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1、新导航初中同步单元练习卷HZZ. 英语八年级(上)九unit 7(一)听力部分(20)I.听录音,选图片(5分)II.听录音,排序(5)( ) Cook them in the boiling water.( ) Put the boiled dumplings on the plate and then you can eat.( ) Mix water into flour.( ) Put meat on the pieces and make dumplings.( ) Make the dough into small and thin pieces.( ) Use your hand

2、s to make it into a dough.III.听短文判断正误(10)( ) 1. the man and girl are playing football.( ) 2.They are watching a football game.( ) 3. The England Team scored first.( ) 4. The England Team has won the match.( ) 5. The man feels happy at the end of the match.(二)笔试部分(80分)I.选择填空(15)( )1.-_do you make a b

3、anana smoothie? First , peel the bananas A. What B. How C. Why D. When( )2. Pour the milk _ the bender.A. at B. on C. for D. into( )3. - _ cinnamon do we need ? - One teaspoon.A. How many B. How much C. How D. What( )4. The banana is too big. You can _ first.A. cut up them B. cut them up C. cut it u

4、p D. cut up it ( )5. There are three _ in the fridge.A. yogurt B. honey C. peppers D. breads ( )6. My music teacher often _.A. wear glasses B. but on glasses C. wears glasses D. puts on glasses( )7. Put two _ and a cup of yogurt.A. teaspoons of cinnamon B. cinnamons C. teaspoon of cinnamon D. teaspo

5、ons of cinnemons( )8. There is _ smoothie in the cup.A. any B. much C. a few D. many( )9. Victor likes _ banana smoothie.A. eating B. drinking C. saying D. talking( )10. Mrs Black is a wonderful _ . A. cook B. cooker C. cooking D. cooks ( )11. - _ bread would you like? Three pieces of _. A. How many

6、 , breads B. How many, bread C. How much , breads D. How much , bread( )12. Will you add _ to the salad?A. many honeys B. much honeys C. more honey D. many more honey( )13. Put some _ and chicken _ on the sandwich.A. lettuce, slice B. lettuces , slices C. lettuce , slices D. lettuces , slice( )14. _

7、 mix these things together. A. Not B. No C. Dont D. You arent( )15. There _ two slices of turkey on the table and there _ some relish on the slices. A. are , are B. are, is C. is ,is D. is , areII.完型填空(10)I went to Hainan 1 business last week. Before I came back , my classmate Li Liang asked me to g

8、o to his home 2 dinner. There are three people in LI Liangs family: his wife , his daughter and he. He got married 3 he left the university. We hadnt seen each other for five years. “Whats the weather like in Shandong, Uncle Wang?” asked Li Wen , Li Liangs daughter. “Oh , its very cold in my hometow

9、n. It often snows 4 winter , “ I said. “My mother and I were born here. We have never been to the north 5 China. I have never seen snow before, j” said the girl. “ Tell me something about it. “ “A snow flake has six angles and it 6 like a flower, “ I said to the girl.“ Would you 7 some for me next t

10、ime?” asked the girl. “ It will melt if the temperature 8 above zero. Snow is cold 9 white. ” I told the girl.“ Oh , I see, ” said the girl. “ It is as 10 as an ice cream and it is as white as salt. ”( )1. A. for B. at C. on D. with( )2. A. with B. for C. to D. about( )3. A. after B. before C. from

11、D. behind( )4. A. of B. on C. at D. in ( )5. A. about B. from C. of D. to ( )6. A. sees B. looks C. watches D. feels( )7. A. bring B. take B. make D. carry( )8. A. stay B. staying C. to stay D. stays ( )9. A. but B. so C. and D. or ( )10. A. wet B. cold C. hot D. dry III.用括号内所给的单词的适当形式填空(5)1. How ma

12、ny _(teacher) are there in your school ?2. Tina, Lets _(make) fruit salad. 3. Tom is a little _(strong) than Mike.4. I like _ (tomato) and _(chicken).5. The child _(watch) TV at home every evening. He has three _ ( watch).IV.单词拼写(10)1. Banana is a c_ noun,. 2. Sauce is an u_ noun.3. Can you m_ a piz

13、za?4. Western people like eating s_. 5. I want to watch TV. Please t_ it on. 6. Please p_ the milk into the cup.7. Mr Li often p_ his books on his desk. 8. My hand hurt. Please p_ the banana for me.9. How m_ apples do you need? Two.10. How much cinnamon do we need? Two t_.V.选用所给的词语补全句子.Turn cut peel

14、 drink eat pour have add take put 1.How long does it _ to get to school ?2.I cant come . I _ a really busy day. 3.Mr Green likes to _ sandwiches with lettuce. 4.Lets _ some banana smoothie. 5._ some more salt to the popcorn, please. 6.You have to _ the banana before eating it. 7.Can you help me _ these tomatoes?8.Dont _ waste water into the river. 9.Next you need to _ all t



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