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1、2012届高考英语专题复习精选资料集(九十七)1. Pardon me, Sir. And is it time for us to set off now? - _. Well have to wait for one more hour. A. Certainly, it isB. Thats all right C. Sorry, its too long D. Sorry, I am afraid not2. Most Chinese still regard Liu Xiang as _ honor to our country and take _ great pride in h

2、im. A. an ; / B. / ; a C. the ; the D. an ; the3. The parents rushed to the school, only _ that their son had left without a word. A. to tell B. to be told C. being told D. having told4. There are two roads leading to the power station along the river. You can take _ of the roads. A. either B. any C

3、. neither D. both5. If you stood near the window, you could have a much better _ of the town. A. sight B. view C. scene D. scenery6. Now we have a rather terrible financial-crisis time. _, we have to lay off many workers to save money. A. Otherwise B. Generally C. Therefore D. Besides7. The teacher

4、told us not to take the equipment out of the laboratory until _. A. allowed to be taken B. allowed to C. allowing to take D. allowing to 8. I was preparing my students for the coming concert _ Robert came and asked me if he could be in the concert, too. A. sinceB. as C. while D. when9. The crazy fan

5、s_ patiently for two hours, and they will wait till the movie star arrives. A. are waiting B. have waited C. have been waiting D. will wait10. Christmas is a holiday usually celebrated on December 25th _ the birth of Jesus Christ. A. in charge of B. in terms of C. in favor of D. in honor of 11. Wher

6、e does Mr. Black come from? - Im not sure, but his English _ Australia. A. hears B. sounds C. suggests D. seems 12. The question came up at the meeting _we had not enough money to do the research. A. whether B. that C. if D. what13. The school rules state that no child _ be allowed out of the school

7、 during the day, unless accompanied by an adult. A. could B. shall C. might D. should 14. It is said that the female thief they caught was fined five times _ that she should have paid. A. the amount of money B. as more money as C. much money than D. as much money than 15. Your job here is only _, fo

8、r you will be removed from it when we have a proper post for you. A. appropriately B. occasionally C. permanent D. temporary参考答案DABAB CBDCD CBBAD 1Winning the hosting of the 2010 World Expo is _ great victory not only for Shanghai citizens, but for _ people of the whole Chinese nationA/; /Ba; /Ca; t

9、heDthe; a2_ the weather, the sports meet of our school was held on time last monthADue toBRegardless ofCApart fromDIn favor of3At the press conference held after the match, the winner _ his opponents courageAawardedBsalutedCrewardedDviewed4Unless _, well have to shut down some branch companies for l

10、ack of moneyAdiscussedBfinancedCencouragedDrenamed5Hearing what he said was recorded by the recorder, I found nothing to say _ his actionAin honor ofBin need ofCin case ofDin defence of6-Its thirty years since we last met-But I still remember the story, believe it or not, _ we got lost on a rainy ni

11、ghtAwhichBthatCwhatDwhen7- What are you going to do this afternoon?- Ill probably go for a walk later on _ it stays fineAnow thatBif onlyCso long asDas if8_ Mike was usually a mild-mannered boy, he stood up bravely to protect his younger sister when he saw her in dangerAWhileBBecauseCUnlessDBefore9I

12、 feel _ to tell you that you should mind your manners in publicAnecessaryBrightCboundDlike10- I hear that a modern church is to be built near our school- Im afraid that it doesnt _ the surroundingsAfit in withBcome up withCkeep up withDget along with11The shop assistant was dismissed as he was _ the

13、 moneyAaccused to stealBsuspected to stealCsuspected of stealingDdoubted of stealing12He _ to his doctors care that he is quite well againAowedBowed itCthankedDthanked it13- Where did the fire break out?- It was in the cinema _ we watched Avatar last FridayAthatBwhichCwhereDwhen14Only since April 1895, when the government of the Qing Dynasty was forced to sign the Treaty of Shimonoseki (马关条约), _ its own name for the area where the Diaoyu Islands _Adid Japan have; are being locatedBhas Japan had; are locatedCJapan had; are l



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