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1、浙江省2012高考英语二轮复习专题训练:单项选择(94)从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1He was angry as he cant accept his view is the very _ of his colleaguesAdifferent Bsame Copposite Dsimilar My view is the very opposite of yoursMy view is the very opposite of yoursMy view is the very opposite of yoursMy view is the very

2、 opposite of yours2In the _ of a big company EQ is more important than IQAadvertisement Bproblem Cproduction Dteamwork3With the actress performing heart and soul on the stage,the audiences couldnt _ and many began to yellAwait Bhold Cpause Dhandle4-What a lovely house! Did you decorate yourself?-Yes

3、,I did the decoratingif you can call it thatActually I just tried to _ it as simple as possibleI dont like much workAhelp Bfinish Ctake Dmake5I dont have time to talk with you now, _AIm kept alone BI am sorry Ccatch you later DBob is waiting for my son6The fence marks the_between my land and hersAsi

4、de Bwall Cceil Dboundary7William found some dirty dots in his coat _ he had wiped his handsAwhere Bwhen Cwhich Dbefore8He talked about the books and people _interested them greatly in the schoolAwho Bwhich Chow Dthat9This type of university course is no longer _ to todays problemsAdifferent Bsimilar

5、 Crelevant Dpossible10He was caught by police for his drunk driving and his friend advised him to _Adry out Bdry up Cdry down Ddry off11-How do you like Robie?-He has been trying hard at his subjects_ he is an excellent studentANo wonder BNo problem CNo excuse DNo doubt12They have made voluntary _ t

6、o the cause of rural economic improvementAdonation Bcongratulation Cdistribution Dcontribution13The government _ the local citizens to take active steps to protect the endangered creature in that lakeAurged Bwarned Casked Dpromised14-We found Jacks wallet here after he left this morning- He _ whethe

7、r he has to go out to the bank and the post officeAwonders Bwondered Chas been wondering Dhas wondered15_ can sometimes cause trouble,however,some active people arent worried about thatAHaving been misunderstood BBeing misunderstoodCHaving misunderstood DMisunderstood16I always _ on life when listen

8、ing to beethovens symphonyAcall Bgo C rely D reflect17The owner of the company, coming from the South,_ is quite warm-hearted,rescued a drowning girl yesterdayAwho Bwhere Cthat Dwhich18The boy got in to the athletic school after a special _Atest Bexamination Ccheck Dexperiment19The gift you emailed me always reminds me _I did there with you 5 years agoAof how Bof what Cof when Dabout that20_ endless talk of difference, Americans can still find many similarities between themselvesAIn spite of BBecause of CAs for DIn time of1CDBDC 6DADCA 11DDACB 16DAABA2用心 爱心 专心


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