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1、Job application and lnterviews 求职面试dialogue 1E: Hows your job search going?你的工作找得怎么样了?A: I only started looking for a job a few days ago.我几天前才开始找工作.E: have you finished compiling your resume?简历写好没?A: yes, I was precise with every word in my resume?写好了,里面的每一个词都是我精心挑选的.E: thats good. Dont forget to de

2、sign the format. An attractive fromat is as important as the content.很好.别忘了设计一下板式,吸引人的板式和内容一样重要.A: absolutely,Ive highlighted all my strengths and the resume is clear and easy to read.没错,我强调了我所有的优点,简历清晰易读.E: good. How about your cover letter?不错.求职信写得怎么样了?A: a cover letter? Ive never thought about th

3、at. Wont a CV do for my job application?求职信?我从来没有想过要写这个.找工作有份简历难道还不够吗?E: no, a CV is not enough. You should also attach it with a cover letter. Dont overlook it. Youre faced with fierce competition in the job market. If your cover letter cannot stand out in the pile of cover letters, your resume may

4、 never see the light of day.不行,只有简历是不够的,你应该附上一封求职信,别大意了.现在就业市场竞争激烈,如果你的求职信不能从一堆求职信中脱颖而出,可能根本没人读你的简历.A: sounds reasonable.Even if Im the right one for the job, many people are applying for the same vacancy at the same time, so I should try my best to catch the Human Resources managers attention.恩.有道理

5、.即使我是合适的人选,有那么多人都在同时申请这一个职位,我也得尽力吸引人事经理的注意力.E: yes, youre right. All your preparation efforts are to help you land a job interview.你说的对,你所做的所有准备都是帮你获得面试的机会.A: got it. Ill start right now.明白了,我马上就写.dialogue 2E: I just received a phone call for an interview next week.我刚接到一个电话,要我下星期去面试.A: Congratulatio

6、ns! This is your first interview ever.恭喜你!这是你的第一次面试机会.E: thank you, but Im nervous.I dont know what to do.Could you tell me what should I do before an interview?谢谢,不过我很紧张,不知该这么办,你能告诉我面试前该做些什么吗?A: sure, you should prepare so that you can give proper response when youre being interviewed.当然,你应该做好准备,这样

7、面试时就能做出正确的答案.E: yeah, besides my personal introduction, what else should I prepare?是的,除了自我介绍,我还应该准备些什么内容?A: you should collect as much informatin about the company and the position youre applying for as you can. It is important to show that youve done some research into the company. The interviewers

8、 will notice your enthusiasm for the vacancy.你应该尽量了解那家公司和你要申请的职位.这点很重要,可以让人感觉你对公司提前做了一些了解,面试官会注意到你对这个职位的热情.E: then what should I do when Im being interviewed?那我该怎样面试?A: smile at the interviewers and look them in their eyes while trying to persuade them to select you. Try to act natural, let your per

9、sonality, attitudes and interpersonal skills shine through the interview.和面试官谈话的时候.除了说服他们录用你以外,好要保持微笑,看着他们的眼睛说话.放自然一点,在整个面试过程中展现出你的性格魅力,能力和交际能力.E: are there any other things I should pay attention to?还有哪些事情要注意吗?A: yeah,wear formal clothes to your interview and do be punctual. Thatll leave your interviewers with a good first impression.恩,面试的时候要穿正装,一定要准时,这样能给面试官留下很好的第一印象.



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