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1、江西省吉安市遂川中学2020学年高一英语上学期第一次月考试题(1)第一部分:听力(每小题1.5分,共30分)第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节: 单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. After _ series of unsuccessful attempts,he has finally passed _ driving test.A/;the Ba;the Cthe;a D/;a22. The teacher raised her voice _ everyone could hear clearl

2、y.A. in order toB. in order thatC. so as toD. make sure23. What _ to you these days?A. have been happened B. have happenedC. has happened D. are happened24. What great trouble we had _ where his house was.A. in finding B. to find C. find D. found25. It was _ he came back from Africa that year _ he m

3、et the girl he would like to marry.A. when;then B. not;until C. not until;that D. only;when26. Good use _ the natural resources to improve peoples life in this area.A. has been made of B. has made ofC. has made D. has been made27. _ a good command of English is _ when looking for a job.A. Have, help

4、 B. Having, help C. Having, of help D. Have, helpful28. _ on the fact, the moving movie moved the_ audience.A. Base , moved B. Basing , movedC. Based , moved D. Basing , moving29. _ questions_ at the meeting.A. A number of, came up with B. A number of, came upC. The number of, came up with D. The nu

5、mber of, came up30. We have been getting _ our students since we came to this school.A. along well B. along well withC. well along with D. well with31. David thought _ necessary to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting.A. that B. this C. it D. him32. Mr. Black decided to give up his farm an

6、d devoted all his time to _ those homeless children.A. help B. helping C. be helping D. being helped33. Anne felt nervous _ she gave a speech in front of so many students.A. for the first time B. the first timeC. at the first time D. the first time that34. We went through a period _ communications w

7、ere very difficult in the rural areas.A. which B. whose C. in which D. with which35. His film is sure to win the award because it _ by most people.A. thinks well of B. is thought well C. is well thought D. is well thought of第二节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。M

8、any children dream of becoming managers when they grow up, but very few start as early as JoseAdolfo Quisocala Condori, a Peruvian(秘鲁) boy who started a childrens savings bank when he was only 7 years old. Today, his bank has been 36 to serve over 2,000 clients(客户) .Six years ago, he 37 that many of

9、 his friends were spending their money on sweets and toys, 38 saving it for more meaningful purchases. Despite his young age, he 39 that saving money and accessing the 40 system were two ways that adults solved many of their money problems, so he decided to make them 41 to kids as well. He then star

10、ted 42 ways that children could make money without the help of their parents, and recycling seemed like the 43 answer. But when he came up with his idea for a childrens bank to his teachers, he was told that a 7-year-old couldnt deal with such a(n) 44 . But, finally, he 45 them all wrong.“At the beg

11、inning, my teachers thought I was crazy ” Jose recalls. “Luckily, I had the 46 of the school headmaster, with whose help I 47 a bank where children could become clients by turning in at least 5 kilograms of 48 waste and were required to save at least one other kilogram of waste every month. They wou

12、ld then set a savings 49 , and could only get money from their 50 when they reached it.”Between 2020 and 2020,his bank 51 one ton of waste and served 200 children at the school. It was a real 52 , drawing a lot of attention, and he 53 co-worked with a large bank to make this kind of 54 accessible to

13、 more children.For his achievements,he has received several honorary awards for helping kids with their 55 of money.36A.expandedB.foundedC.predictedD.recommended37A.admittedB.noticedC.doubtedD.supposed38A.as forB.due toC.instead ofD.in case of39A.suspectedB.insistedC.decidedD.understood40A.socialB.e

14、ducationalC.emotionalD.financial41A.availableB.attractiveC.amazingD.important42A.putting upB.thinking ofC.turning downD.calling for43A.practicalB.mercifulC.fluentD.curious44A.attitudeB.honorC.storyD.project45A.feltB.demandedC.imaginedD.proved46A.attackB.injuryC.supportD.refusal47A.set upB.called upC.brought upD.took up48A.recyclableB.uselessC.preciousD.harmful49A.tradeB.goalC.courseD.limit50A.schoolB.parentsC.accountsD.


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