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1、高中英语 Unit1 Friendshipdoc同步教材导学(新人教版)Unit 1Friendship【单元导航】World War In 1933,the Jewish population of Europe stood at over nine million.Many European Jews lived in the countries that Nazi Germany would occupy or influence.By 1945,nearly two out of every three European Jews had been killed as part of

2、the “Final Solution”,which was the Nazi policy to murder all the Jews of Europe.Section OneWarming Up and Reading .Leadin 1.建议听无印良品的朋友和老狼的睡在我上铺的兄弟,感悟朋友的真正含义。 2.选择下面的词语描绘你最要好的朋友 sociable,honest,friendly,easygoing,nervous,openminded,anxious,careful, talented,talkative,nosy,thoughtful,generous,carefree

3、,pessimistic,peaceful, optimistic,interesting,reliable,helpful,active,careless,caring,exact,adventurous, imaginative,hotblooded,wellorganised,trustworthy,patient,responsible,outgoing, kind,brave,warmhearted,selfless,tolerant,etc. 3.回答下列问题 (1)Why do you need friends?Make a list of reasons why friends

4、 are important to you. to cope with stressful situations in life;to share my worries and secrets in my inner world;to show my concern for other people;to let other people share my happiness;to unfold to other people the secrets in my heart (to name but few),etc. (2)What do you think a good friend sh

5、ould be like?List what a good friend should do and share the list with your partners. tell me the truth (honest);be good to me (friendly);be willing to consider or accept others ideas or opinions (openminded);be willing to help others (generous or helpful);be goodtempered;think about what others nee

6、d and try to help them (caring);be loyal to their responsibility (responsible);not easily upset (easygoing);be outgoing (like to meet and talk to new people);be tolerant (allow other people to have different opinions or do something in a different way);be selfless (to name but few),etc. (3)Does a fr

7、iend always have to be a person?What else can be a friend? Answers can be various. (4)Do you think a diary can become your friend?Why or why not? Students answers may vary but must include a reason.e.g.Yes.I think it can be,because I can set down how I feel every day in my diary,and let other people

8、 read it to share my feelings some time later.Above all,it feels good to write down my thoughts and feelings on paper when I am sad or lonely.速读课文,回答下列问题 1.Look at the pictures and the title of the reading passage.Guess what it might be about.2.Who was Annes best friend? Her diaryKitty.3.When did th

9、e story happen? During World War .4.How many parts does it contain?What are the different parts about? It contains two parts.One part is one page of Annes diary,the other part is the background knowledge about Anne and her diary.精读课文,回答下列问题1.概括每段的大意 Para 1:Anne made her diary her best friend whom sh

10、e could tell everything to. Para 2:Annes diary acted as her true friend during the time she and her family hadto hide away for a long time. Para 3:Having been kept indoors for so long,Anne grew so crazy about everything to do with nature. 2.完成下列表格The place of the story(1)NetherlandsThe heroines full

11、 name(2)Anne FrankHer best friend(3)her diaryKittyThe length of time her family hid away(4)over two yearsThe time they started to hide(5)July 1942 3.匹配题 (1)Anne kept a diary because (2)She felt very lonely because (3)They had to hide because (4)Anne named her diary Kitty because A.She couldnt meet h

12、er friends. B.Jews were caught by Nazis and put away. C.She could tell everything to it. D.She wanted it to be her best friend. 答案 (1)C(2)A(3)B(4)D .写出表达Anne感情的词 sad,anxious,eager,excited,earnest,crazy,calm,lonely. .与同桌讨论、理解下列长难句并尝试翻译成汉语 1.I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors fo

13、r so long that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. 句子结构分析:If引导的是wonder的宾语从句,其中含有一个强调句型,其结构是It is/was被强调部分that句子剩余的部分。be crazy about意为对着迷/疯狂;everything to do with nature意为与自然有关的一切。 翻译: 我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。 2.I can well remember that there was a time when a dee

14、p blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound. 句子结构分析:That引导的是remember的宾语从句;there was a time when.意为“曾经一度,曾经有一段时间”。 翻译:我记得非常清楚,以前,湛蓝的天空、鸟儿的歌唱、月光和鲜花,从未令我心驰神往过。 3.it was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to face. 句子结构分析: It w

15、asthe first/second.timethat 主语过去完成时态意为“某人第几次干某事”。 翻译:这是一年半以来我第一次目睹夜晚 4.I am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows. 句子结构分析: hanging before very dusty windows在句中作定语,修饰curtains。 翻译:我只能透过挂在沾满灰尘的窗前的脏兮兮的窗帘观看大自然。 .参考所提供的信息用第一人称来复述课文Annes best friendwhather diarywhat kindtold everything towhenWorld War whereAmsterdam,Netherlandswhathid away so as not to be caughtAnnes feelingTimeNatureFeelingBefore



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