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1、 高一英语备课组预习学案(22)预习目标:Learn the new words of Project预习自测:1 no doubt 无疑,确实 No doubt Taiwan is part of China. 台湾确实属于中国。 (1) I doubt whether/ ifThere is some doubt whether/ if. (2) There is no doubt thatI have no doubt thatI dont doubt that I doubt if / whether she will pass the driving test. 对于她是否能通过驾照

2、考试,我表示怀疑。 I dont doubt/ I have no doubt that I will succeed. 毋庸置疑,我一定能够胜利。习惯用语:beyond doubt 毫无疑问 without doubt 毋庸置疑2 march vi&n 前进,进发;游行The army began their long march to the capital. 部队开始了开往首都的长途行军。The soldiers were marching at midnight to get through their enemy.战士们半夜正在行军以突破包围。3 ahead adv. (时间,空间)

3、在前面;预先;领先 ahead of time 提前Despite the snowstorm, they still insisted on marching ahead.尽管有暴风雪,他们坚持前行。He went ahead to see what was happening in the front. 他走到前面看看发生了什么。I finished the task ahead of the deadline. 我在截止日期前完成了任务。She was always well ahead of the rest of the class. 她总是遥遥领先班上的其他同学。May I ope

4、n the window to let some fresh air in ?_A Come on! B Take care! C Go ahead! D Hold on!4 come down with 患(病) I think Im coming down with flu. 我想我得了流感。 come down:流传 The poem came down to us from the last century. 这首诗从上世纪开始流传。拓展: come up with 找到答案、想到解决方法 come about 发生 come out 发芽,出版,结果是 come across 偶尔遇

5、见或发现 come along 快点,来吧 come to 总计;达到How come()? 怎么发生的?(某事)怎么解释How come you failed in the exam? 你怎么会不及格的?When it comes to sth/ doing sth 涉及,谈到 时All good things come to an end. 天下没有不散的宴席。5 aware adj. 意识到的,知道的,察觉到的 反义词 unaware 常用词组:be/become aware of/ that 意识到,察觉到 make sb aware of/ that 使某人意识到,察觉到 as fa

6、r as I am aware 就我所知(1) He was aware of the danger around him. 他意识到周围存在危险。(2) He was aware that he was in danger. 他意识到自己处境危险。 aware 是表语形容词,前面不能用very 修饰,一般用well, quite等词修饰。如:(3) I am well / quite aware that smoking is harmful to health. 我很清楚吸烟有害健康。(4) As far as Im aware, most smokers are well aware o

7、f the dangers of smoking. 就我所知,大多数吸烟者完全知道吸烟的危害。 n. awareness raise the awareness of environmental protection 提高环境保护意识 develop an awareness of 逐渐懂得 lack of awareness 缺乏认识6 poison n&vt 毒药,毒物;毒害,下毒 poisonous adj. 有毒的;引起中毒的Someone has been poisoning his food. 某人一直给他的食物下毒。Our children are being poisoned

8、by the force on TV. 我们的孩子正受到电视暴力的毒害。Translate the following phrases1无疑,确实 2患(病)3就我所知 4缺乏认识5使某人意识到,察觉到 6找到答案、想到解决方法7涉及,谈到 时 8提前9怎么发生的?(某事)怎么解释10毫无疑问,毋庸置疑Translate the following sentences1某人一直给他的食物下毒。2我们的孩子正受到电视暴力的毒害。3他意识到周围存在危险。4 就我所知,大多数吸烟者完全知道吸烟的危害。5我想我得了流感。6台湾确实属于中国。7对于她是否能通过驾照考试,我表示怀疑。8毋庸置疑,我一定能够

9、胜利。9部队开始了开往首都的长途行军。10战士们半夜正在行军以突破包围。11尽管有暴风雪,他们坚持前行。12她总是遥遥领先班上的其他同学。13我在截止日期前完成了任务。14这首诗从上世纪开始流传。15他走到前面看看发生了什么。当场训练:一选词语填空完成句子。pour flee remains destroy in memory of take over be aware of declare open come down with no doubt 1. Its hard to imagine how this quiet volcano _ the whole city! 2. Many G

10、erman scientists _ to America in the Second War.3. He threw away the _ of a meal in the trash. 4. Tears _ down her cheeks when she was scolded by the teacher.5. A monument will be set up _ victims in the earthquake.6. They _ our company by buying up shares.7. He _ the risk, but he has no choice but

11、to go ahead.8. The chairman _ the meeting _.9. You must be hungry after your journey. _ youd like something to eat. 10. Mike _ a cold and asked for a two-day leave.根据中文填空完成句子。1. 由于还有很多工作有待完成,他没有时间休息。With a lot of work _ _ _ _, he could spare no time for a rest.2粗心毁了他的前途。 A careless mistake _ _ _.3.

12、过了好几分钟,我才意识到发生了什么事。It was several minutes before I _ _ _what was happening. 4. 在美国内战期间,许多黑奴奋起反抗残暴的奴隶主。During the American Civil War, many black slaves _ _ _ their cruel masters. 5. 他脾气暴躁,不听人劝告,你最好不要去阻碍他。He is bad-tempered and wont listen to anybody, so youd better not _ _ _ _.6. 他死之后,他的妻子接管了生意。When

13、he died, his wife _ the business.7. 他成立了慈善会来纪念他去世的妻子。He founded the charity _ _ _ his lost wife.8. 我们到达上海机场登上了去北京的飞机。We arrived at Shanghai Airport and went _ _ a CAAC plane for Beijing. 9. 毋庸置疑,今年的冬天一定是多年来最冷的。 _ _ it is the coldest winter for many years. 10. 这项工作比我们预想得要难。 The job _ _ to be more difficult than we expected.



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