浙江省苍南县巨人中学2020学年高中英语 unit1 Period10 writing导学案 新人教版必修2

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1、Period 10 writing【教学目标】1. 学习P7的作文信息,讨论相关话题写作2. 掌握话题作文的写作结构和方法3. 提高学生的写作能力【预习案】请在写作课之前熟记下列词汇和句型:本单元出现的相关词汇:rare (adj.稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的), valuable (adj.贵重的;有价值的), vase (n.花瓶;瓶), design (n. & vt.设计), fancy (adj.奇特的;异样的), decorate (v.装饰), dynasty (n.朝代;王朝), museum(n.博物馆), fact (n.事实), wooden (adj.木制的), worth

2、(prep.值得的;相当于的价值 n价值;作用), local (adj.本地的;当地的), painting (n.绘画;画), castle (n.城堡), a cultural relic (一处文化遗产), belong to (属于), think highly of (看重;器重)【探究案】探究一:Read the letter from a German newspaper(P7). The writer thinks that those who find the Amber Room should decide what to do with it.Work in pairs

3、. Discuss with your partnerthe following questions:1. What do you think the Amber Room belongs to?2. What should you do with things you have found even if the search cost you time and money?3. Do you agree with the writer?Further ActivityHave a class debate about “what should we do with the cultural

4、 relics?”.Some students may think that they can keep them. Others may disagree with them. Tell your reasons.探究二:范文分析:Write a report about your debate, using the following guidance.Para. 1: State the question.Para. 2: Give the ideas that agree with the question and the reasons.Para. 3: Give the ideas

5、 that disagree with the question and the reasons.Para. 4: Give your opinion and the result of the class vote.Sample writing for Exercise 4The class had a debate anddiscussed whether it is right The question of debatefor whoever finds valuablecultural relics to keep them.Those who agreed that ifyou f

6、ind cultural relics you cankeep them had three reasons.First, they said that time andmoney had been spent lookingfor them so the findersdeserved them. Second, they The ideas that support the question with reasonssaid nobody would look forlost relics if they could notkeep them. Third, they saidthat t

7、here are so many oldrelics that it does not matter ifone or two belong to those whofind them.Those who disagreed also had three reasons.First, they said all cultural relics are valuablefor finding out about the past. Second, The ideas that disagree with thequestion with reasonthey said that it is di

8、shonest to take thingsthat do not belong to you. Third, they saidthat every cultural relic belongs to the countryand not any one person.We had a class vote. Those who disagreedwith the question won. The debate changed The result of the class vote the minds of some people who hadsupported Johann Webe

9、r s ideas.(通常的话题作文,最后一段表述自己的观点,而不同于这篇作文,结尾一段是按照题目要求写的)【课堂小结】在写有关文化遗产的讨论/辩论报告时,应注意以下几点:1文体:讨论/辩论报告在文体上属于议论文,写作时要符合议论文的特点,注意论点和论据之间的逻辑性以及不同论据之间的层次性。2时态:讨论/辩论报告一般情况下使用一般现在时。3结构:第一部分:开门见山,点明争辩的主题以及参与者;第二、三部分:分别列举正、反方观点及其理由;第四部分:得出结论或发表自己的见解、观点。常用句式1开篇常用句式:We had a heated discussion about. 我们针对进行了一次热烈的讨论

10、。Opinions about.are divided/different. 关于的观点有分歧。Opinions vary from person to person.每个人的观点都不同。Different people have different opinions/views/ideas. 不同的人有不同的观点。2. 表达观点的常用句式:(1) 表示赞同Some/Others think/believe/argue that.Some are in favour of.Most of them support it.40% of the students are for it.Those

11、who are in favour of.claim that.(2) 表示反对Others are against.Some object to.Half of them hold a different view/opinion.Those who are opposed to.hold that.(3) 表达自己的观点In my opinion/view, .Personally, .As far as Im concerned, .As for me, .From my personal angle alone, .From my personal point of view, .3.

12、 列举理由的常用句式Firstly.Secondly.Thirdly.第一第二第三For one thing.for another.一方面另一方面In the first place.Secondly.Last but not least. 首先第二最后也是很重要的是【课堂练习】&【课后练习】假设你班最近就圆明园是否重建开展了一场讨论,同学们观点有分歧,各自理由主要如下表所示。请你根据提供的讨论情况写一篇英语报道。赞同1.重建该园辉煌景象; 2.中华文明具体体现;3.旅游新景点; 4.如部分恢复,可与废墟对照,让人们记住历史。反对1.保留原样更为合理; 2.警示人们不忘过去;3.其他建筑同样

13、反映中华文化(如故宫、颐和园等) ,重建并非必须;4.破坏该地环境。你的看法 写作内容1赞成方的理由;2反对方的理由;3你的看法。写作要求报道的开头已经给出,不计入总句数。参考词汇:体现 reflect;对照 comparison;故宫 Palace Museum;颐和园 Summer Palace(请根据范文用本节课的句型结构进行改写!)Should Yuanmingyuan Be Rebuilt?Yuanmingyuan, “Garden of all gardens”, was burnt and fell into ruins in 1860.Recently my classmate

14、s had a discussion about whether it should be rebuilt or not._参考范文:Should Yuanmingyuan Be Rebuilt?Yuanmingyuan, “Garden of all gardens”, was burnt and fell into ruins in 1860.Recently my classmates had a discussion about whether it should be rebuilt or not.Supporters of rebuilding the garden say only by doing so can we see the original sight of the garden, which reflects the Chinese civilization.If partly rebuilt, it will not only be another place of interest for tourists but also provide a comparison and help us remember


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