed our minds 我们本来要到法国去 但我们改变了主意 24 失去控制 He s pretty far gone 他的病情很严重 25 工作 尽力而为 He felt ill but tried to keep going 他病了但仍想继续工作 If no one can hel

14、p me I will go it alone 如无人能帮忙 我就单独去做 26 就一般而言 就一般水准来说 She was a good cook as cooks go 就一般而言 她是个好厨子 用心 爱心 专心 27 就其适用的范围而言 就目前情形来说 It s quite good as far as it goes 就其适用范围而言 它的品质很好 28 有 拥有 Is there any food going 有食物吗 29 be going to 2 how 的用法 1 adv a 疑问句中 怎样 如何 How can I get to Cambridge 我怎样才能到剑桥 b 身

15、心健康情形 如何 How is your mother 令堂好吗 c 多少 什么程度 I don t know how long this will take 我不知道这要花多长的时间 在感叹句中 表示相当大的程度 多么 How pleased he was to see us 他见到我们多么高兴啊 注 how 和 what 都可用在感叹句中 但句型不同 比较 How nice 真不错 What a nice person 真是好人 And how 当然 So they enjoyed themselves And how 原来他们玩得这么痛快 当然 你 他 怎可 不该 How However

16、 can you he etc How can you say such an unkind thing 你怎么说这种不客气的话 How come 为何 表示惊讶 How come they left you alone in the dark 他们为何留下你一个人在黑暗中 How come I never see him any more 为何我没再见到他呢 How do you do 你好 用于初次见面时的寒暄 通常是两人在握手时说这句话 How are you a 问候健康的用语 b 熟人见面时打招呼用语 对方答语 Fine thanks and how are you How s that 用心 爱心 专心 a 板球用语 守球员出局 b 请再说一遍 2 conj 之事 Do you remember how he arrived almost at the end of the party Yes I do that s right 你记得他几乎是在宴会结束时才到的吗 没错 我记得 3 无论以什么方式 In one s own home one can act how one


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