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1、Book 9 Unit 2 Words.Explain some new words briefly. 1.voyage n.航海、航行辨析:voyage指海上太空航行 trip较短的旅行Journey较长距离的陆地旅行 travel泛指旅行,游历作环游世界的航行。 2.simplify v.简单化,使简明 Try to your explanation. simplified a 简化的 simplification n.简明、简化 3.reference n.提及,谈到参考,查阅 have reference to 与有关 with reference to 关于 make referen

2、ce to提及 他没有提及失业问题 4.update v. 更新The files need updating. updated a.最新的,最新版的 out of date 过时的 5.incident n.事件(政治、暴力)事变 边境事件 辨析:accident事故意外事件 event重大事件(运动的)项目,一场比赛,主要的比赛 6.foresee(foresaw,foreseen) v.预见、预知 the future预见未来 7.background n.背景、后台 in the 在幕后 music背景音乐 8.deposit v.储存、存放 存钱 取钱 Step 2 Explain

3、some new words in detail 1.mercy n.仁慈、宽恕、怜悯 at the mercy of 任凭的摆布 show(no) mercy to对不怜悯 have mercy on/wpon可怜某人。leave to the mercy of让听任摆布They wer lost at sea, (任凭风和天气的摆布)The terrorists (毫不怜悯) the hostages. 2.nowhere adv.无处 nowhere else没有别的地方 get nowhere没有结果,没有进展 be nowhere to be seen/found/heard/哪儿也

4、香找不到 out of/ from nowhere突然发生出现 Its a good idea but it will get nowhere without financial support. 我最喜欢的那本书再也找不到了 3.awkward a 难用的,不好操作的 The camera has a lot of small buttons, which makes it rather awkward to me. . 笨拙的,不熟练的 一个笨拙的小孩 The boy was awkward with a knife and fork. . 尴尬的,方便的尴尬的沉默 an awkward

5、situation 难相处的,不协作的 难对付的顾客 awkwardly adv. 笨拙地awkwardness n.笨拙 4.tendency n. (向趋势)The tendency to/ toward sth the tendency to do sth. 我们注意到人们在家工作代替在办公室工作的情况呈上升趋势 .v.tend 倾向于tend to/ toward sth tend to do He when people are against him.当人们反对他的时候,他容易生气。 5.reliable a. 可靠的,可依赖的 (反unreliable) 可信赖的朋友。 那个消息

6、的来源可靠吗? rely vi.依靠 rely on/upon doing rely on/ upon sb doing rely on sb to do rely on it that 你可以指望他按时来。 reliance n.依靠,依赖。 6.departure n. 离开,上路 在汤姆离开这儿去俄罗斯不久我见过他。 离职 他突然从政治舞台上引退,使每个人深感惊讶。 (航班、火车等)的班机,班车 There are several departures for New York every day. v. depart. 离开 7.tear /t/v./tore,torn/ 撕裂,被撕裂

7、He tore the letters to pieces. This paper easily .被纸容易撕裂。常见词组:tear at 撕破 tear away 离开 tear oneself away from 忍痛离开tear down 拆毁(建筑物等) tear up 撕裂,撕毁(合同等)哭着,她把他的信给撕碎了。 Its time some old apartment blocks .一些旧的住宅楼该拆了。完型填空(共20小题,每小题2、5分,满分50分)2005年湖南When l was thirteen,my family moved from Boston to Tucson

8、, Arizona. 16 the move my father 17 us in the living room on a freezing January night. My sisters and l sat around the fire,not 18 that the universe would suddenly change its course,“In May,we,re19 to Aqrizona.”The words so small, didn,t seem20 enugh to hold my new life.But the world changed and law

9、oke on a train moving across the country l watched the 21 change from green trees to flat dusty plains to high mountains as l saw strange new plants that 22 mysteries (奥妙)yet to come Finally,we arrived and 23 into our new home.24my older sisters were sad at the loss of friends ,I 25 explored(探索)our

10、new surroundings.One afternoon I was out exploring 26 and saw a new kind of cactus(仙人掌)I crouched(蹲)down for a closer look.“You,d better not27that.”I turned around to see an old woman.“Are you new to this neighborhood?”I explained that I was28,new to the entire state.“My name is lna Thorne Have you

11、got used to life ib the29?lt must be qurte a 30after living in Boston.”How could l explain hou l 31the desert? l couldn,t seem to find the right words.“lts.vastness.”she offered.”That vastness32 you stand on the mountains overlooking the desertyou can33how little you are in romparison with the world

12、.34you feel that the possibilities are limitless.”That was it That was the feeling l,d had ever since l,d first seen the mountains of my new home.Again my 35would change with just a few simple words.“Would you like to come to my home tomorrow?Someone shiuld teach you which plant you should and shouldn,t touch.”(16)A.During B.Lntil C.Upon D.Before(17)A.gathered B.



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