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1、课时素养评价 五Unit 2Using language. 选词填空shoulder, guard, head, oil, book, cold-blooded, newly-built, one-eyed, ten-year-old, world-famous1. The soldier guarded the prince whenever he left the palace. 2. You should oil the machine from time to time so that it will perform well. 3. More and more people gath

2、ered there. He shouldered his way through the crowd and pushed into the burning house. 4. After three exhausting days, we headed home. 5. To get tickets, you have to book in advance. 6. Although it is a one-eyed dog, the little boy likes it very much. 7. The snake is a kind of cold-blooded animal. 8

3、. Jack is a ten-year-old boy. 9. There are more newly-built houses in this village than in that one. 10. Have you ever been to that world-famous university? . 单句语法填空1. If you are interested in it, let me know and Ill send you more information (inform). 2. My Chinese teacher is very amusing (amuse) a

4、nd he always makes us laugh in class. 3. “Strictly (strict) speaking, this is not allowed, ” she added. 4. We were having a great time and feeling very relaxed (relax). 5. An abandoned (abandon) baby was found in a box on the hospital steps. 6. Its dangerous (danger) for a green hand like you to dri

5、ve at a speed of 120 kilometres an hour. 7. Fortunately (fortunate) for me, my friend helped me out. 8. The number of tourists (tour) from all over the world is increasing every year. 9. With three pieces of modern equipment (equip), our work was finished ahead of time. 10. You cannot go out without

6、 your mothers permission (permit). . 阅读理解If youve been studying it for a while, youve probably worked out that there is more than one type of “English”. Everyone knows English is the national language, for example, but did you know that India has the second largest number of English speakers, follow

7、ed by Nigeria? Like most languages, the two main factors that affect the way people speak English are geographical (where they are in the world) and social (the way their parents, friends and other people they talk to). Thats why in the UK, people from London speak differently from people who live i

8、n Manchester, but there are also lots of different accents within London, and they depend on social class. Australian English and South African English are good examples of how English is different from all over the world. These accents sound “funny” to some other speakers of English, because they h

9、ave been more influenced by other languages and accents. For example, Australian English was strongly influenced by Irish convicts(罪犯) sent by the British to Australia, who also brought their slang (俚语) with them. Australian English is also influenced by the Aboriginal(土著的)language, so it includes w

10、ords like “Kangaroo” and “Billabong” (a large pool of water in the outback). So, how a Chinese student chooses which accent to use? Well, to an Australian like me, British English sounds more academic and educated than American English. American English sounds cooler, thoughits the language of popul

11、ar culture and blockbuster movies. In the end, the choice is yours, just remember to keep up. 【文章大意】本文主要讲述了世界上不只有一种英语。1. Whats the best title for the passage? A. English comes in different formsB. British English and American EnglishC. How Australian English is formedD. Which English to choose【解析】选A

12、。主旨大意题。本文作者主要讲述了世界上不只有一种英语。2. Which country has the second largest population of speaking English? A. China. B. Australia. C. Nigeria. D. India. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句but did you know that India has the second largest number of English speakers, followed by Nigeria? 可知。3. Which can we conclude from

13、the passage? A. The writer speaks British English. B. Social class causes the different accents in London. C. South African English is the same as Australian English. D. People from London believe their accents are the best. 【解析】选B。推理判断题。根据第三段中的. . . there are also lots of different accents within L

14、ondon, and they depend on social class. 可知社会地位决定了伦敦的口音不同。4. According to the writer, its good for a Chinese student to _. A. watch more films made in AmericaB. learn more academic British EnglishC. pick up cooler American EnglishD. choose the English language to his/her taste and stick to it【解析】选D。细

15、节理解题。根据最后一段In the end, the choice is yours, just remember to keep up. 可知, 选择哪一种英语取决于你自己, 并且记住要坚持。. 语法填空English is a language 1. _ (speak) all around the world. There are more than 40 countries 2. _ most of the people speak English. Whats more, the number of people who learn English 3. _ (be) more than 750 million. Everywhere in the world children go to school 4. _ (learn) English. Most people learn English for five or six years at high school. In China, most students learn English 5. _ a foreign language at school. In only fifty years, English 6. _ (develop) into the language most 7. _ (w


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