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1、1 检测题 3 阅读理解 A To hitch hike successfully in any country you must be able to do two things attract attention and at the same time convince the driver at a glance that you do not intend to rob or murder him To fulfill the first requirement you must have some mark to distinguish you at once from all o

2、ther hikers A serviceman for instance should wear his uniform and a student his red scarf In a foreign country an unmistakable indication of your own nationality will also arrest a driver s attention When I hitch hiked 9 500 miles across the United States and back recently I wore a well tailored sui

3、t a bowler hat and a trench coat and carried a pencil thin rolled black umbrella My suitcase was decorated with British flags Having plenty of luggage moreover I was not likely to be suspected of being a dangerous lunatic 精 神病患者 I then had to get across to the driver the idea that I was a real trave

4、ler and needed to get somewhere cheaply But even with careful preparation you must not assume that the task will be easy You should be prepared to wait a little for there are drivers who confess to a fierce prejudice against not to say hatred of hitch hikers and would no more pick up a hiker than ma

5、rch from Aldermaston to London In America my average wait is half an hour and my longest is two hours but I have heard of people waiting all day they probably took less pains to make themselves easy to notice Nor must you assume that all the drivers who stop for you are nice normal people On one occ

6、asion I found myself driving with two boys of about nineteen who turned out to be on the run from the police and were hoping to use me as an alibi There are also lesser 较小的 risks you may find yourself in the car of a Fascist fanatic a Mormon missionary 传教士 or just a bad driver You cannot tell of cou

7、rse until you are in the car But you soon learn the art of the quick excuse that gets you out again 2 If the hitch hiker in the US remembers that he is seeking the willingness of drivers to give him a free ride and is prepared to give in exchange entertainment and company and not go to sleep he will

8、 come across the remarkable almost legendary hospitality of American of the West It will also help if he can drive I think that I drove myself about 4 500 of those 9 500 miles I hitch hiked in the States 文章大意 文章主要介绍了作者如何搭乘便车的一些经验 如装束 等车 遇到的司机 还 特别提及了在美国的一些有关搭乘便车的趣事 1 A serviceman should wear his uni

9、form A so as not to look too unusual B to attract attention C to show he is on duty D to put the driver at ease 解析 选 B 细节理解题 根据第一段 attract attention and at the same time convin ce the driver at a glance that you do not intend to rob or murder him A serviceman for instance should wear his uniform 可以得

10、知答案 2 In Paragraph 3 we learn that the writer A has sometimes failed to hitch a ride B has marched from Aldermaston to London C has been successful in hitching a ride D has had to wait for long hours for a ride 解析 选 C 细节理解题 根据第三段的最后一句中my average wait is half an hour and my longest is two hours but I

11、 have heard of people waiting all day可知作者 是比较成功的 3 The main idea of Paragraph 4 is that A it is dangerous to be in a car with strangers B hitch hiking may turn out to be risky sometimes C a hitch hiker must also learn the art of quick excuse D hitch hikers might come across bad drivers 解析 选 B 段落大意题

12、第四段的第一句是主题句 遇到的司机不见得个个都是正常人 从后面的例子也得知乘便车是有危险性的 3 4 A suitable title for the passage would be A The art of hitch hiking B An Englishman s view of the US C An English hitch hiker D The joys and dangers of hitch hiking 解析 选 A 主旨大意题 此处的art是 技巧 的意思 全文讲的是搭乘便车的一些经 验和技巧 故 A是最佳答案 B Children should not be lef

13、t unsupervised 无人监督的 to play with a dog say experts in this week sBritish Medical Journal Their advice is part of a review aimed at doctors who deal with dog bites Dog bites and maulings are a worldwide problem particularly in children write Marina Morgan and John Palmer Every year 250 000 people wh

14、o have been bitten by dogs attend minor injuries and emergency units in the United Kingdom and half of all children are reportedly bitten by dogs at some time boys more than girls Accurate death figures are difficult to obtain but in the past five years two to three cases a year have made news headl

15、ines Based on the latest medical evidence they advise doctors how to examine and treat a patient presenting with a dog bite They discuss the risk of infection and when t o refer to specialist care For travelers bitten abroad they suggest assessing the risk of rabies 狂犬病 In terms of prevention they s

16、uggest that children should be taught to treat dogs with respect avoid direct eye contact and not tease them They should be taught not to approach an unfamiliar dog play with any dog unles s under close supervision run or scream in the presence of a dog pet a dog without first letting it sniff you or disturb a dog that is eating sleeping or caring for puppies Dog owners also need to change their behavior says Rachel Besser a children s doctor and lifetime dog owner in an article It is clear that


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