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1、 限时提能精练十二Unit 12Art and literature(限时30分钟).词汇知识1(2011福建联考)Its important for us to use a word or phrase according to the_in language studies.AsituationBtranslationCexpression Dcondition解析:expression表达;situation情形;translation翻译;condition条件;情况。答案:C2(2011汪清六中)Although they just met for the first time, t

2、hey talked_they had been friends for many years.Aas long as Beven ifCsuch as Das if 解析:as if好像;仿佛;as long as 只要;even if即使;such as例如。答案:D3(2011成都七中)Gary, please do me a favor_my laptop for me.Ato fetch BfetchCfetching Dfetched解析:祈使句句型结构。答案:B4I am surprised that you should have been fooled by such a s

3、imple_.Arole BdealCtest Dtrick解析:trick花招;role角色;deal交易;test测试。答案:D5It is so nice to hear from her._,we last met more than thirty years ago.AWhats more BThat is to sayCIn other words DBelieve it or not解析:believe it or not信不信由你;whats more 而且;that is to say 也就是说; in other words 换句话说。答案:D6I always have

4、a short rest after lunch. Its a _ I got into when I lived in South America.Acustom BstyleCskill Dhabit解析:句意:午饭后我总是稍微休息会儿,这是我在南美居住时养成的习惯(habit)。答案:D7As I was walking through the town, I _ a group of street performers.Aput up with Bcame acrossCbrought about Dlooked down upon解析:句意:当我走过镇上的时候,我碰到一群街头表演者。

5、come across碰到;put up with容忍;bring about产生;look down upon看不起。答案:B8May I borrow your bike?Sorry! Ive promised John to lend it to him. If only you _ me yesterday!Aphoned Bwould phoneChad phoned Dhave phoned解析:If only后面一般用虚拟语气,根据yesterday可知用过去完成时态表示过去的虚拟,故选C。答案:C9We were about to leave the office _ the

6、telephone rang.Awhen BunlessCthough Dbecause解析:考查句型“be about to do.when”,表示“正打算做某事,突然”。答案:A10When shall we meet: at 7 or at 7:30?I dont mind. _ time is convenient for me.ANone BAnyCEither DNeither解析:根据at 7 or at 7:30可知是“两个时间”,又根据I dont mind可知,_time is convenient for me 应表示“什么时候我都方便”。either表示“两者之中的任何

7、一个”。any表示“三个或三个以上任何一个”。答案:C11Having got tired from the daily work, I finally decided to _ myself to a 3week holiday by the seaside in Singapore.Aafford BrewardCgive Dtreat解析:考查动词辨析。treat sb. to sth.款待,招待。reward常用于reward sb. with sth.结构中。答案:D12We _ communism and we _ communism will certainly be reali

8、zed.Abelieve in; believe Bbelieve; believe inCbelieve in; believe in Dbelieve; believe解析:考查believe用法。believe in信仰(真理等),信奉(宗教等);believe相信一件事。句意为:我们信仰共产主义,相信共产主义一定会实现。答案:A13He has written _ articles about air pollution hoping to call the attention of all people to the problem.Aa series of Ba large amo

9、unt ofCa plenty of Da great deal of解析:a large amount of和a great deal of修饰不可数名词;C项中多了一个a。a series of“一系列,一连串”,符合题意。答案:A14He told us _ whispers that someone was moving about upstairs.Aat BinCwith Dby解析:in whispers“小声地”,作方式状语。答案:B15Ill pay for the meal.No, no, put your money away. Let me _ you to it.Ad

10、eal BtreatCserve Dcharge解析:treat sb. to sth.“请某人吃东西”,deal“处理,对待”;serve“服务,供应”;charge“收费,控告”。句意:“我来买单。”“不,不,你把钱收起来。让我来买单。”答案:B.易错纠误(if only)16If only I _ the new film The Banquet by Feng Xiaogang last Sunday!AsawBhad seenCwould see Dcould see解析:考查if only的用法。if only要是就好了,但愿。如果表示与过去相反的愿望,则需用过去完成时;表示与现在

11、相反的愿望,则用一般过去时。答案:B17Ive decided to spend the summer holiday traveling in Australia.Oh, _!Aif only I could go with youBhow clever you areCwhat a pityDIm glad to hear that解析:根据答语“噢,要是我能和你一块去就好啦。”可知应选A项。答案:A18_ I would fly there to see such a wonderful party!AIf only BOnly ifCAs if DEven if解析:表示强烈的愿望时,

12、常用if only。答案:A19Only if the red light comes on _ any danger to employees.Athere is Bthere wasCis there Dwas there解析:句意:只要红灯一亮,就表示有危及职工的险情。only状语从句位于句首,主句应进行部分倒装。答案:C20Shell have a chance to get well _ she has a strong will to live.Yes, there is no other ways.Aif only Bonly ifConly that Donly解析:第一句句意

13、:只要她有活下去的坚强意志就有恢复健康的可能性。if only要是就好了;only if只要;only仅仅,只是。答案:B.阅读理解A(2011湖北孝感统考)Many children first learn the value of money by receiving an allowance (pocket money). The purpose is to let children learn from experiences at an age when financial mistakes are not very costly.The amount of money that p

14、arents give to their children to spend as they wish differs from family to family. Timing is another consideration. Some children get a weekly allowance. Others get a monthly allowance.In any case, parents should make clear what,if anything, the child is expected to pay for with the money. At first, young children may spend all of their allowance soon after they receive it. If they do this, they will learn the hard way that spending must be done within a budget (预算). Parents are usually advised not to offer more m


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