高一英语上学期1Unit 2 Heroes 学案北师大.doc

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1、Lesson2History Makers学案预习与检测一,翻译以下短语:1.以某人的观点_(in ones opinion )2.为妇女权利而斗争_fight for the womens rights) 3.获得医学学位_(receive a medical degree )4.开办一所医院_(open a hospital) 5. 在某方面有经验_(be experienced in )6.保护. 免遭._( protect.from.) 7. 对.满意_(be content with )8. 就.达成协议_(agree on sth.) 9. 某人花时间/钱做某事_( sb spen

2、d time/money in doing sth) 10.常试做某事_(try doing sth.)二,用所给的首字母填词1. His father is an a_.which many young students desire in the sky. 答案: astronaut2. Their houses were destroyed completely by floods last month, so they became h_.答案:homeless3. His uncle loved him very much, but u_ he died last night.答案:

3、unfortunately4. P_, TV is a very useful invention.答案:Personally5. They are s_ for their rights.答案:struggling知识探究 一.重点单词1revolution n1)革命 ;(思维等的)变革 The invention caused a revolution in learning. 这项发明导致了学习上的革命.2) 革命运动 The American Revolution gave independence to the Colonies.美国独立战争使十三个州得到了独立。3)革命性剧变,大

4、变革 (+in) The automobile caused a revolution in our way of traveling.汽车使旅行的方式发生了根本性的变化。拓展:revolutionary adjn革命的; 重大变革的;革命者revolutionize v. 使完全变革 运用:选择填空Genetic engineering will have _consequences for mankind. A. revolution B. revolutionary C. revolutionize D. revolutions 答案: B 此处应该填形容词。“革命的”。2experie

5、nce nU经验He has no experience in teaching.他在教书方面没有经验。C经历Please tell me about your experiences in Japan.请告诉我你在日本的经历。vt经历,感受We have experienced a lot of difficulties. 我们经历了很多困难。拓展:(1)experienced adj.有经验的,老练的He is very experienced in teaching.他在教学方面有经验。 (2) learn from experience 从经验中学习 (3) in ones exper

6、ience 以某人的经验 (4) be experienced in 在某方面有经验运用: 选择填空 (1)Jumping out of _airplane at ten thousand feet is a quite _ exciting experience. A. /; the B. /; an C.an; an D.the; the 答案:C 空后的名词都是以元音开头的单词。 (2) Tom is experienced _ repairing cars. A. in B. on C.by D. with 答案: A be experienced in 在某方面有经验3continu

7、evtYou must continue your study.你必须继续你的学习。The girl continued to playplaying the piano.那女孩继续弹钢琴。 vi. The weather continued cold.天气持续寒冷。拓展:(1) continuation n. 继续,持续(2) continuous adj连续的,不断的(3) continuity n.连续性(4)“ 继续做某事”的表达有:go on doing , keep (on) doing ,continue to do, continue doing ,continue sth.

8、运用:选择填空 (1) After finishing the text, he _ the exercise. A. went on reading B. continued to read C. went on with reading D. kept on to read 答案:B A 与 C都是指做同一件事。没有D这种形式。 (2) I am sorry to keep you _outside for such a long time. A.to wait B.from waiting C.wait D.waiting 答案:D keep sb. from doing sth.为“阻

9、止某人做某事”, keep sb. doing sth.使某人一直处于什么状态。 4protect vt保护We must protect the lives and property of the people.我们必须保护人民的生命财产。拓展:(1)protection n.保护 environmental protection 环境保护(2) protect.from. 保护. 免遭. Protect eyes from the sun. 保护眼睛不要让阳光照射。运用:翻译下列句子 (1)他抬起胳臂护住脸以免受击打。 答案:He put up his arms to protect hi

10、s face from the blow. (2) 保护环境是我们的责任。 答案:Protecting environment is our duty.5view n观点,见解;v.(尤其指出于兴趣) 观看,参观His view of life is different from yours.他对生活的见解与你的不一样。 Many people came to view the garden every year. 每年有很多人来参观这花园。拓展:(1) in ones view = in ones opinion (2)in view of 由于,鉴于 (3) opinion和view比较v

11、iew 指个人的观点,看法,常常强调个人的成分。opinion 泛指对事物的 看法或意见,适用于个人的判断或较权威的评论。 I cant give an opinion till l have heard all the details.我在听完所有的细节以后才能发表意见。That is my view of life那是我的人生观。运用 :选择填空 I didnt want to hurt you when I was expressing my _ in our discussion. A. thanks B.advices C.congratulations D.opinions答案:D

12、 give /express ones opinions on 是对.发表意见6content n.1)书籍、演说中的)内容,要旨 I dont like the content of the book.我不喜欢这本书的内容。2)书的)目录I glanced the over the contents of the book.我把目录大体看了一遍。3)成分Apples have a high vitamin C content.苹果富含维生素C。4) 满意,满足They live in peace and content.他们过着安宁而满足的生活。拓展:(1) content adj满足的,愿

13、意的 (2) be content with对.满意 (3) be content to do sth. 乐意/甘愿做某事 (4) to ones hearts content 心满意足地,尽情地 (5) content oneself with 满足于 We are not content with the achievements. 我们不能满足于此成就。 I am content to help him. 我很高兴帮助他。 运用:选择填空 Beginners are expected to be familiar with the _ of the reading material be

14、fore they come to the class. A. condition B.concept C.contest D.content(2005年上海市春季高考题)答案 : D 课前所了解的应该是“内容”而不是“条件”或“比赛”。7. found vt. 建立,创立, 创办This business company was founded in 1724. 这家商业公司建立于1724年。 拓展: found 的词形变化: 过去分词 founded; 现在分词 founding; 第三人称单数 founds。 find (发现),它的过去式和过去分词都是 found ,现在分词是finding,三单是finds。运用:翻译下列句子(



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